Photoshop is a fantastic tool, if you subscribed to this newsletter will already convinced. Photoshop, however, is a very versatile. You and you way to reach your goal in many ways.
In life there is always something to learn, and also for the use of Photoshop is the same principle. Understanding how to learn from more people. Understand how to improve, more and figure out what to take and what to take from one to another should be your goal. Only this way of thinking will take you to get some concrete goals.
- Today I will share with you my point of view. I want to give my bagaglio di esperienza riguardo all’uso di Photoshop. Oggi voglio condividere con te una serie di consigli che ti aiuteranno a migliorarti con Photoshop. Qui di seguito ti propongo la mia lista personale.
- Migliorare Con Photoshop: 10 Consigli Su Come Aumentare La Propria Abilità
1. Segui I Tutorial
- photo © 2010 Tambako The Jaguar
- Non lasciarli lì, raccolti in una cartella, tra i tuoi preferiti. Ogni giorno viene pubblicata una quantità industriale di contenuti, io ti aiuto a catalogare i migliori, ma tu puoi fare altrettanto. Ogni settimana, quando ti invio le nuove news, prova a raccogliere in una cartella quelle che reputi più valide per te. Poi più avanti, magari nel fine settimana o quando hai del tempo, sarai in grado di esercitarti.
- 2. Vai In Palestra: Fai esercizio
photo © 2009
Hotel Casavelas
The best way to learn and exercise. Like when you go to the gym and go home sweaty, you should try to bring home something that you remember.
For example, every day, ask yourself a goal, such as learning to use a tool rather than another, but try to go home with something feels, something that you remember.
photo © 2005
You can never think to start building a house from the roof. First you have to start from the ground, then put the bricks and begin building after the roof. Not the opposite.
If you're starting a Path (Photoshop Basics, Basics of Photography Basics Post - Production) parts from the bases. Try to take one step at a time and not start immediately with the difficult things.
So, distrust those who tell you want you to teach how to use Photoshop in a week. Focus on good content. 4. Participate and forums and get feedback photo © 2010 Josh Janssen photo © 2008 Desi photo © 2009
Arthur John Picton
Total Photoshop
In English:
DeviantArt 7. Find an expert to follow photo © 2009 Meet the media Guru being a field mainly related to technology, you will not be hard to find someone to follow. If you do not know anyone tries to look on these series of websites or blogs that I've listed below. Focus your attention to the author and take a look at your website or blog. See if you can follow him on Twitter or on Facebook. In addition, try to tie you to him, he tries to follow him to understand how it moves. 8. Not Just Online: Read Magazines
photo © 2007
hobvias sudoneighm 
9. Prova A Replicare I Lavori Degli Altri photo © 2009 Robert S. Donovan Now after all this training is the time to test. Try to replicate the work of others is a great way to challenge you. If you think it is plagiarism, much mistaken. This is a great way to test their skills, to see how far you can get and then comment on the finished work. You may try to proceed step by step to share your work with others to see better even with the help of the community. 10. Participate in design contests
photo © 2010 Tim Snell
What do you do in an attempt to learn more about Photoshop and graphics in general? Are you an expert in your field, what approach helped you get where you are today, and what you do to keep learning new things?
This article was written by Mark Toscano in the original Photoshop Helper
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