But how to use Curves in Photoshop?
Sure, that window there that when I open it only shows me a straight line and I do not know what to do. But they told me that because I know how to use the curves you can do many things ... "
If you're taking the first steps in Photoshop, then the words I wrote above might actually be your situation. In fact it is true that the curves are a super important to understand how Photoshop works. But why? Because they allow you to adjust, contrast, saturation and desaturate the color. They allow you to add or subtract light. In practice, it is a tool with which you can do a lot of things. Through which you can avoid using more specific tools in Photoshop. In this article I have for you a series aggregate of valuable sources to help you better understand what are the curves and how to use Photoshop. If you then want to really understand how to get started with Photoshop curves then read this article.
The title of this section is a bit 'risky, however, represents very well what is my point of view about the Curves tool in Photoshop. Let me explain.Photoshop there are a number of super useful tools that allow you to perform actions on the lights and shadows, color, tone and saturation, brightness and contrast. For everything that I told you Now there is a specific instrument.
With Curves you can do it all with one tool, and then much more and more by doing a better job.
"Yes Marco mah ... but then how to use these curves? And where can I find the material to understand how to use them? "Here
satisfied. Below, after we had a premise about how and why you should use the Curve, I join in all the material I wanted for you. Articles In English
Use Curves
It 's the first place I went to look for the material. Cambridge In Colour is a guarantee in terms of lessons about color management and photography. This is in my opinion the article is more complete than this list will be explained everything from what they are, how you calibrate how to use them and why to use them.
How to Use Curves In Photoshop
This is another item of value. This article is less is more practical theory. In fact, after a quick tour you will quickly learn how to use Curves in real practical cases.
How to Use Curves to add contrast to photos
In this article we will instead just explained a case study on how you can use curves to enhance contrast in a photography.
How to Use Curves
- In this YouTube video is explained rather more generally, the Curves tool in Photoshop. In a series of steps you are shown all you can do with the Curve. Articles In Italian
A Better Image With Curves: Halftone, High and Low Lights
Source: danirobotti - YouTube
In this video guide shows you how to improve a lot faster with a photograph by acting on only one curve, then moving only the anchor points.
Using Curves to correct color
In fine aggiungo anche il mio articolo, che ho scritto qualche mese fa, dove spiego come usare le curve per correggere il colore. Vedrai come in pochi semplici passaggi potrai cambiare radicalmente la tua fotografia. Tutorial9
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