Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can U Get Rash With Mono

Consigli Pratici Per Diventare Grafico: Intervista A Stefano Torregrossa

Today I am pleased to share with you the interview I did with Stephanie Torregrossa of Onyx Design . I just wanted to interview him because he was the first help I have when I started ancestral to have the first graphic problems at school. But what will you find in the interview that I propose below? Below I put the key points: Who is Stephen

What Onyx Design

Practical advice for those who want to start working as a graphic

Practical advice for those already working in the field of graphic
  • The Web List of Stephen Torregrossa
  • Three practical tips for those who want to start using Indesign
  • Three practical tips for those who want to start using Photoshop

Tips Who Wants To Become Graphic: An Interview With Stephen Torregrossa

Mark Toscano:

"Hello, here we are with Stephanie Torregrossa, author of Onyx Design. We'll talk to him about graphics, he will give us some advice on how to improve. printing on the 325G First of all who is Stephanie Torregrossa? What to do in life? How to bring the bread home "? Stephanie Torregrossa:

"Hello, my name is Stephanie Torregrossa, I called a home study O'Nice Design. Da una decina d’anni faccio questo mestiere i primi cinque con le vecchie Co.Co.Co, gli attuali contratti a progetto, e gli ultimi cinque come libero professionista, quindi con la partita IVA e in completa autonomia.

Il pane a casa lo porto facendo grafica e comunicazione principalmente Print, quindi non web, mi occupo di web perché mi viene richiesto, ma come interfaccia, design, non certamente di programmazione. Essenzialmente il mio lavoro è focalizzato sul Brand Identity e sulla carta stampata”.

Marco Toscano:

“Com’è nata l’idea di Onice Design prima di tutto”?

Stephanie Torregrossa:

"The idea came mainly from my desire to share. Share what you know, so I could write a blog of electrical engineering or web design. I started in 2008, with the first post. Money Shirt For a long time ', I must say, I do not cagava anyone mah me that was fine. Not looking for some fame, or whatever. I did it because I feel important to this spirit of sharing experience. I myself am going to try the first tutorial in the net and my time, I felt almost compelled to share something. The idea for the name came from my wife. I liked so I built a brand. " Mark Toscano: "Do you have any practical advice for those who want to start working in the graphics industry?

Stephanie Torregrossa:
Zarko Drincic - Yesterday news "I have to make an introduction, which leads me not to write a classic answer, I could tell you to study the FDI rather than a design school, I never studied graphics my life, I studied philosophy and I did the high school. So far I've done in life, is a passion, that yes, I have always cultivated since the higher. I later turned into a job making me the butt. So not having the technical and theoretical bases are due to me to build my own. Then I had the chance to meet people who wanted to invest in me. " Tips for those who want to start working in the field of graphic design: Studying and love this job. Working , maybe not right away as a freelancer, it's best to start working in collaboration with some study. Why start from scratch and expect to pay: electricity, rent, internet etc.. Without having a customer actually wants to say, if you good at, quit after one year. And after you've built a portfolio of customers that keep their own. And if you want to break away entirely from his studies. I still collaborate with some studies, so it's not something that applies only to or early years.

Mark Toscano:

"Do you have any practical advice for those who have already started?

Stephanie Torregrossa:


Tree View be linked to: try to take advantage of great opportunities che da la rete. Sotto tutti i punti di vista, da un blog, a piattaforme come Deviantart, Behance.net, i Social Network. Non tanto per fare la coda da pavone, ma continuare ad imparare. Rimanere aggiornati. Marco Toscano:

Hai una lista di siti o blogs che visiti quando hai un problema oppure per prendere ispirazione per i tuoi lavori”?

Stefano Torregrossa:

“Tra i siti che frequento più spesso ci sono: ::Books have knowledge, knowledge is power, power corrupts, corruption is a crime,,,:: Behance.net that allows designers to build their porfolio online and to browse the portfolios of others. So important a source of inspiration. Then there DeviantArt which is much larger, vague and a little 'more work for the most mediocre. I do not want the hardcore fans but this is my point of view.
Another site that I love is definitely

I Love Typography

Then there

We Love Typography

. eBook Reader These sites are usually frequent. " Marco Toscano:

“Per quanto riguarda i programmi, hai tre consigli pratici da dare a chi sta iniziando ad utilizzare Indesign”?

Stefano Torregrossa:

  • “Allora per prima cosa, anzi, punto zero: Cancellare Quark Xpress dai vostri computer, lasciatelo perdere. Indesign è superiore sotto numerosissimi punti di vista. Non c’è lotta tra i due”.
  • Per i tre consigli io direi:

Come Costruire Ed Usare Le Pagine Mastro

Day 432 / 365 - It's a small world Come Usare Gli Stili Di Paragrafo e di Carattere Come Usare i Livelli
Su Indesign sono altrettanto fondamentali, quindi non solo su Photoshop. Basta pensare che se dovete fare un Depliant in tre lingue vi basterà mettere il cambio del nero sui tre livelli diversi.

Quindi usate i livelli su Indesign perché sono super comodi per un sacco di cose.

Marco Toscano:

(from a set of 142 images, representing the "Three practical advice to give to those who are starting to use Photoshop?" Stephanie Torregrossa:
"Photoshop software ... here there is no adversary :

is the law.

038/365 Peaceful Day As for things to learn there are more like things to unlearn. I'm talking about the use of filters. Let's stop using these filters on all sides. We must learn to use two or three filters. They must be few, and should not be measured almost feel. It must be functional to our use. " In summary
Forget filters

Learn how to use the Pen tool

Learn to use masks

Mark Toscano:


"Tell us about a time in your career where you found it and then stood at six out of our heads held high."

look into your heart and you'll find ℓ❤VΣ Stephanie Torregrossa: "I did not really un momento del genere da descrivere. Però posso raccontare di un momento della scorsa estate: il cliente mi ha messo alle strette ed ho dovuto chiudere un lavoro in una settimana, col caldo torrido e la moglie che chiedeva di andare in vacanza”! Marco Toscano: “Direi un momento completamente condivisibile!

Stefano è stato un piacere intervistarti, spero di risentirti presto e ti ringrazio per aver accettato l’intervista”.

Stefano Torregrossa:

“Grazie a te, a presto”!

Qui di seguito puoi trovare una piccola rassegna

dei lavori di Stefano su Behance.net

The Complete Guide For Those who need to print a file: Gutenberg's World Second Edition

If we want to go see the

blog of Stephanie Torregrossa
you will see that

top right

c ' is something that you can download. This is a very useful that you can download free PDF. Inside you'll find lots of tips and that will come in really handy if you need to figure out what to do to send a print file.


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