Sunday, December 5, 2010

Free Pattycake Member

Solidarity workers Comdata! No relocation!

We came to know that Comdata close to the Scarborough area of \u200b\u200bHelp Desk (phone support to customers) to transfer away from the Canavese.
Stop The network capitalism expresses total solidarity with the workers, especially the precarious certainly lose their jobs.
For twenty years we are paying the price of industrial policies based on unbridled capitalist logic, with the local affected continuous bleeding of productive activities. In an already highly critical if companies continue to lead elsewhere the production facilities, large and small, what remains of our land? Any company that relocates the impoverished territory, deprives him of excellence ricreabili difficult, eliminate jobs and no future citizens of the community residents and workers.
's time to say ENOUGH to these choices wicked!


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