Sunday, May 23, 2010

How To Bleach Blemish Marks

Visiting the Langhe, a good reason to spend a weekend in Piedmont.

Le Langhe sono una regione storica del Piemonte situata a cavallo delle province di Cuneo e di Asti, confinante con altre regioni storiche del Piemonte, ossia il Monferrato e il Roero e costituita da un esteso sistema collinare definito dal corso dei fiumi Tanaro, Belbo, Bormida di Millesimo e Bormida di Spigno.

Essa si può suddividere in:

Bassa Langa: zona compresa fra il Tanaro a nord e il Belbo a sud, con quote genericamente inferiori ai 600 m; è la zona dell'Albese, Wine and truffles (the famous Alba white).

Alta Langa is the area on the border with Liguria, with a maximum elevation about 750 m peak of 896 m in the town of Mombarcaro; here overlooking the woods.

Langa of Asti: zone of the southern province of Asti, Canelli and north of the river Bormida Spigno east, with a peak of 851 m in the town of Serole.

Langhe. in November, a thousand shades of color, making it even more impressive: the landscape of hills that are followed as far as the eye, like ocean waves. Are to travel the length and breadth, up and down, following the inspiration of the moment.

At each stop there is a castle, a wine cellar, una trattoria dove fermarsi a mangiare tartufi e i sani cibi della tradi­zione langarola. Conviene iniziare da Al­ba, perché è la capitale del tartufo e il cuo­re di questo territorio. Una visita all'A­zienda di promozione turistica (Palazzo dei congressi, piazza Medford, telefono 0173/35833-362806, aperta anche sabato mattina dalle 9 alle 12), è utile per chiede­re cartine e materiale informativo.
Alba, un tempo, aveva cento torri. Oggi ne so­no rimaste poche, alcune sono state "ab­bassate" (come recitano i cartelli turisti­ci), altre fanno da cornice alla severa piaz­za del Duomo che si raggiunge percorrendo via Cavour tra bei palazzi e case fortificate.
The visit of the town continues to Piazza del Duomo (which actually is called Piazza del Risorgimento) along the ancient "road" (Via Vittorio Emanuele II), the place of the afternoon and rub compendium architectural styles in the city: from medieval to Art Nouveau, from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Seed, the whole history of Alba on display. On Saturday in these same streets is the market, with more diverse goods, from clothing to military salted anchovies (for use in the vineyards and fields). Above all, the precious white truffle reigns (between 300 and ITL SOOmila the pound), with its intense perfume che si espande dal mercato coperto della Maddalena.
Lasciando Alba da piaz­za Monsignor Grassi e imboccando viale Chera-sca ci si dirige verso Neive percorrendo la scenografica strada pano­ramica del Barbaresco e del Moscato. Il paesaggio è davvero magnifico per i fila-ri di vite che si rincorrono talmente ordi­nati da sembrare lì da sempre, nati con la terra, e non dalle mani e dal lavoro del­l'uomo.

Neive appare, con il suo nucleo storico, in cima alla collina. Il borgo an­tico è perfettamente conservato, da per­correre a piedi, cominciando dalla piaz­zetta dei due Municipi, quello vecchio e quello nuovo, su fino alla parrocchiale tar­do and the baroque castle. Even here you can buy a sweet tooth. A few kilometers from Neive, Mango, famed for its castle built on the foundations of a fortress of the thirteenth century. In 700 the Marquis

Busca soften the gardens and exotic plants. Today it is famous mainly because of the regional headquarters of the Moscato d'Asti and sparkling wines from Piedmont. To buy, in addition to wine, nougat, biscuits Melega, honey, grappa. Treiso is a village where all of Langa low or almost dedicated to the search of truffles. One curiosity is a tower anchored to the ground, since 1862, to avoid the collapse, but it is valuable to address eat well and drink even better.

around Alba, but south along the road for Barolo, here Grinzane Cavour. The name makes it clear immediately that its history is linked to permanza of Camillo Benso, who was mayor for 17 years. He lived in the castle, a beautiful and impressive building, dedicated, passionate love between a and the other, the production of great wines.
Still south, La Morra. The view from the village goes on a beautiful landscape enjoyed from the upper square. Monforte is the last of the Langa of Barolo, a village with old houses like stuck at the foot of the hill. In the castle, at the beginning of the year Mille, who fled the Cathars, beaten, were taken to Milan to serve their heresy at the stake.

How to get there.

Alba can be reached from London (which is 62 kilometers) with the A 21 motorway, exit Asti. Then continue for 30 km along the highway Chea 231. From Milan (166 km) and take the A 7 Milan-Genoa, get onto the A 21 at Tortona, Alessandria direction, and exit at Asti. From Genoa Vol-tri (146 kilometers), with the A 26 to Alexandria, and then again at 21 to Asti.


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