photo © 2008 Arden this area, try to understand what are the dynamics that revolve around the management of color and in general around the color are very important. In this article I'm going to tell you about the colors "Spot" or also called "spot color. In this article I'll explain: What are spot colors
Why using spot colors
When using spot colors
how to create a spot color that InDesign How
photo © 2006
Elie BellamarI knew, the press is due to the overlap of the four primary inks. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black, also known by the initials CMYK. From Wikipedia
CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Key, is a color model that also quattricromia or color. The "K" in CMYK refers to key (key), since the printing systems that use this model using technology Computer to plate (CTP), which means a "key plate" ("key plate" in English) correctly align the sheets of the other three colors (cyan, magenta and yellow of course). Sometimes it is considered erroneously that the letter "k" is derived from the last letter of the word "Black", to avoid confusion since "b" means blue. As seemingly plausible, it is a mistake
.photo © 2006
Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy Poirrier
Per applicare una tinta piatta come colore in tutta l’immagine, convertite l’immagine in metodo Due tonalità, quindi applicate la tinta one of two flat plates. You can set up to four spot colors, one for each plate.
spot color names are printed on the selection of the press.
Spot colors are overprinted on the image composite. Each spot color is printed in the order they appear in the Channels palette, with the channel placed higher than printed as spot color.
The tinte piatte non possono essere applicate ai singoli livelli.
Se usate una stampante a colori composita per stampare un’immagine con canali di tinte piatte, queste vengono stampate con il grado di opacità indicato dall’impostazione Solidità.
- Potete unire i canali di tinte piatte ai canali di colore suddividendo la tinta piatta nei canali di colore che la compongono.”
- Perché Utilizzare Le Tinte Piatte Quando lavori per una grande azienda, non avrai certo problemi di soldi. Il problema della spesa o del contenere i costi in fase di stampa non sarà di sure your main problem, but rather creating a product that is really good.
- When you have these conditions, use spot colors, it's almost an obligation. are then used to create, print, or certain types of color combined with the color to make quality prints.
- Here I made a small review of what are certainly companies that use spot colors for their prints and other cases in which they are used intelligently to save a few euro.
- photo © 2007 ZeroOne
photo © 2011 Azat Akhyarov
a product very accurately.
To save . If you're going to print a logo or business card you'll want to print two sheets instead of four. This is also why the logos are very often composed of just two or three colors at most.
How to add a spot on Indesign Now that I've done all the account on the spot color, now you're wondering how you can do to fit them into your project to Indesign. Doing so is very simple, you have to move as I'll explain below.
After creating new document u gain access to the "Champions". If the panel "Sample" is not already open in your workspace, you can restore it by going to Window> Swatches.
At this stage, via the panel menu, click New Swatch. the Type Color, choose, Spot.
In Mode choose the color library "Pantone Solid Coated".At this point, where before there were CMYK values \u200b\u200bcan now choose the color Pantone, precise, you are interested.
How to add a spot on Illustrator
If InDesign is already very easy to perform this procedure, su Illustrator, lo è altrettanto. Qui invece che creare un colore ad hoc nel pannello campione, il colore pantone lo puoi trovare ed usare direttamente dalla libreria specifica. Per aggiungere una Tinta Piatta su Illustrator puoi procedere come segue.
Dopo aver creato u nuovo documento accedi al pannello “Campioni”. Se il pannello “Campioni” non è già aperto nel tuo spazio di lavoro, puoi recuperalo, andando su Finestra> Campioni.
Dal menù del pannello clicca su “Apri Biblioteca Campioni”. Procedi su “Guide Colori”. Ed infine scegli la libreria “Pantone Solid Coated”.
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