Continua inarrestabile l’immissione/invasione (spesso totalmente clandestina, poichè frutto di una vera e propria importazione parallela) nel mercato italiano di prodotti Made in China contraffatti e nocivi, uno degli effetti più evidenti della globalizzazione e dei ‘vantaggi’ del libero mercato! Un danno sociale ed economico enorme!
Prodotti pericolosi ma che generano altissimi profitti (in pure spirito capitalista!): dentifrici contenenti antigelo, passata di pomodoro avariata, riso OGM-transgenico, giocattoli con elementi tossici, cibi conservati in condizioni precarie, capi di abbigliamento sospettati di contenere highly hazardous chemicals, technical articles and made bad plumbing and electrical materials and often with hazardous materials!
should be the State to protect the health and interests of Italian and European citizens, but unfortunately the total adherence to the tenets of free markets and the turbo prevents such measures. And then you have to defend himself, beginning perhaps as much as possible to avoid buying Chinese products and multinationals with factories in China, preferring to Italian and European productions, the work of Italian and European citizens!
Prodotti pericolosi ma che generano altissimi profitti (in pure spirito capitalista!): dentifrici contenenti antigelo, passata di pomodoro avariata, riso OGM-transgenico, giocattoli con elementi tossici, cibi conservati in condizioni precarie, capi di abbigliamento sospettati di contenere highly hazardous chemicals, technical articles and made bad plumbing and electrical materials and often with hazardous materials!
should be the State to protect the health and interests of Italian and European citizens, but unfortunately the total adherence to the tenets of free markets and the turbo prevents such measures. And then you have to defend himself, beginning perhaps as much as possible to avoid buying Chinese products and multinationals with factories in China, preferring to Italian and European productions, the work of Italian and European citizens!
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