Saturday, October 30, 2010

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Puglia, a small continent that never tires the traveler.

Art historian Cesare Brandi, in one of his articles collected nel volume Terre d'Italia, scrisse che: «La cosa più straordinaria della Puglia, è il fatto di essere come un piccolo continente, che ha una struttura a sé e una storia propria, pur essendo sempre stata integrata, spinte o sponte, alla storia d'Italia».

Quello proposto da questa guida è appunto un viaggio attraverso le tante realtà del "continente" Puglia, regione che vive, ancora oggi, tra elementi arcaici ricchi di suggestione, tradizioni, creatività e apertura verso l'esterno. Apertura che viene dal passato ed è alla base della cultura popolare pugliese: per secoli, infatti, questa terra fu la porta verso l'Oriente.

Ai tempi dei Romani, a Brundisium, finiva the Via Appia and we left for Greece, the port of Brindisi, in the Middle Ages, we set sail for the Crusades. In these lands have passed Greeks, Lombards, Byzantines, Normans, Arabs, Swabians, French and English. Everyone has imposed its own power. But he also left line opening of art, rituals, architecture and life styles, eating habits. The itineraries we propose affect the Romanesque and Baroque, the enigmatic geometry of Castel del Monte and the mysterious menhirs of Salento.

And then there's nature. That is not only a heritage to be preserved and respected, but also a modern reinterpretation of ancient streets as the new Cycle Route of the Bourbons Bari to Naples, or the Street of the aqueduct that allow lovers di bici e trekking di sfruttare i vecchi sentieri nel verde che costeggiano l'Acquedotto Pugliese. Con questa guida invitiamo i lettori a "non stancarsi mai di scoprire" la Puglia.

Nella chiesa di Mar di Tricase, nel Lee sentono rumori misteriosi. Gli scettici sostengono che sia il vento. Qualcuno giura invece che siano urla strazianti che si ripetono da secoli. Sarebbero quelle di Satana, murato vivo nella chiesa dai contadini, dopo che questi aveva stretto un patto scellerato con il Principe Vecchio: un despota che governava con crudeltà il territorio.

Quella di Tricase è solo una delle tante leggende che che rendono ancora più affascinanti e spesso misteriose, le bellezze della Puglia. Bellezze che in Capitanata e Terra di Bari have as common denominator the architecture and art Romanesque, in Salento, however, the Baroque. Ideal routes, historical-artistic ones, for a tourist, traveling, want to fully understand the territory, its past and its present.

The northern part of the region owes its growth mainly to Frederick II, Stupor Mundi the argument that "if the Lord had known this plain of Puglia, light of my eyes, would have stopped to live here ' .

Some of the most interesting examples of Romanesque architecture are present in the area of \u200b\u200bFoggia, among them, the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Bovino, counted among the most beautiful villages of Italy, and the Castle of Lucera: to do so was their U Federico build flat on the top of the hill, to lock yourself in the twenties of 1200, the Saracens Muslim rebels, deported from Sicily. Fascinating

the Church of San Leonardo in Siponto that during the summer solstice conveys the sunshine highest of the year in spectacular fashion: once punched in the thick of the church, June 21 the sun casts rays from the eleven small rosette forming on the floor as many petals of light.

Satan, who constantly appears in the legends of medieval origin, returns, this time on the Gargano: If you take the direction of Monte Sant'Angelo, meet two masterpieces, like the Abbey of Pulse is the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. But above the grotto dedicated to the "heavenly steiminatore" of devils, the Archangel St. Michael. The show is unique: a cave by the irregu rocky time over the centuries has received millions of pilgrims devoted to the cult of the saint.

San Michele, the legend, appeared in the year 490 to Lorenzo Maiorano, bishop of Siponto, proving to be the guardian of the cave where the sins of men would be pardoned. By proceeding in a southerly direction along the Adriatic, is reached on the latest of the provinces, that of Barletta-Andria-Trani (BAT). The first step is

Trani, where we meet one of the pearls of the Apulian Romanesque cathedral built in honor of San Nicola Pellegrino, the limestone facade that reflects the light in many colors, with the sea in the background as a fifth. Another essential step in the journey to discover the Romanesque and Ruvo di Puglia, with its splendid cathedral built between the twelfth and thirteenth century: is the particular façade, with the rosette, the three portals and the lancet window depicting the Archangel Michael fight and defeat the devil (Satan again!).

Da Trani, leaving the Resort, and go inland, you reach Andria, near which is another wonder, a symbol of architectural and historical heritage of Puglia: Castel del Monte.

The perfect octagon, rigorous, on which the plant is divided, is a geometric shape highly symbolic: it is intermediate between the square, the symbol of the Earth, and the circle, which represents the infinite sky. Therefore marks the transition of one another, from finite to infinite, is also no mystery to its destination: the manor was neither defensive nor a hunting lodge. A place of observation in harmony with the cosmos?

A temple dedicated to the man lay? The entire building is certainly imbued with strong astrological symbols, and its position has been designed so that on the solstice and equinox, the shadows cast by the walls abbiano una particolare direzione. A mezzogiorno dell'equinozio di autunno, ad esempio, le ombre delle mura raggiungono perfettamente la lunghezza del cortile interno, ed esattamente un mese dopo, coprono anche l'intera lunghezza delle stanze.

Anche Bisceglie vanta una leggenda, quella che segna la presenza dei tre Santi patroni: la tradizione vuole che, mentre i resti dei Santi Patroni venivano trasportati su un carro dal Casale di Sagina al paese, uno dei buoi, scivolato a causa della forte pioggia, incespicasse in un sasso, lasciando impressa l'impronta dello zoccolo.

In tal modo, venne miracolosamente indicata la direzione da prendere per il trasporto dei Santi, che furono traslati Bisceglie, rather than elsewhere. Our ideal route continues towards the capital of Puglia, a land of encounter of peoples and cultures. In the old town of Bari dominates the profile of the Basilica of San Nicola, built in the late eleventh century, under the Norman rule, to receive the body of the holy miracle-workers taken away by sailors from Bari, a thousand difficulties, the city of Myra, Turkey .

The church is one of the highest expressions of Romanesque and continues to be a place of pilgrimage, as it was in the days when it was built, Catholics and Orthodox Christians from all sides with their gifts to the saint, in centuries have contrubuito the establishment of a small treasure.

Moving to Salento, Puglia Baroque begins. Here is the "Florence of the South", as it has been renamed: Lecce, a city full of artistic treasures, from Piazza Sant'Oronzo in the city center, with the statue of the patron saint and the excavations have brought to light remains of Roman-era amphitheater augiistea, contained up to twenty thousand spectators.

Lecce is the masterpiece of the Baroque church of Santa Croce, designed by Gabriele Riccardi with assistance from other artists (with the adjacent Government House), built between the XVI and XVII century. Other high expression of baroque Lecce is the Piazza del Duomo (the original Romanesque church planting che fu ridisegnata in uno stile barocco scarno ed essenziale da Giuseppe Zimbalo nella seconda metà del Seicento) che ospita il Palazzo Vescovile e Arcivescovile.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

White Spot On Gum Near Tooth Pulled

Discrimination registries

It 's a strange society, our own. There is much talk of 'equality', of 'equality', to 'respect', of 'equal opportunity' beautiful and similar words.
These talks, however, incidentally, are always unidirectional and only rise to situations of convenience to the oligarchs, the powerful, the infamous liberals and their lackeys.
But there are growing forms of DISCRIMINATION instead remain in the shadows, hidden, shunned by the media (always ready, however, to scream when you make the slightest lack in relation to their 'coconut').
odious forms, however, tolerated (if not endorsed) come in handy because, as they are in line with the wishes of the One God 'THE FREE MARKET', profit, capitalism rampant.
E ' the case of expulsion from the growing world of work (and the subsequent racism) of those over a certain age (that limit is lowered even more to the point that already in 35 years you may find that a little girl airhead and carrion of employment agencies will say things like 'eh, but you're too old'!), gross negligence for which, given the prevailing youthfulness Made in USA (coincidentally, also from overseas that shit ...) combined with infamous laws also endorsed by some sinistrume living our (Treu Law, the Biagi Law, Law on apprenticeship in 2006), who has two decades and is not privileged (because those are untouchable and goes up to 100!) deserves ostracism from every possible job, any are his work experience, his willingness, his ability!
I recently heard the French president Sarkozy blather against those who (rightly) protested against raising the retirement age by saying that 'now it ranges up to a hundred years and then must work harder!
But Sarkozy, like thousands of other privileges like him, they know they live in that society? They know that by now 35 years since the waste is likely to waste and end up on the road?
They know that the infamous 'employment agencies' daily discrimination on the registry issue?
E 'this the 'global paradise' designed and imposed by globalization (and supported by the left)?
In Belgium in the recent elections I have heard that a party has proposed the creation of job quotas reserved for those who are not young any more. It might be a solution, but hearing things like the creeps ...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Buderus Vegetable Oil

Tutorial Photoshop ed Indesign: Come Creare Un Biglietto Da Visita

The business card is the first image we give of ourselves. It 'the first image we give of our client. E 'is therefore very important to be able to make a business card that truly reflects the customer's expectations and also those who later it will print. So there are some technical details that we


I then thought of grouping a series of tutorials devoted entirely to the creation of business cards. I think you may also be used to get some 'inspiration.

How To Create A Business Card: Useful Information and article to find the right idea.

1. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Make A Paper Worn Effect

This tutorial explains how to apply a worn paper effect to your business card. In a few steps you will understand how to make a very special effect.

2. Create a business card in InDesign: Designing a funny effect

The peculiarity of this tutorial is the fact that it was made entirely with the use of Indesign. Without the aid of Photoshop. Perhaps this is what I appreciate most, even to the end result: a fun effect. But if your client seeks the restraint, then it is not for you. comesicreaunarivistaperipad 3. Create a business card in InDesign: from design to print-ready PDF

This tutorial explains you step by step all you need to do to make your business card with Indesign. In fact even understand how to create the PDF to be sent to printers to print your project. 4. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Grunge Effect now in the field of commercial printing can see everything. This tutorial is the proof. As you understand it's not my favorite. But I think he can serve the cause. Very often, I happened to find their inspiration from what I did not like.

5. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Retro Effect

Through this tutorial you can apply to your business card a retroactive effect.

covercomeusarelostrumentopennaconillustrator 6. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: From From design to print-ready PDF

In this tutorial is followed step by step up to the PDF. This time, however, the export is created by Photoshop and InDesign.

7. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Abstract Effect

Another funny effect that you can apply to your business card, this effect can be abstract. 8. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Color Effect

One of my favorites. Through the layer stacking in Photoshop you can make a business card with a color effect.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mr Pinky In Hairspray Clothing

Tutorial Illustrator: 8 Tutorial Per Imparare Ad Usare Illustrator

Last week I reported an interesting series of tutorials on how to retouch skin

with Photoshop. But today I want to tell a series of tutorials on Illustrator. If you are a beginner who wants to take their first steps with Illustrator, this is the guide for you. Today, in fact you point out 8 tutorial through which you can learn how to make the first moves with Illustrator.

Imparare Ad Usare Illustrator Qui di seguito ti segnalo la mia raccolta di tutorial su come imparare ad usare Illustrator. 1. Come Usare I Livelli E Come Posizionare Le Immagini

Saper impostare gli oggetti nel tuo spazio di lavoro è molto importante. Saper importare le immagini e posizionarle come si deve, come usare i livelli al meglio è molto importante se non vuoi perdere il tuo tempo.

2. Come Usare Lo Strumento Penna: Le Basi Lo strumento penna è la base. Se non impari ad utilizzarlo sei fregato. Se impari ad utilizzarlo bene avrai un extra weapon in your arsenal. You will be useful to solve any problem. If you want to learn how to use Illustrator to better learn how to use the pen tool.

3. How To Use The Pen Tool: Draw the edges of an 'Image

This is one of those things you do most often of all. Especially if you're a freelancer who are saddled with logos of various customers. It will therefore be important to vectorized. Good use the pen tool to create the edges of your image is a step that you would not do. 4. Duplicate objects in a symmetrical

When duplicate un oggetto è importante che tu lo faccia nella giusta maniera cioè simmetricamente rispetto alle altre parti.

5. Come Usare Lo Strumento Ellisse Utilizzare le forme in maniera corretta di aiuterà a non perdere tempo. In questo tutorial ti viene spiegato come usare la forma Ellisse e come modificarla in funzione della tua figura.

6. Come Creare Curve Simmetriche

Disegnando con Illustrator avrai bisogno di fare in modo che i tuoi oggetti risultino simmetrici tra di loro. In questo tutorial potrai capire come creare delle curve simmetriche.

7. Come Trasformare Le Linee In Forme

Through this tutorial you will learn how to edit your lines forms in order that it can change shape at will.

8. How to Create the dynamic lines

This tutorial explains how you can give a depth to your lines you created. To make them more dynamic and more real.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cheapest Complete Fingerboards

Tutorial Indesign: Come Usare Gli Strumenti Di Disegno

Indesign is a truly complete. In fact you can use a set of drawing tools. If you are a user who has already used Illustrator then this set of tools will seem rather familiare. Allora la domanda sorge spontanea: Se questi strumenti esistono già in Illustrator perché inserirli su Indesign? Perché molto spesso di dover inserire delle immagini al volo e dovrai esser capace di piazzarle nella maniera più decorosa possibile. Come Usare Gli Strumenti Di Disegno Su Indesign

  Come Usare Lo Strumento Matita pug_default
Se vuoi disegnare una forma con la matita di Indesign devi eseguire i passaggi che qui sotto di vado a descrivere.

Accedi allo strumento Matita cliccando sulla sua icona oppure premendo il tasto N.

Now draw what you want: a circle, a square or rectangle.

Almost certainly, especially if you're using the mouse, the shape you have drawn it will seem really pitiful. Then click on the direct selection tool (white pointer) and click on what you just drew. You'll see that your form will become blue and always will be covered with squares of blue. What are they? The squares are the anchor points

while the blue line is called the path.

If you already use Illustrator then certainly you know how to change your path. To round off the path you draw with a pencil clicca sullo strumento matita e tieni premuto. Si aprirà un piccolo menù a tendina, seleziona lo strumento arrotonda.

A questo punto puoi dirigerti nella zona che credi debba essere più arrotondata. Passaci sopra con lo strumento arrotonda.

Ripetendo l’operazione del passo 4 puoi accedere al sottomenù dello strumento matita. Clicca quindi sullo strumento cancella. Tramite questo strumento potrai cancellare le parti di tracciato che reputi non necessarie.

Come Usare Lo Strumento Linea Retta Su Indesign

Lo strumento linea retta consente, come dice il nome, di creare delle linee lines. You come in handy when you create paragraph rules


If you want to draw a straight line with the tool follow the steps I describe below.

Access the Line tool by clicking with the mouse on the instrument panel or with the keyboard on the "I".

At this point, the pointer will be transformed into a cross. Click the point where you want it to appear on your thread by dragging the pointer.

If you change the thickness of the line then go to Window> Stroke. You will open the Stroke panel through which you can change the thickness of the line.


to change the thickness you just put a number in the thickness to change its size.


The three options determine whether the end of your line should have rounded or squared ends. Type

This option allows you to determine whether you want a continuous line or discontinuous.

Start and End

These two options let you decide how you want the beginning of the line and how you want it to end. You can choose a full circle, a bar or a square.

how to use the pen to create traces on Indesign Before you understand how si crea e come si gestisce un tracciato su Indesign è bene capire che cos’è un tracciato. Un tracciato è un insieme di punti e di matematiche che definiscono una forma. Tutto ciò che puoi disegnare con un programma vettoriale è un tracciato. Una curva, una linea, una forma qualsiasi. Un tracciato è organizzato in punti di ancoraggio. Che cosa sono? Sono le colonne che reggono il tracciato senza di queste il tracciato non può esistere e con queste il tracciato può prendere le forme che vogliamo.

Ci sono due tipi di tracciati: i tracciati aperti e i tracciati chiusi. I tracciati aperti sono le normali linee le mezze curve e robe di questo tipo.

I tracciati closed

are the squares, circles, rectangles.

How to Create an open path

Using the pen tool the most difficult thing for a novice user, is to take the instrument curve. To create a curve select the pen tool and click on a point in your workspace. Release the mouse button and go in the direction they prefer. At this point, click and release the mouse button. Does not make it you can manage the size of the belly of the curve.

At this point you have created an open path.

How to Create a closed path usarelecurveconipuntidiancoraggio

To create a closed path you do not have to behave very differently from the previous one.

Click to create the first point Move toward the direction you want to have your curve you have the path and creates the next step. If you move to create a curve as described above. close the path back to the initial point. You will see that the side of the small pen that is the mouse pointer will be a circle. Is precisely the closure of the track.

Edit paths

You can take the whole route or single point anchor.

cover To select an anchor point click on the direct selection tool (white pointer) and then click on the track at this point the individual anchor points can be modified. You will understand that you have selected the anchor because this will be filled with blue. Add or

Delete anchor points on Path From Indesign As I explained before the anchor points are the cornerstones of your path without those the track would not exist. If you've tried to put up your first route you may have noticed that something is wrong: a curve is not as it should, a line does not do what he must do. In most cases this is due to an incorrect position of the anchor points, that just as the pillars placed in the wrong place if they fall throughout the building. You will then a way to delete or add anchor points to your path.

tool Add Anchor Point (pen with the most + next) will allow you to add anchor points. Bring on the path of interest and click to add a new item.

tool Delete Anchor Point (the pen with less - to the side) you will get rid of the anchor points in excess. Bring on the point you want to delete and click on the point with this tool.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How Do Aquarium Shops Work

Tutorial Photoshop: 8 Tutorial Su Come Ritoccare I Capelli


The last time I made a list of tutorials for Photoshop was interesting when I talked about how to retouch skin

. Oggi voglio proporti un ‘altra serie di interessanti tutorial di Photoshop riguardanti il ritocco dei capelli.

Ho raggruppato per te il meglio di quello che c’è sparso per la rete in un unico tutorial per facilitarti la lettura. Ma cosa trovi all’interno di questa lista? Ti ho raggruppato una serie di tutorial dove ti viene spiegato come cambiare il colore ai capelli, come creare delle maschere sui capelli, come creare un tracciato di ritaglio per cambiare lo sfondo in una foto, come ritoccarli dopo aver fatto questa serie di operazioni e poi molto altro. In pratica ti ho raggruppato tutto quello che ti può servire in merito al ritocco dei capelli con Photoshop. Lightroom-Convert-to-BW Come Ritoccare Hair with Photoshop

1. How to Cut the hair from a background with Photoshop Lightroom-2-Tutorial---Adjustment-Brush

This tutorial explains the famous blog Spoongraphics two useful techniques to be applied to your work with Photoshop clipping. If you crop an image from a background this technique is the longest, but certainly the most effective. Lightroom-2-Pt-7---Batch-Operations

2. Create a fire effect on the hair


This is a nice effect that can be applied to your photos with a few simple steps. Through this tutorial you can make the hair of the subject della tua fotografia infuocati.

3. Come Ritoccare I Capelli Dopo Un Ritaglio How-to-Use-the-Luminance-Feature-in-Lightroom-2

Molto spesso potrà capitarti di avere in mano immagini ritagliate molto mane oppure a bassa risoluzione. Come devi comportarti per recuperare una foto ritagliata male? Come puoi ritoccare i capelli per non rovinare tutto? Lightroom-2-Tutorial---Soften-Skin 4. Creare Una Maschera E Una Selezione: Consigli Utili

Anche qui ti viene spiegato come estrarre una foto da un contesto per portarla in un altro. Anche questo come il primo tutorial che ti ho segnalato è molto valido per eseguire una fase di ritaglio.

5. Come Cambiare Il Colore Ai Capelli

If the colors of a model or another person in a photograph you do not like or do not like your customer this can be a useful tutorial to make things right. Through this tutorial explains how you can change hair color with Photoshop.


not always need to run a cutout from a background that perfectly. I know our people are very graphic and accurate even in small things we would like to give my best, but a long time, we do not have the time or we are not paid for the effort. So if you want a fast technique to crop your image from the background this is the tutorial for you. We explain how you can use the pen to create a clipping path.

7. Retouching Professional Hair: Create a glow effect

This is also a very nice tutorial. In few steps you will learn how to apply effects to your photos you see very often in the billboards. A professional touch to make your hair beautiful subject.

8. How to change your hair color: Leave an area with the original color

In this tutorial explains how you can change hair color to your subject. The difference from the previous tutorial, however, is to let a normal area. That is as it was before tweaking.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

President Jimmy Cb Am

Perspectives ZERO!

few days ago, the quarterly economic bulletin published by Bank of Italy noted that 'prospects in the labor market remains uncertain and the expense especially young people between 15 and 24 years whose rate Unemployment continues to be more than three times higher than average, " stressing that the real unemployment rate, which includes discouraged workers (another sad reality modern!) and hours of CIG, we found more than 11%, well over 8, 5% recorded by ISTAT!!
Considering that, unfortunately, unemployment is not only young people but, unfortunately, increasingly high numbers of over 40s (which, given also the dominant youth americanoide matrix el ' extreme rigidity of the Italian labor market, employment agencies in the lead, are unlikely to find new jobs) and taking into account that firms here close to open abroad (without limits and without having to face harsh policies of customs duties, which penalizzarebbero and reverse the tendency to produce at lower costs in other countries), one wonders what future awaits us.
logics turbo, including relocation and criminal policies of cuts and austerity, they are burying an entire continent!
And now the protests are spreading, from France to Sardinia, from Britain to Spain, although the majority of citizens (for interest, fear, or simple indifference, as they are imbued with liberal-consumerist mentality) you are not yet realizing the drift which we are all meeting.
European governments are aware of this? Does not appear, but you might also think that they are now so certified to neo-liberal logic ('right' and 'left' together), you do not want / be able to apply more different policies, so as not to incur the wrath of their global masters.
recently also the IMF had to admit that European nations are locked: the report "Will It Hurt? Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Consolidation" ("Will it hurt?" Macroeconomic effects of fiscal consolidation ") implicitly argues that the austerity will more damage than have been recognized so far.
The IMF also said that the damage was doubled for those who can not cut interest rates or devalue - think Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Italy, economic and monetary union trapped with overvalued exchange rates. And the sharp cuts in spending that governments are applying blindly liberal, in a crisis are wicked or counterproductive and cause more harm than good (of course for the underprivileged!).
capitalist ideology is ruining our nations. It is up to us but to defend our interests and our future ....