Thursday, August 26, 2010

Diabetic Teaching Plan For Nurses

Schizophrenia in the world of work

Ormai non dovrebbe più stupirci il livello di schizofrenia raggiunto dalle esigenze del turbocapitalismo imperante. Ma ogni volta si raggiungono nuovi livelli di arroganza e di pretese da parte delle vestali del liberismo, dell’economia eretta a totem, a cui tutti devono prostrarsi. Il tasso di disoccupazione vola, milioni di senza lavoro affliggono la nostra Nazione, magari persone preparatissime, con ottime conoscenze e disponibili a fare esperienze diverse, a re-impiegarsi, ad apprendere un nuovo mestiere, ma sui giornali compaiono articoli a dir poco , che sono una mazzata per tutti quelli che disperatamente cercano un lavoro con cui poter campare e mantenere la propria famiglia.
Paradossalmente, alcuni famigerati ‘monitoraggi’(come the annual Excelsior Information System Unioncamere and the Ministry of Labour) does not denounce the total lack of investment for the future and flexibility in hiring by the companies themselves, but rather 'despite the crisis, remains un'incomunicabilità between the needs of companies and worker training. A gap is not new, the result of training that often does not guide young people into the professions most sought after '!
According to the president of Unioncamere "companies, while facing a very difficult phase in their history, MUST recruit qualified and trained, only in this way will we have the tools to cope with international challenges and bridge the gap between demand and supply of labor!
short, familiar (and obliged) to be flexible, precarious and less and less rights, workers say they also feel that, oh, would have had to study and prepare according to the needs of employers, needs change of course in a short time, but so, it is for workers to fill the 'gap'!
For years companies, the only entity worthy of having rights in our advanced society, have come to expect EVERYTHING, without ever having anything in return other than the miserable salary that, for now, is still expected (of course until will be reintroduced in some form of schivitù based bread-and-water, because there is said to be subservient to the ideology insipid liberal politicians and economists in the pay of the corporation, 'so they want to globalization and the market', the supreme deity to which anyone should be enslaved!).
One might naively ask, but not for companies to train the newly hired workers, to invest in training (a word that everyone is thoroughly fill the mouth) of its staff, to grow with special courses aimed its 'workforce'? Moreover, we are told by many workers who are the real capital!
But imagine! Most companies, now devoid of visions in the medium and long term and become accustomed to having only claim to political conniving-demand-demand and complain-complain-complain, they decided to do more training (costa!), not to prepare more workers, not invest in their future, but rather to expect from the company (at no charge!) the delivery of custom work!
lack the skills required? E 'blame the school, who commits the crime of grave still persist in trying to offer a Culture citizens of this nation and not, as it should according to the dictates of globalization damned, to obey the' needs' and the foolish whims of companies which has already been since all (possibility of training and apprenticeship contracts up to 29 years, absolute freedom in overtime, total flexibility in contracts, freedom of mask work with an internship, internships ghost, false VAT numbers, etc.).
Companies is not enough ever: the workers are asked to complete flexibility, we are looking to find available workers, prepared, trained, trained, flexible, and master's degree with honors, with experience, who speak 2-3 languages, willing to travel, lifeless private and, increasingly central aspect, good looking, young people and youth (yes, for those who want more even if a 40 year old with so much experience? The American films teach the youthful sovereign rule enforced! And young people are less savvy, more integrated lifestyle americanoidi, more aligned to the wishes hierarchical than 40-year old who may demand respect for their knowledge and experience and are a little less tame against the arrogance of the new slave) extending extreme forms of discrimination but, being an integral corollary of neo-liberalism, are accepted and encouraged!
And in return? The companies are very strict in their demands: the workers, of course, expect low cost, with all the required features and more, iperdeterminato time (perhaps even 'black'), prone to each request and the obligation to submit to every whim of Capetti and bullying business, without the slightest right to camp. And, of course, available to be laid off, scrapped, expelled as soon as the conditions are for it!
short, not human beings, no longer 'working', but gear, parts, pieces, disposable when no longer useful, just looming (Fiat sign) a minimal decline in profits.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Speeches About Hank Aaron

The most beautiful park in Italy in 2010 and the Castle Park Racconigi (Piedmont).

Il Parco del Castello di Racconigi è “Il Parco più bello d’Italia 2010”: la giuria del famoso premio nazionale – giunto quest’anno all’ottava edizione – l’ha scelto in una rosa di dieci finalisti. La cerimonia di premiazione si svolgerà a fine settembre al Castello di Racconigi.

“Questo premio – ha detto il direttore regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici del Piemonte, Mario Turetta – è un riconoscimento al lavoro trentennale svolto dal Castello di Racconigi e dalla Soprintendenza ai Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici e alla grande attenzione che è stata riservata alla manutenzione del parco e alle attività di valorizzazione e promozione. Il premio, inoltre, è un recognition to the memory of Mirella Macera, foresight coordinator of all the interventions that have helped create a perfect synergy between the park and the surrounding area. "

The jury - as it was written in the grounds of the premium - has decided to reward Racconigi Castle in the memory of the exceptional work done by the director Macera, who has dedicated his life to the profession and in particular Racconigi place for which he has always fed an infinite love: "He felt strong, the need form of professionalism and management leave a legacy in which continuity and innovation, respect and challenge inherent ", was written by the jury.

Experts who have elected the winner of Castle Park Racconigi are seven specialists, members of prestigious national committees and international Cazzato Vincent (Chairman), Margherita Azzi Vicentini, Alberta Campitelli, Marcello Fagiolo, Ines Romitti, Scarlett and Sleiter Luigi Zang.

Winners of previous editions have been the Garden of Valsanzibio Galzignano Terme (2003), the Garden Mortella of Ischia (2004), the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Merano (2005), Villa d'Este in Tivoli (2006), Stresa Borromeo Isola Bella (2007), Villa Pisani at Stra (2008), and the Reggia di Caserta (2009).

The contest "The Most Beautiful Park" is a competition dedicated to parks and gardens, organized annually by Briggs & Stratton, a company producer of engines for garden machinery. It was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, the FAI (Italian Environment Fund), and dell'AIAPP (Italian Association of Landscape Architects).

More information about the competition on the Internet

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Job Interview Untucked Shirt

Monti Dauni: Traces of the wolf in the villages of Puglia.

Experience vacation in the mountains Dauni is never dull experience that knows how to give emotions, to relax, but also educate and fun. You can breathe and appreciate the culture and history by visiting forts, museums and archaeological sites.

be fascinated by the beauty of art and architecture that make the historic villages. Feel the spirituality and devotion of the holy places, shrines and churches.

Immerse yourself in nature, delight in a visit to the woods, wind farms or venturing along nature trails. Learn and have fun together with their children participating in educational activities or cultural itineraries.

Feeding the mind and body devoted to the many outdoor activities and sports. You can finally relax and enjoy some wellness care. Not to mention the opportunities for entertainment. The view of events, fairs and cultural events is very rich, throughout the year.

On these occasions you can enjoy the identity through the place to sample its food and wine, enjoying the local arts and crafts, or participating in a religious event, theater or music. In this section you will find descriptions and all references to experience the region in all its forms.

Dauni The territory of the Mountains is characterized by several areas of high natural and landscape value. They are beautiful natural or man-made ponds, gardens and botanical gardens, wildlife areas and many other natural areas where you can make wonderful excursions.

There are also numerous wind farms.

All these areas can be visited along the various trails through the centuries by the passage of animals and then exploited by humans, or created by man himself. Many of these areas also have picnic areas or dining areas where you can make pleasant stops.

Within the territory of the Mountains Dauni are several areas of natural interest of overriding importance, such as SCI (Sites of Community Importance), gardens, botanical gardens and wildlife areas.

The SCI in the area are the Valley Cervaro, Woods dell'Incoronata Cervaro characterized by the presence of the course with the formation of riparian vegetation of considerable importance, the area of \u200b\u200bMonte Elder who has an extensive forest mesophilic, Valle Fortore - Occhito Lake, a protected area with a reservoir of artificial origin being slow naturalization, and the river Fortore characterized da una interessante vegetazione arborea ripariale, e dal piccolo e pregevole bosco Dragonara, importante dal punto di vista avifaunistico.

L’area di Accadia – Deliceto ricca di boschi caducifogli e caratterizzata dalla presenza, lungo il torrente Frugno, di una caratteristica foresta a galleria di Salice e Pioppo; il Monte Cornacchia - Bosco di Faeto dove il monte Cornacchia (1100 m s.l.m.) costituisce la vetta più alta della Puglia; la Valle Ofanto, sito di elevato valore paesaggistico, archeologico e naturalistico, dove è stato possibile avvistare la lontra.
Come arrivare .

Il territorio dei Monti Dauni è posto geograficamente the border of Puglia and Basilicata in the south-west, with Campania to the west and north-west, Molise to the north-west and north and east of the plain Tableland.

CAR From the East:

along the SS 17 from Foggia in the direction of Campobasso, you enter the territories of the Mountains Dauni going from Lucera.
Also from Foggia, cross the central part of the Mountains Dauni with SS90 in the direction of Benevento.
Coming from Bari, follow the A16 Napoli-Canosa exit Candela.

From the West: Coming from Campobasso

go along the SS17 towards Foggia, entering the territories of the Mountains Dauni passing near the lake Occhito. From
Benevento along State Road 90 Foggia in the direction crossing the central part of the Mountains Dauni.
From Naples you take the A16 Napoli-Canosa in Bari exit towards Lucera (or candle).

From the North:

Coming from the north with the A14 and exit at San Severo and take the SP 109 towards Lucera, below the SS 17 in the direction of Campobasso. Alternatively sull'A14
continue and exit at Foggia and take the SS90 towards Benevento, otherwise the SS 655 in the direction of Candela.

From the South:
From the south, take the SS658 direction from Potenza-Melfi Foggia.


Foggia Gino Lisa Airport is the closest to Monti Dauni ed è collegato a molte città italiane tra cui Milano, Palermo, Roma e Torino.

In alternativa, vi sono l’aeroporto di Capodichino di Napoli o il Karol Wojtyla di Bari.


Da Roma:
tratta per Foggia o per Benevento.

Dalla costa adriatica:
tratta per Foggia e da Foggia regionale per Benevento.

Da Napoli:
tratta per Benevento e da Benevento regionale per Foggia.
Il regionale Foggia - Benevento ferma nelle stazioni di Panni, Orsara di Puglia e Bovino.


I comuni dei Monti Dauni sono collegati alle stazioni di Foggia e Benevento. I servizi di autolinee sono: Ferrovie del Gargano, Sitabus, Acapt and Clp Bus.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Hepatitis B Carrier Partner

Hiking: note (in) danger vipers.

When hiking in the mountains may happen to come across in snakes. In Italy living representatives of two families: the colubridi and viperidi.

The former are totally harmless, the latter represented by four species - Vipera aspis, V. Ursino, V. berus, V. clean-cut - are poisonous.

The popular imagination has probably exaggerated the risks stemming from the Italian viper, which is rarely fatal: the possibility of being bitten is in fact quite remote, especially if you take care of rules such as wearing high boots and socks, be careful when collecting mushrooms or herbs, use a stick to remove branches and leaves.

The asp or viper (Vipera aspis (Linnaeus, 1758) is a snake of the Viperidae family, widespread in Western Europe. It is famous for having been chosen by Cleopatra as a snake for his suicide.

The area the species ranges from the Pyrenees to Germany. It is the most common Italian viperide. It is present throughout the national territory, except for Sardinia. The Vipera aspis

live in a cool, sunny, preferring areas of poor vegetation, meadows, pastures and stony

especially endangered as it is precisely the snake man. As is clear from a study by Italian researchers, British, French, Nigerians eaustraliani, published in the journal of the Royal Society of London, out of 17 monitored populations of the 80 snakes, 11, declined between 1997 and 2000.

Orsini Viper The Viper is the smallest and can be found in much of central Asia and Europe. In Italy is present in some areas of the central but it is especially rare because adulteration of its natural habitat by man and this is considered a protected species in several international conventions including CITES. The name comes from the naturalist Ascoli Antonio Orsini (1788-1870) who first described it.

The Orsini Viper lives exclusively to high altitude grasslands and leads a solitary life except during the breeding season when it is seen in pairs or in groups of males in the act of fighting to win the female.

venomous apparatus is equipped with a functional, but very weak, even for the small size of the fangs, bites and rarely has a very gentle character: its possible bite does not usually damage rilevanti. Vive dai 7 ai 10 anni.

Tra queste, la vipera dell'Orsini (V. ursinii), una timida e piccola vipera, lunga 40-50 cm, poco velenosa, che vive nelle praterie erbose di altitudine tra 1.400 e 2.400 m s.l.m., dove sono presenti i pulvini di ginepro prostrato (Juniperus communis nana), quali alcuni massicci montuosi dell'Italia centrale come il Gran Sasso d'Italia, il Monte Velino, il Monte Marsicano.

"Questa specie è in estinzione a livello globale - poche popolazioni si trovano in Francia, Balcani e Ungheria - tanto da essere catalogata come specie ‘minacciata' dall'Uicn (Unione internazionale conservazione della natura)", spiega Giovanni Amori dell'Istituto for the study of ecosystems (ISE) of the National Research Council, one of the authors of the study. "The reduction of the population of this mountain viper could be closely linked to the decrease in the density of rodents on which it feeds, including in Italy, the snow vole (Chionomys nivalis).

The Vipera berus, also known as the adder, is a viperide very common in northern Italy. Its bite can be very painful, but is not considered dangerous to humans, while requiring immediate relief, rarely fatal configure. At risk are mainly those exposed to allergic reactions, emotional ones, the elderly and patients suffering from patologie croniche, nonché i bambini.

È presente nelle regioni dell'Italia settentrionale, a nord del fiume Po, che oltrepassa solo nella zona di Ferrara e in alcune zone dell'appennino nord-occidentale, è altresì presente anche nelle regioni dell'Italia centrale.

Questa specie è inclusa tra le specie protette (Appendice III) nella convenzione di Berna.

In natura esistono serpenti dotati di strutture simili a corna, seppure molto semplici. Uno di questi è la famosa vipera dal corno o vipera ammodite, il cui areale di distribuzione interessa principalmente l’Europa sud-orientale, ma che si rinviene anche in diverse zone del nostro paese. Questa vipera è dotata di una struttura verticale composta da squame embricate, posta all’estremità anteriore del muso. Tale struttura può arrivare a misurare fino ad 1 centimetro.

"Il declino dei roditori su vasta scala, e quindi anche in montagna", aggiunge il ricercatore, "sembra essere collegato agli eventi di El
Niño/La Niña del 1997-1998. Questi fenomeni meteorologici - i più intensi finora registrati - producono variazioni climatiche repentine e violente di segno opposto: periodi molto piovosi per il Niño seguiti da fasi molto aride per gli effetti della Niña e viceversa.

Queste oscillazioni hanno effetti nefasti sui roditori, particolarmente sensibili a variazioni humidity and aridity, and indirectly on their predators, the snakes. "

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