The Mediterranean diet is a nutritional model inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of the European countries of the Mediterranean basin, particularly Italy, peninsular and island regions, southern France (especially Provence and Languedoc), Greece and Spain, this diet has been widespread, especially after the nineties, in some American countries including Argentina, Uruguay and parts of the United States of America.
This diet has been abandoned during the economic boom of the sixties and seventies as too poor and not very attractive compared to other methods, in particular from the rich food from America, but now the Mediterranean diet is surely regaining between nutritional patterns, consumer interest.
the list, would enter pasta, fruit, vegetables, grains, olive oil, fish and wine, ma anche lo stile di vita e la storia dei prodotti. E se ci fosse una gara per la regione più rappresentativa della Dieta Mediterranea, questa, sarebbe vinta dalla Puglia.
Gastronomia pugliese significa storia e tradizione, ma oggi anche innovazione e creatività: the journey through the flavors of this earth are with us some of the most respected chefs of tradition and innovation together. Start
Rosalba De Carlo, the restaurant at two Courts of Lecce. "I've always had a dream, reproducing the dishes that I could prepare Salento by farmers. All day working in the fields and five in the afternoon eating a single dish, sweepings cu lipasuli: different types of pasta, "says Rosalind," with the beans and muersi, fried bread. Comes entirely from a single large plate, the first to use was the householder who eat before you made the sign of the cross. " The bread of the Apulian tradition? "Once the farmers put in the flour yeast, lu liatu. That yeast passed from family to family and the bread was baked in common country. "
The eggs were a privilege reserved for the rich, "says Pasquale Fatalino, Antica Locanda di Noci, near Bari, who invites you to go see in the alleys of the old Bari le'donne that still make the dough by hand and sell: "Our Typical are the orecchiette, fricelli, cavatelli. Pierluca Ardito, Monacelle of the Estate of Monopoly, talks about the cheese: "The tradition is ancient cheese from Puglia, the cow's milk ricotta, call azzisa sitting is seasoned with the products of the earth simple: oil and onion.
Instead, other foreign influences from ancient cuisine of Puglia, as taiedda or baking dish, made with rice, potatoes and mussels: results from the English presence, is the obvious similarity with the paella. And mashed dried beans in Salento, which is eaten accompanied by the chicory, is instead of the kitchen Arab. Another important chapter is the fish. Famous and oldest is the cultivation of mussels and oysters in Taranto, but also reminds Rosalba De Carlo as the octopus prepared in Lecce (purpu appignatu do, put in the piñata, the crock pot. It must be cooked very slowly. The women prepared from morning to night. "
Beppe Zullo recalled that in Puglia has always used the blue fish," so poor, when it was done by advancing scapece, pan fried and placed in a layer with bread crumbs, garlic and vinegar, so was maintained for a long time. "The four chefs agree on another tradition of Puglia, spread a little 'everywhere, that the stove that is prepared in butchers.'m Spedding meat grilled that are eaten up, accompanied by a slice of bread and a glass of Primitivo and Nero di Troia Manduria. A quick meal that would have much to teach the modern fast food.
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