Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ls Land форум

Riapriamo il caso 9/11

On September 9, 2001 is a memorable date anywhere in the world. It 'was the turning point to start new wars in order to meet the economy (of weapons, oil, infrastructure, reconstruction, etc ...) in the USA.
Many were, and continue to be the concerns, doubts, and finally the almost certainty of the Bush administration's involvement in the attacks "terrorism" to the towers and the Pentagon.
One organization in particular, among many others, continued to denounce the hidden truth, even today, on the real events that led to the attack:

reopen 911.ORG

Here a site on the demand the photo.

A post from Monday, February 23 of a blogger friend Al Godar, lifts these questions:

We Cubans are suspicious enough to believe in conspiracies.
The first conspiracy that I remember is the beginning of '59 that said that Fidel was a communist. Of course, after we have explained that it was a voice ill intent. Only in '61 we came to know that was certain. To this day I always
conspiracies with some incredulity, not to deny me the opportunity to consider them.
For example: the news that states that the WTC buildings were destroyed with explosives .
I have no idea about how, when, who and why they placed explosives (although there are suspicions ), but I'd like to know, for example, can be explained: the kinetics of free fall. It seems that the lower floors not opposed no resistance. The volume of the cloud of gas. It seems exaggerated to be produced only by the fall of the towers . It seems that no other skyscraper has collapsed so elegantly to the result of chance of a fire.
Anyone interested in this topic recommend this site, among many others.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What To Use Instead Of A Rizla

Re-immaginare il futuro, 2009

of Jordan Kraemer from Smart Mobs

For the 100th anniversary of Futurism, Eric Paulos (Professor of HCI and Ubiquitous Computing at the Carnegie Mellon) sets out a vision for the design of technology, illustrating how more participatory and relevant to contemporary social concerns. Paulos points out that the design of computer slip, thanks to its easy use by professional purposes only amateur to creative artists, hackers who have influenced the use of technology in unexpected ways.

In particular emphasizes the need to reshape the goals of the technology, urging us to review the new technologies in terms of usefulness and relevance of usability and efficiency, which is what counts:

Blinded by our research for "smart technologies" we forgot to cover the design of technologies to inspire us to be smarter, more curious and inquisitive. We need to rethink the impact that we have in this historic moment in digital culture.

We must choose to participate and perhaps engage in a dialogue that heralds new practices to allow participation in the planning of both "experts" rather than "non-experts." We are in the middle of the development of the 'expert amateur. "

Paulos urges us to think about new technologies and social media so that we can encourage new forms of participation, particularly in the areas of social and political impact:

In each case the same cultural practice instilled in digital technology, characterized by open communication, decentralization of authority, freedom to share, public participation, will be the focal point for new solutions. Who will be the first leaders who will contribute in solving the challenges of the future? not scientists and engineers of past generations and not the current research in digital technologies, but "everyone", you, me, all of us everyday citizens of our world.

Paulos raises many positive aspects, in particular on the values \u200b\u200band objectives that have guided the development of new technological setting, such as usability and productivity. In addition we must consider how the world is at stake in forecasting the future of the computer, keeping in mind that access to technology remains a mirage for most of the world. After all, who will determine what counts?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lola Transporter Shoes

Le tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione fanno bene ai Diritti Umani

The blog vs. Big Brother: Information and Communication Technologies and Human Rights: 1980-2005

Paper prepared for the ' International Studies Association (ISA) , annual meeting in New York, on February 15-18, 2009.
Browse By Lucía Muñoz, Complutense University of Madrid, Spagna & Indra de Soysa, Professore di Scienze Politiche, Norwegian University della Scienza, PRIO, Norve
gia e della Tecnologia (NTNU) & il Centro per gli Studi della Guerra Civile , Norvegia.

Le tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione (ITCs) marcano l'attuale ondata di globalizzazione. Gli scettici della globalizzazione, in particolare i neo-marxisti, suggeriscono che la nuova tecnologia sia pericolosa per i governi a scapito della gente comune, che porta allo sfruttamento e all'insoddisfazione sociale.

Altri suggeriscono che new technologies will give more power to people at state expense, improve human rights and social giusìtizia increasing the costs of supervision by the rulers of those predators.

The results suggest that the new ITCs, in particular access to the internet, has beneficial effects on human rights, net of a series of tests in the evaluation of the effects in relation to older technologies.
Our results are robust for a number of different controls, test methods, and the inclusion of time trends as a separate variable.

The results taken together do not provide grounds for concern that the new technologies to stifle human rights and development sociale, smobilitando il dissenso.

Per saperne di più ecco il post da irevolution

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Graves Disease And Military

Tecnologia e ideologia

da elearnspace

A mio avviso, la tecnologia è intrisa di ideologia. La tecnologia non è neutrale. Un sistema di gestione dell'apprendimeto riflette una certa visione dei progettisti del sistema stesso. Anche Second Life lo fa. Gli strumenti di Social bookmarking lo fanno. (vedi la tendenza?).

La tecnologia è spesso pensata come "qualcosa che è accaduto negli ultimi decenni" o, (come dice Alan Key ): "La tecnologia include i libri, la carta, le matite, anche le istituzioni. Questo ' il motivo per il quale ho trovato interessante questa discussione sul campus :

Prima proposta: il campus, come il computer, è una tecnologia, una tecnologia di istruzione.

Seconda proposta: ci sono molti studenti per i quali l'aula e il "prendere note" sono una cattiva istruzione tecnologica, e chi non impara molto in una classe convenzionale.

Terza proposta: il campus è una tecnologia per l'istruzione molto costosa.