Thursday, May 28, 2009

2008 Ski Doo Tundra For Sale

Il ribelle: B

B. Buddhism: life, every life, however painful, because even the most seemingly happy can not suffer the anguish of his end. We must therefore break the chain life-death-life to get to not be born again.
Bullshit: the story of "weapons of mass destruction" of Saddam Hussein, which the Americans took the start and the pretext to attack Iraq, as well as shameful and grotesque. The story was so funny that in Tehran, when a thing was considered bullshit, fucked up unimportant, had firmly established the use of saying, "How Saddam's missiles."

Bush (George W.): do not have to dress up a monkey to see a monkey dressed.

Taken from "the rebel from A to Z," Massimo Fini, published by Marsilio.
(synthesis and then "editing" of excerpts from the book, are my only choice and responsibility.)

Buddhism. Buddhism, at least one of the origins, looks like a totally nihilistic thought, perhaps the most nihilistic which has been fully processed. Life, all life, it is painful, because even the most seemingly happy can not suffer the anguish of his end. We must therefore break the chain life-death-life to get to not be born again. In this way the man is alone, absolutely alone, desperately alone. In the Buddhist conception, in fact, everything is unstable, it is only a set of phenomena, physical, biological and psychological in perpetual change (Heraclitus). The universe itself is no exception to this law occurs slowly, stabilize for some time, is destroyed in a massive collapse in on itself, then reproduce again and start the cycle again, forever (the 'eternal return' of Nietzsche's theory the Big Bang). Apart from this eternal
Over time, the infinite space, nothing is constant, fixed, immutable in order to refer to anything similar to that for Westerners it is God or the soul, for Hindu 'self, for the Jains as' the universal principle. " Needless to consult the gods, which do exist, they too, although enjoy certain privileges, are subject to the inexorable law of instability, also die and are reborn, perhaps in some lower category, human or animal or other.
Buddhism is a religion without God, without soul and without worship that appeals to reason and not faith. What holds the man attached to the endless chain of rebirth? Just his love for life and its pleasures, however, is also the source of his suffering. Will then gradually move away from life and get all'impassibilità and absolute inaction.
So to move forward, let's say, the "way of salvation" (Marge), as well abandon all passions, desires, ambitions, joys and vices of life, we must first practice the "eight virtues" and so even the good deeds we sow the seeds for us at a higher stage in the lives later and not have to start from scratch. Not to do evil deeds but not enough to not implement them, we must also love her and not even desirable, because in Buddhism the volition is already an action that brings all the consequences as if the intention had indeed been shaken.
To achieve this state of total control, physical and mental, himself a Buddhist monaco must then undergo a very strict discipline, with a variety of methods, many of which are close to the ancient techniques of yoga. It is especially an inner struggle.
Without this process, which involves a lot of lives, however, is not the end. There are four levels to overcome the "way of salvation." In the first, that of 'stream-entry (srotaapanna), the Monaco, Forget all the mistakes and doubts, to make certain that will not be reborn more than seven times. With the second, called "one back" (sakrdagamin), which corresponds to a purification and a detachment
even more (especially by the senses, which are the eternal problems of any religion, thought or aspiration ascetic), he will be reborn only once between men. By the third, "No Return" (anàgd-min), it will be reborn più in un corpo umano, ma in uno divino e per una sola volta. Col quarto si entra in una condizione di estasi e di imperturbabilità assoluta (nirvana}. Si potrà vivere ancora molto a lungo ma alla morte si avrà la certezza dell'Estinzione completa (paranirvànà) e ci si scioglierà finalmente nel Nulla.
Per l'uomo occidentale la faccenda è più semplice. Per raggiungere il Nulla gli basta morire una volta sola.

Bullshit. La storia delle «armi di distruzione di massa» di Saddam Hussein, da cui gli americani presero l'avvio e il pretesto per attaccare l'Iraq, oltre che vergognosa è grottesca. Perché, anche qualora Saddam avesse conservato quelle armi, che proprio gli americani (insieme ai francesi e, via Germania Est, ai sovietici) gli avevano fornito, a partire dal 1985, perché le usasse contro i soldati iraniani, non era in grado di colpire alcun Paese occidentale, Israele compreso, e nemmeno i suoi vicini.
Nel 1987 Saddam, che stava perdendo la guerra con l'Iran sul terreno, decise di ricorrere ai missili a lunga gittata che fino ad allora non aveva osato utilizzare nel timore che il nemico facesse lo stesso, magari centrandolo in qualche suo palazzo. Era la mossa della disperazione. L'obiettivo era naturalmente Teheran, la capitale, dove viveva l'odiato Khomeini. Sui giornali, anche europei e americani, si parlava di «guerra dei missili». In quei giorni mi trovavo a Teheran per seguire le vicende della guerra e quella storia dei missili mi preoccupava non poco. Ma preoccupava ovviamente anche gli abitanti di Teheran, perché i musulmani, pur avendo con la morte un rapporto molto diverso dal nostro, sono uomini e hanno paura, come tutti.
Si aspettava quindi con una certa apprensione l'arrivo di questi missili di Saddam. I primi due caddero nel deserto a una cinquantina di chilometri da Teheran, il terzo si avvicinò un po' di più, il quarto centrò finalmente la città. E sbrecciò un muro. Quei missili infatti, come quelli che Gheddafi cercò di lanciare su Lampedusa, non avevano la portata sufficiente per coprire la distanza fra le basi irachene e la capitale iraniana. Gli artificieri avevano quindi dovuto aumentare the propellant, but at the same time reduce the explosive charge. So what came was little more than a large firecracker.
The story was so funny that in Tehran, when a thing was considered bullshit, fucked up unimportant, had firmly established the use of saying, "How Saddam's missiles."

Bush (George W.). do not have to dress up a monkey to see a monkey dressed.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Police Accident Repport Alberta

Il ribelle: A

started today the Dictionary of "All the Right Moves A to Z" by Massimo Fini.
A . Antropocentrirsmo: believe the center of the universe.
anthropomorphism: believe that God has created us in His image and likeness.
Autarchia: only alternative to globalization.

Taken from "the rebel from A to Z," Massimo Fini, published by Marsilio.
(synthesis and then "editing" of excerpts from the book, are my only choice and responsibility.)

anthropocentrism. The man is believed the center of the universe. Why this being that inhabits a tiny planet of a small star system which is part of a galaxy among millions of other galaxies that make up a universe that could be one of the many, infinite universes, as well as the dimension in which only one of many lives, infinite, possible size, and whose life, as a species , hard, in cosmic time, less than a nanosecond, consider and think about the center of this infinity, spatial, temporal, dimensional, can be explained only by his distress, his need to make sense of existence that does not have or that is not obtainable with the limited means of his reason.
is the problem of our civilization today.
is not idealize nature and to make a fetish or a new sort of deity. The fact is that Nature has developed its laws in a million years, these laws have therefore a deep sense and touch them before going to need to think about it a lot.
The discovery that a sharp stone can be used as a weapon is technology, then technology has always existed, was created with the man who is not only nature but also culture.
The problem is that with the widespread use of technology and the systematic exploitation of Nature. Because this use alters the balance, it subverts, forcing them beyond all limits, laws and causes the reaction. The technology in fact concentrated in the smallest of spaces and times that Nature has set with large and slow cadences. Just to get this on Currently, getting terrific results.
But this concentration of power has inevitably, over time, controeffetti as powerful. It's like a spring that releases the same force that we have made in the collapse. A boomerang.
Also, when applied at the mass of our inventions, discoveries, inventions and artifices we can not, for how many you make computerized projections, forecast and calculate the variables that we have made in a circle.
dint of plunder nature so insane we are destroying the planet and alter the order in an extremely dangerous. We pervert the instinct for survival in a self-destructive delusions of omnipotence and, as cancer cells, we killing and eating the body from which we are born, they grow up and that gives us life.

Anthropomorphism. God, this perfect Being, has created man in His own image and likeness is an idea very bizarre and vaguely blasphemous. It seems to me a little more likely to have been the man to create God in his image and likeness, it also makes it a good service.

autarchy. The term is now discredited, not only and not so much because it was one of the flags of fascism, but because of all out of time. In the era of globalization, the integration of all peoples in the world dedicated to a single model the west, who has demonstrated strength, efficiency, penetratività an extraordinary self-sufficiency is totally anachronistic and the term itself has disappeared from the political language.
Yet in some form, though limited and rational, self-sufficiency, meaning not only from an economic and political (in the greek word means self-mastery) must come back because while globalization homologous flattens, and makes everything the same results in 'individual a strong sense of estrangement and a painful loss of identity.
Consumption is the engine of the model. And the model forces the consumer to fill the existential void that was created. The circle is vicious.
Only a return to forms of economic self-sufficiency, e quindi a comunità più piccole, più coese, più controllabili, dove l'uomo ritrovi identità, senso, padronanza di sé e i legami con gli altri, potrebbe, forse, consentirgli di riempire tale vuoto altrimenti che col consumo compulsivo e ossessivo e di spezzare questa catena.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How To Access Someones Mental Health Records

Il ribelle: è ora di "ribellarsi"

Solo recentemente ho conosciuto (purtroppo solo come autore) Massimo Fini . Pungente e acutissimo giornalista/scrittore "ribelle". Mi riferisco non solo ad uno dei suoi illuminanti libri (Il ribelle dalla A alla Z), ma perchè con una coerenza rara, da anni scrive e pubblica su varie testate, articoli e approfondimenti sempre "contro". Non intendo per contro la volontà di criticare, attaccare, denigrare gratuitamente le realtà sociali che ci riguardano, ma la coraggiosa e coerente visione di un mondo che viaggia inconsapevole verso una fine quasi inevitabile... E' uno dei pochi "intellettuali" (nel senso più positivo del termine) che affronta apertamente gli abusi, le violenze, le assurdità che il moderno mondo "globalizzato" ci obbliga a vivere ed a "subire".

Così da oggi pubblicherò una sintesi di alcuni suoi pensieri tratti da un suo libro del 2006: il Ribelle dalla A alla Z, edito by Marsilio . A "dictionary" which addresses all important issues of our time with clarity, simplicity, and above all, from the point of view, although more evident every day, shows the other side of the coin, what schemes (Italian and others) do not say, or worse, subtly hidden, because to understand where we are and where we're going (at least politically, environmentally and socially) is necessary to analyze what it is, unconsciously and without the possibility of a dispute going on and that is leading our lives.
(synthesis and then "editing" of excerpts from the book, are my only choice and responsibility.)

MASSIMO FINI, scrittore e giornalista, pubblica per «II Giorno», «La Nazione», «II Resto del Carlino» e «II Gazzettino». È autore di Il conformista (1990) e di due dissacranti rivalutazioni storiche: Nerone. Duemila anni di calunnie (1993), Catilina. Ritratto di un uomo in rivolta (1996). Per Marsilio ha pubblicato Di[zion]arìo erotico. Manuale contro la donna a favore della femmina (zooo2), Nietzsche. L'apolide dell'esistenza (2OO34), i saggi storico-filosofia La Ragione aveva Torto? (1985, 2005'), Elogio della guerra (1989, 2OO34), Il denaro «Sterco del demonio» (1998, 2OO34), ora disponibili in edizione tascabile, Vice obscure West. Dell'Antimodernità Manifesto (2002 and 2oo66) and subjects. Manifesto Against Democracy (20O43).
is the author, and with Eduardo Fiorillo Francesca Roveda, Massimo Fini Cyrano is against all the clichés (2005), which continues the successful experience of the play Cyrano, if you like ... which also appears as an actor.

The "cultural relativism"

For the 'cultural relativist' does not exist or systems or moral, or religious or universal principles. "Of course, since we are not made of ice, but blood, meat, feelings, emotions and do not look at reality with the cold entomologist and his slow, but we live in a concrete society, even the "relativism" has his preferences, but is aware that his is simply not an objective truth also applies to others or even for all.
For me, if the aspiration is to achieve human happiness does not say, forbidden word that the Americans had the imprudence to include in their Declaration of Independence, but a certain serenity, I think smarter, at least from the psychological point of view and maintain nerve, a company that seeks a balance in what is already there and where we are content with what you have, rather than one as ours, where tutto il meccanismo economico e produttivo e l'intero sistema spingono, con una coerenza ferrea e quasi omicida, «all'inseguimento inesausto di un futuro orgiastico, che pare sempre lì lì per essere colto, e che invece arretra costantemente davanti ai nostri occhi con la stessa inesorabilità dell'orizzonte davanti a chi abbia la pretesa di raggiungerlo»,provocando così nell'individuo, nell'uomo concreto che questa società deve viverla, frustrazione, angoscia, anomia, nevrosi, depressione e, soprattutto, una formidabile perdita di senso.
Se non esiste una morale universale, né tantomeno la certezza di un Dio, ciò significa che il «relativista» è necessariamente un amorale o, worse, an immoral, not at all . That respects the values \u200b\u200bof cultures other than their own, even when they seem aberrant, and as long as they remain within those cultures and are not meant to override other, not to say that has not its own. May be the dominant ones in society to which it belongs or, if these values \u200b\u200bdo not convince him, do not concern him, not his, or other-directed them feel hypocritical or fake, then opens for him the path traced by Nietzsche in Beyond the good and evil " will be created from it its own table of values. But this position far from being a cynical disengagement or authorization to do what we like most is on the contrary, a tremendous and promising accountability. Why does this man - and not the family, society, neighbors, bad company or 'que n'importe "- is individually and fully responsible for their actions and assume all the consequences to the community in which they live, without hesitation, without whining, without self-pity and self-justifications. Without apology. Without discount, because what has taken is a commitment to himself and to himself. This kind of man is the Rebel Alliance.
In this respect a criminal can be a moral man, if it remains faithful to the codes is given. Immoral are those good people, those pure lilies field of public affection to honor the common values \u200b\u200bof their society (perhaps regarded as "universal"), which are used to force others, and compel scandalized if they do not, and betray them later that day under the table. are men from 'double standards', a public good for the fools that we want to believe or for those who, without being simpletons, for an intimate feeling of loyalty towards their fellow citizens, and do not intend to violate a tacit, hidden , and quite to the contrary, applies only to them and their fellows who, feeling extraordinarily intelligent, have understood, or believe they have understood how things go in the world.
of these men is unfair full our complex society where the behavior of individuals are difficult to control and easily verifiable, and equally mystified and then totally lost certain values, for they, of course, but necessary in order to live together, but they were fundamental, not only among peoples "primitive" (for which the maximum shame is "losing face"), but also in every community restricted to small, simple, like the pre-industrial and pre-modern village, where everyone knew everyone and was known by all and cheating the game of life was either impossible or very difficult. These values \u200b\u200bcan be summed up into one. It's called dignity.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hacks Get More Credits Poptropica

Among the mists of Langa

Nella sua bella casa sulle colline di Cortemilia, nell'Alta Langa, lo scrittore Renzo Barbieri mostra il volumi­noso manoscritto del libro che ha appena terminato di scrivere. "Per il mio ultimo ro­manzo ho tratto ispirazione da questa terra piena di contraddizioni, in cui la memoria del passato e gli stereotipi del gramo vivere contadino si intrecciano con la prelibatezza della cucina d'antan e con una speranza, confusa, ma vitale, per il futuro".

mushrooms and ovules in combination with tuna pate
The fountain still exists, although it is a modern concrete structure that has changed the original character-ri. It is located on the left the township of Scorrone. The restaurant next to the source has now been built, thankfully, as called for by Pavese, is a quiet country inn that offers menu still typical Langhe (Trattoria Scorrone, via Scorrone 64, Phone 0141/88 f 17, closed on Tuesday evening and Wednesday). manage and Bruna Gallo, who does not fail to comply with the customary opening a tutto antipasto, proseguendo poi con i buoni tajarin e gli immancabili ravioli al plin (cioè al pizzicotto, perché con questo gesto tradizionalmente se ne fermano le estremità); secondo la disponi­bilità ci sono sempre cacciagione, funghi e tartufi.

Per arrivare a Castine ("... è un paese sempre battuto da un vento frizzan­te e di là si vedono fiumi lontani, piccini, nei vapori. Verso sera specialmente, pare di essere in cielo"\ scrive Pavese nel suo "Ciau Masino"), centro di intensa vita religiosa nel Medioevo tanto da meritare menzione in diverse bolle papali, bisogna risalire da un paio di chilometri.

Vale la pena di recarsi al monastero del XV seco­lo, di fronte alla chiesa Parish, the most important of the three that once belonged to the municipality. It is also worth a detour "emotional" visit to the farm Pavaglio-ne, in the district of San Bovo, chosen by Fenoglio ambientarivi for his most famous novel, "The Malora.

Before taking the curvy descent toward Cortemilia, once the most powerful and ancient town in the Langhe, you had better stop for a stop to the delicious food "Fly" (Via Nazionale 6, Phone 0173/84045). Almost hidden in loaves of bread and boxes of dried pasta, this is where you will find the delicious ravioli al plin that Roselda and Piero produce daily in their lab, pulling the dough strictly hand.

an expanse of vineyards
The recipe is coded by her mother Josephine, which includes ingredients with pork, veal and seasonal vegetables. Cortemilia reached, which as illustrated by the Piedmontese dialect Curt Miia-named "Emilio's court" (Scauro), Roman consul who fought the ancient peoples of the Ligurian Stazielli Statella, the experience of "go to langa" becomes more intriguing . The views of the valley, beyond the vagaries of the river Uzzone expresses landscapes really exciting. The town was the crux of one of the most important "ways of salt, "by merchants who traveled from Liguria went up the valleys, up, up to Turin to swap salt, anchovies and fish with wine and cheese, and today reveals an unexpected wealth of ideas to be explored.

Of all that remains is a section of wall and a tower overlooking flayed end e domina i due borghi divisi dal Bormida: San Michele, sulla riva sinistra del fiume, e San Panta-leo. Migliore sorte è fortunatamente tocca­ta alla chiesa della Madonna della Pieve, costruzione a un'unica navata e abside se­micircolare, originaria dell'XI secolo, che tradizione vuole ospitasse S. Francesco d'Assisi nel suo viaggio in Francia e recen­temente restaurata per riportare nella giu­sta luce le decorazioni di gusto barocco.

i formaggi della zona
Anche dal punto di vista enogastronomico Cortemilia offre numerosi spunti di inte­resse. Un percorso ideale può cominciare dall'"Enoteca Rossello", che, arrivando da Castino, si incontra on the left before going down the straight that leads to the bridge over Bormida (road Castino, telephone 0173/81349, 8 to 12 and from 14 to 18). In addition to the wines of the Langhe (Roero Arneis, Favorita, Dolcetto, Barbera, Grignolino, Nebbiolo, Barbaresco and the "king" Barolo), inside it houses a food corner where you can choose from various specialties. Just to name a few: homemade cakes hazelnut deliciousness in a jar (tomini mushrooms and truffle oil, bitch grape mustard, anchovies and butter with truffles), sausages (traditional, oil, Barolo and the inevitable truffle).
The presence of the white truffle
It is no accident that the truffle is so present. The Alta Langa, such as Alba and white - say with a bit of parochial pride, the "truffle hunter" altolan-Garoli - most fragrant of the latter, u-na is a constant of the traditional cuisine in the fall. And not just this one. In his family distillery, Sergio Castelli (Corso Einaudi 55, Phone 0173/81093) even uses it to infuse flavor u-na small batch of grappa, which produces mainly for the use of German and Swiss tourists. "He has a very intense aroma and the sale price" - he admits - is understandably high. "

From Castles can be found, however, even the most traditional grappa, from whites & Nai (white and black, marc by black white Arneis and Dolcetto) to brand (from grapes of the best vintages of Barolo, 55 °), without forgetting the single variety, including a - unavailable - Pelaverga, dry and pleasantly scented. The brandy Castles can also enjoy the comfort, after lunch, the best restaurant in Cortemilia, the "San Carlo" (Alpine Course Divisions 41, 0173/81546 phone, closed on Mondays), which is also a comfortable three-star hotel . Carlo Zarri, helped in the hall by his wife Paola, and his sister, Consuelo, in the kitchen, offering creative dishes revisited Langhe, served with care and accompanied vintage wines from the most skilled producers in Piedmont. This season, however, is perhaps worthwhile to rely on more traditional tasting menu that Zarri specially prepared in honor of the white truffle and where there are also pleasant surprises that introduce the discovery of a kitchen in danger of extinction. As the characteristics Jrizze, made with a dough made of pig liver and calf brains, fried in oil

a farm in San Bovo

How Remove Burntblack Milk Off Of Stove Top

Rimini: from Rembrandt and Gauguin, Picasso and the Magic

Rimini Castel Sismondo October 10, 2009 March 14, 2010 Masterpieces from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston

Rimini and wonder

a must, because no other time reproducible. Sixty-five masterpieces of European painting from the sixteenth to the twentieth century from one of the major world museums: the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Opportunity that will never occur, since the American institution has in place a partial closure of cinemas they will, in autumn 2010, the inauguration of the new, huge wing designed by Norman Foster. This initiative will lead then, as always happens in these cases, a subsequent block of the loans. Therefore Rimini is a candidate to be the place, not only in Italy but in Europe, which will be in Boston next month and its extraordinary museum.

1. Religious feeling
2. The nobility of the portrait
3. The intimacy of the portrait
4. Still Life
5. Interior
6. The new landscape

Gauguin: Breton landscape with two women, 1889

The Veronese Paolo Caliari, called Veronese, dead Christ supported by angels, about 1580-1588

Greek: Saint Dominic in Prayer, 1605

Jacopo Basano: il Cristo deriso, 1580-1590

Rembrandt: il reverendo Johannes Elison, 1634

Gainsborough: Mrs. Edmund Morton Pleydell, 1765

Velazques: Luis de Gòngora y Argote, 1622

Degas: Edmondo e Teresa Morbilli, 1865

Picasso, Ritratto di donna, 1910

Renoir: Bambini sulla spiaggia, 1883
Manet: lezioni di musica, 1870

How Long Do Fire Extinguishers Last Unused

painting The Castle of St. George is still the most representative monument of the history of the city of La Spezia Modena

Posta su un piccolo rilievo chiamato il Poggio, dominante l'abitato di formazione bassomedievale, la fortezza ha conosciuto numerose fasi di edificazione, documentate a partire perlomeno dalla seconda metà del XIV secolo: è a questa data difatti che sono ricon-ducibili le fondamenta della torre oggi conser­vata solo nella porzione basamentale e compresa nella parte superiore della struttura, le mura­ture dotate di feritoie per arcieri poste a set­tentrione, in dirczione del giardino esterno, ed il lembo di mura urbane superstite interrotto dallo svolgimento di via XX settembre. Nel 1443 il Ca­stello subisce un radicale intervento con l'aggiunta del corpo a valle, apprestato per l'utilizzo delle armi da fuoco, mentre un secolo più tardi, nel 1554, si da inizio ai lavori di edificazione di un'impor­tante opera difensiva di appoggio chiamata la Bastia, i cui resti sono riaffiorati recentemen­te, ed a una totale riqualificazione della parte sommitale dell'edificio.

contemporary even at this stage the building of the Tower of San Giovanni Battista, also known as Torre Scola, Olive in the inlet, not far from Portovenere. Exploiting the scanning rooms in the castle of St. George were scheduled two complementary routes, consequential, or alternative: the lower floor are housed evidence of the life of the territory from the Pleistocene to the Roman and the formation of the same museum collection, the upper floor have been preserved Roman remains from the site of Luni and already part of the collection Fabbricotti.

Lower Level. Downstairs opens with the presentation of the archaeological collection extraterritorial acquired by the Museum collection by the geologist and break Giovanni Capellini that, in the second half of last century, he studied prehistoric material, prehistoric and classical laying the foundations of modern scientific archeology thanks to the dense tete relations tta intellectuals across Europe. In the small window
latetale II of the hall, where he begins the section on the territory of the Lunigiana, are relics of the Neolithic age as polished axes from San Bernardino, PDAs and Crow Head to the examples of which are flanked by enormous dents in horn-Matterhorn but not of the Lunigiana Museum in revenue by collecting Capellini. In the display case exhibited the greater are the Grotta dei Colombi Aeneolithic Palmaria island, excavated in the years 1869-70, and the Tana della Volpe Equi Ferme.

The element of greatest importance, however, is made up of the stone statues of taccolta presented in the two outer platforms and the statues, while denoting a characteristic and specific local connotations, are part of the current artistic and religious statuary featuring anthropomorphic characters similar to other European archaeological groups such as the stele of the Trentino Alto Adige, Valle d'Aosta, Sardinia, Corsica, Switzerland and France. The stele was found on several occasions since the last century, in the basin of the river Magra and its tributaries and document the emergence and flourishing of production in the Copper (IV-III millennium BC) and the age of Ferro. Of these original, nineteen are preserved and exhibited at the Museum along with some meaningful comparisons made below. The room
HI houses the stele of the Iron Age I called fillet and reproductions of specimens of Campoli, Nova, BSP and Bocconi.

In showcases the finds of the Bronze and Iron ages are confirmed by Migliarina materials, and the plain of Luni Rosso di Zeri, and by finds from the necropolis and special settlements known as castles. The cremation tombs of Pegazzano, Ponzolo, Valdonica, Resceto Lemon and honeydew are presented to exhibitors at the bottom shows the reconstruction of the funerary stone structure, known as the cassette, and the higher the remains of cremated and the funeral. The large side windows welcome the findings of the necropolis and Ameglia Genicciola.
appropriations hill known as the castles (pre-Latin cast from the base, meaning high place) was popular from the Middle Bronze Age until the second Iron Age, when climatic conditions, social and economic stabilized in a framework that could see the sheep on the high seas as a major source of livelihood. The strategic points of the paths along the ridge were occupied by settlements, like those of pinion and Pieve San Lorenzo in mostta presented that could easily control steps and favorable pasture areas used with short-range transhumance, from villages in the valley.

The first path ends with the exhibition, in the back of the room, the paleontological section - representative of the original core of the museum of La Spezia, born in 1873 with the aim of preserving the evidence of nature and archaeological Listica-ter- ritotio - and with materials from villas and airports Mouth Magta (Courtesy of the Archaeological Heritage of Soptintendenza pet Liguria) and San Vito di Matola, La Spezia.

Upper Floor downstairs opens with the presentation of the archaeological collection extraterritorial acquired by the Museum collection by the geologist and break Giovanni Capellini that, in the second half of last century, he studied prehistoric material, prehistoric and classical throwing the scientific basis of modern archeology thanks to the close relations tete tta intellectuals across Europe. In the small window
latetale II of the hall, where he begins the section devoted to the territory Lunigiana, are relics of the Neolithic age as polished axes from San Bernardino, PDAs and Crow Head to the examples of which are flanked by enormous dents in horn-Matterhorn but not of the Lunigiana Museum in revenue by collecting Capellini. In the display case exhibited the greater are the Grotta dei Colombi Aeneolithic Palmaria island, excavated in the years 1869-70, and the Tana della Volpe Equi Ferme. The cavities were used, during the Copper Age, as the seat of special funeral rite consists in the deposition or nell'inumazione corpses inside caves. The human remains and the nature of their kits (mainly composed of shells and jewelry industry stone and bone) are quite similar to those found in other burials eneoliti-that of the Apuan Alps and northern Italy.

The element of greatest importance, however, is made up of the stone statues of taccolta presented in the two outer platforms and the statues, while denoting a characteristic and specific local connotations, are part of the current artistic and religious statuary featuring anthropomorphic characters similar to other European archaeological groups such as the stele of the Trentino Alto Adige, Valle d'Aosta, Sardinia, Corsica, Switzerland and France. The stele was found on several occasions since the last century, in the basin of the river Magra and its tributaries and docu­mentano la nascita e il fiorire della produzione nell'età del Rame (IV-III millennio a.C.) e nell'età del Ferro. Di questi originali, diciannove sono conservati al Museo ed esposti insieme ad alcuni confronti signi­ficativi realizzati in calco.

La sala HI ospita la stele dell'età del Ferro denominata Filetto I e le riproduzio­ni degli esemplari di Campoli, Nova, Filetto e Bocconi.

Nelle vetrine i ritrovamenti di età del Bronzo e del Ferro sono testimo­niati dai materiali da Migliarina, piana di Luni e Rossano di Zeri, non­ché dai reperti da necropoli e da par­ticolari abitati conosciuti come castellati. Le tombe ad incinerazione di Pegazzano, Ponzolo, Valdonica, Resceto e Limone Melata sono pre­sentate in espositori che mostrano nella parte inferiore la ricostruzione della struttura funeraria litica, la cosid­detta cassetta, e nella superiore i resti e il corredo funebre dei cremati. Le grandi vetrine laterali accolgono i reperti delle necropoli di Ameglia e Genicciola.
Gli stanziamenti d'altura noti con il nome di castellati (dalla base prelatina cast, significante luogo elevato) furono fre­quentati a partire dalla media età del Bronzo sino alla seconda età del Ferro, quando condi­zioni climatiche, sociali ed economiche si stabilizzarono in un quadro che vedeva la pastorizia d'altura come una importantissima fonte di sostentamento. I punti strategici dei per­corsi di crinale vennero occupati da inse­diamenti, come quelli di Pignone e Pieve San Lorenzo presentati in mostta, che potevano controllare agevolmente passi e favorevoli zone di pascolo utilizzate, con transumanze a breve raggio, da abitati di fondovalle.

Il primo percorso si chiude con l'esposizione, nella parte posteriore del­la sala I, della sezione pa­leontologica — rappresen­tante parte del nucleo origi­nale del museo spezzino, na­to nel 1873 con il fine di con­servare le testimonianze natura-listiche ed archeologiche del ter-ritotio e con materiali provenienti dal­le ville e dagli scali di Bocca di Magta (per gentile concessione della Soptintendenza pet i Beni Archeo­logici della Li­guria) e San Vito di Matola, alla Spezia.