Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Make A Balsa Bridge

Articles Illustrator Tutorial: How to Use clipping masks

maschere di ritaglio.

Ma che cosa sono le maschere di ritaglio? Per maschera di ritaglio si intende un oggetto che, con la sua forma o il suo disegno, maschera quello sottostante.

Perché fare questo? Normalmente questa tecnica viene utilizzata per dare vita ad un ritaglio, come dice il nome, da una fotografia ad esempio oppure da un disegno.

In questo articolo ho raccolto per te le migliori fonti riguardo all’uso delle maschere di ritaglio su Illustrator.

Qui di seguito ti ho raggruppato in una serie di punti chiave quello che avrai modo di capire tramite questo articolo:

contornacontestorettangolare Che Cosa Sono Le Maschere Di Ritaglio

  1. Come Si Usano Le Maschere Di Ritaglio
  2. Perché Usare Le Maschere Di Ritaglio
  3. Quando Utilizzare Le Maschere Di Ritaglio
  4. Se vuoi quindi capire
  5. Come Si Usano le Maschere Di Ritaglio Su Illustrator continua a leggere questo articolo
  6. Tutorial Illustrator: Come Usare Le Maschere Di Ritaglio As usual I first aggregate the best in Italian sources. Here you can also find further reading in English.
  7. Articles In Italian
  8. Use clipping masks with Illustrator

create and use clipping masks on Illustrator contornacontestoforma

    Articles In English
  1. Here I instead grouped the best articles in English. Guides you through these ways of deepening the content covered above.
  2. clipping masks on Illustrator: Getting Started

How to use clipping masks on Illustrator

Swiss Gear Rolling Briefcase

Davos 2011

again this year was held in Davos the most important event organized by the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum - WEF), a private institution based in Geneva, supported and financed by its members, the 1000 world's largest private companies. It is without doubt the largest gathering of the elite private world. In Davos are create the best theories of attack of capitalism has always been the WEF has a lead role as 'creator of ideology' and has been instrumental to the success of neo-liberal views and practices in the last decade. In short, a comprehensive system of economic and political decisions over the state, national laws.
The crisis is now behind us and global capitalists have regained all their arrogance.
Davos 2011 showed that the bankers (punished for everything they have caused in recent years) have raised the ridge and ordered the politicians to bow to their demands.
The common battle cry was: enough regulation, let's move on!
The owners of Wall Street and the City, together with all other global capitalists (Russian, Chinese, etc.) were outraged by the wave of rules put in place to counter new crisis that could jeopardize their gains ( not to mention millions of their payroll). "What is enough is enough," he intoned the leader of a big British bank, accusing the authorities of wanting to destroy the industry with new restrictions and caveats. The King of Wall Street, Jamie Dimon, head of JP Morgan Chase, has also found time for an angry confrontation with Nicolas Sarkozy, standing in the middle of the audience to tell the French president to stop attacking the bankers as if they were all the same!
And to pay the cost of the disaster are still in progress, as always, the underprivileged in Europe!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Send Out Condolences Wording Church

Puglia: Trulli and old farmhouses for a new tourism.

Sono tra le strutture tradizionali più belle della regione, Oggi, in molti casi, trasformate in alberghi e residenze raffinate. Farmers

than once would have seemed unthinkable that the farms, which for them meant sacrifice and effort, they were turned into hotels.

Puglia country hath been reinvented in the next few decades. And if once the scenario was presented as an immutable wheat-colored countryside with abandoned buildings, is now a plethora of hotels. A smart revival.

The region, in many cases, managed to halt the construction of new accommodation and ingombarnti and has fostered the rebirth of what already existed.

If the Trulli of Alberobello, as often happens, to understand the beauty were the first foreigners. In September, Trulli, Unesco Unesco dal 1996, hanno festeggiato i cento anni come Monumento nazionale.

Dei vecchi rifugi per pastori e contadini è rimasto poco: ora le costruzioni coniche di origine antica, sono simbolo di un turismo colto e raffinato. D'estate sono una residenza ideale perché non distano molto dal mare e perché restano freschi per i materiali usati.

La valorizzazione dell'entroterra è partita anche da questa realtà racchiusa tra le province di Brindisi, Bari e Taranto, nota come Valle d'Itria.Tra i tanti indirizzi di Alberobello, si segnalano: il Trullo Settimio, ex stalla del Seicento che, per la sua armonia, sembra un monumento;Trullo Aurelia, collocato nello storico Rione Monti; Locanda Ventura, of the seventeenth century farmhouse offering accommodation options.

The Alcove, however, appear as a luxury resort with nine suites overlooking the main square of Alberobello. Moving in Cisternino, there LAngoletto, two bedrooms for a cool historic building restoration: Montanaro was born in the countryside of many of the farm and is part of a small village "Rest of the Wind", a district in bedGbreakfast Masseria Piccola. In the same area, some trulli: those Acquarossa, an ancient complex transformed into a residence.

Unlike Trulli found only in central and southern Puglia, the farms are a bit 'everywhere, from the Gargano to Salento, Valle d'Itria to Tarantino. Although these buildings, in recent years, have been affected by a spirit of rebirth.

The formula is always the same: beautiful landscapes, proximity to the sea and architectural value. Those who were once country homes with ample space for the animals, dream homes are now hotels or refined.

Many think that the Tavoliere takes its name from the flat configuration of its territory. In fact, the name of the table, one of the largest Italian plains, which stretches between the mountains of damage, Gargano and the Adriatic, is derived from Tabulae censuaiiae, land records that the Romans used to categorize the land.

For centuries it has been used as pasture, is now grown grain and forage, vines and fruit trees. Agriculture favored here, as throughout the region, the presence Apulian Aqueduct, the largest in Europe.

The project was born in 1847 but work began only at the beginning of the twentieth century, its history is identified with the social and economic history of the region. Many rural conducted Aqueduct, on the plains, they have dirt roads for maintenance of facilities, roads that are now being used as nature trails.

For lovers of bike and hiking, the most attractive routes and organized, however, are south of the tables, including Putignano, and Walnuts Alberobello: un itinerario naturalistico punteggiato da masserie, trulli, campi coltivati, muretti a secco. Questo percorso, intitolato "Sulle vie dell'Acquedotto "è nato da un'idea delle associazioni La Chianciata, L'Isola che non c'è, l'Agesci, Verde Città-Legambiente.

Negli ultimi tempi, molte altre ciclovie che coniugano storia ed ambiente, sono state create. Tra queste, le più interessanti sono "La Ciclovia dei Borboni", che collega Bari a Napoli tra castelli, borghi, masserie, e il PIS 12, nel Brindisino, che tocca le testimonianze architettoniche normanne e angioine.

Moltissimi, i percorsi di trekking, alcuni segnati dall'incontro tra natura e spiritualità, come quello in Gargano, along ancient tracks, through the Forest of Vieste and arrives in Monte S. Angelo. Another route not to be missed is the one that develops within the Foresta Umbra, the true excellence of the Gargano National Park. The path, including beech, maple and oak, from the village teirnina Umbra and the barracks of charity. The cycling

Puglia has developed due to the strength of various associations. In Bari there Ruotalibera, active for 20 years combines biking or whether the train. Other historical network is cyclists, with offices in various places and along paths that skirt Cicloraduno archaeological areas of Salento.

The variety of nature is reflected from Puglia number of parks and reserves.

Among the most preserved must be reported to the WWF, a total of six. Designed to protect the land by speculators, covering about three thousand acres and have ensured the survival of rare plant and animal species. The first to emerge was the Gesine, in Salento, recognized in 1979, moist environment of the best preserved of the South, the last fragment the habitat that once extended from Brindisi, Otranto, allows birdwatching and is open all year round. In the North Tower Guaceto meet: its core is a Saracen tower.

The trulli are ancient costruzioni in pietra a secco, coniche, di origini protostoriche tipiche ed esclusive della Puglia centro-meridionale. Nonostante nelle zone di sviluppo dei trulli si rinvengano reperti archeologici di epoca preistorica, o fondazioni di capanne in pietra risalenti all'età del bronzo, non esistono trulli particolarmente antichi: questo sarebbe giustificato dal fatto secondo cui piuttosto che provvedere alla riparazione dello stesso in caso di dissesto, si preferiva abbatterlo e ricostruirlo per motivi economici, riutilizzandone il materiale.

I trulli più antichi di cui ci resti traccia oggigiorno sono stati costruiti nel XVI secolo a ridosso dell'altopiano pugliese della Murgia.

I Trulli di Alberobello sono stati dichiarati Patrimonio mondiale dell'umanità dall' UNESCO .

I trulli possono essere annoverati tra gli esempi ancestrali di prototipo delle costruzioni modulari che nel XX secolo, con l'affermazione dell'architettura razionalista, avrebbero avuto il loro exploit.

Essi possono essere composti da un vano semplice (modulo unitario), oppure dall'accostamento di più ambienti (moduli), che in genere vengono aggiunti per gemmazione attorno al vano centrale.

L'unità costruttiva modulare del trullo presenta una pianta di forma approssimativamente circolare, sul cui perimetro si imposta la muratura a secco thick very high. This solution, on the one hand greatly restricts the interior, but on the other, together with almost no openings except the front door and, rarely, a tiny hole on the top with a window to ensure a minimum replacement air inside and makes it a very interesting example "before its time," green building passive.

The thickness of the walls, combined with the reduced number and size of the openings (often only port of entry and the most of the small square window that acts as a vent to the very low requirements for hygienic toilet built inside the Second World War) it ensures a high thermal inertia, which guarantees Proper preservation of the heat inside during the winter and cooler days, as well as keep the cool in the summer that the walls themselves have accumulated during the cold season and will give up little by little until the second half of August when, due to thermal inversion, there is a greater feeling of heat inside and not outside.

The bearing walls built as described, are supplemented by a pseudo-dome that forms the roof. This consists of a self-supporting - in the sense that it does not need camber - it consists of a series of concentric steps arranged in horizontal slabs falling more and more, man mano che si va verso l'alto, in cui ogni giro completo è staticamente in equilibrio con quelli inferiori. Questo strato interno di lastre calcaree di maggiore spessore, dette chianche, è completato da quello esterno, costituente il vero e proprio tetto, in lastre più sottili, dette chiancarelle, terminante in una chiave di volta frequentemente scolpita con elementi lapidei decorativi a carattere esoterico, spirituale o scaramantico, sporgenti al vertice del conoide di copertura.

Si pensa che inizialmente l'intera costruzione fosse costituita dalla sola cupola, ma oggigiorno non si hanno conferme né smentite in tal senso.

fonte: Wikipedia

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Ontario License Template

The Future Of Graphic: How will The Job Chart - The Complete Guide for how to

photo © 2008

Kyle Van Horn

what to do. You'll want some advice and tells you the right way forward for the future.

In this article I will explain my point of view on the future of graphics. What will be its potential changes, what will the new jobs, how will the role of the graph. Details below:

Books and Graphics: What future?

Career Opportunities: What will the new jobs?

How to choose a profession that suits you

How to promote yourself and survive in the new global market

If you want to know understand how to change the graphics industry in the future continue reading this article. rilevabordi

  1. The Future Of Graphic: How will the Job Chart - The Complete Guide for how to
  2. photo © 2008 Kyle Van Horn Future of publishing: The Magazine
  3. Here, in my opinion, the real revolution will happen. iPad, iPhone and more generally the publication to mobile devices will revolutionize the industry. In an article I wrote earlier, where I explain how to create a digital magazine iPad I expressed my opinion on the future of publishing. Here it is. From
  4. How To Create A Digital Magazine iPad : Tablet: Why The Future Will
  5. There are a billion reasons why I think the use of the content will very soon all the Tablet. Here you pick the ones that are the key for me. 1. Costo Zero
  6. photo © 2006
  7. Rob Lee
  8. Zarko Drinčić be inundated with material which they have no need. The people want the material that may help you solve a problem. People want only material to which they are interested.
  9. Now you give an example so you understand better:
  10. Mario is passionate about Music, Movies vintage sports cars and football. Because it is a music lover decides to sign up for free
  11. on the site of the magazine Rolling Stones
  12. to receive the magazine each month in a free
  13. . Mario
  14. once arrived at the site of the magazine fill a registration form along with your data where it also puts its own interests. Then: Music, Vintage movie, sports cars and football. Then download the magazine and puts it on his iPad. When it begins to read the articles in the magazine, the items that he likes most begin to see a lot of interesting advertising. Since Mario is a fan of music of AC / DC saw an ad that tells you where to buy discounted tickets. Then read another article and saw another ad that says that near his home there will be an exhibition of sports cars and then saw another ad that says his favorite team will make the summer retreat from his own party.
  15. Mario so he read his favorite magazine and discovered a lot of other interesting things to do without nessuna ricerca. Non è stato inondato di pubblicità inutile ed è FELICE. 3. Fattore Ambientale

photo © 2005

Jan Tik it is too early, as I explained in this article



photo © 2009


report the final part of this article.

From Revolution iPad stop at the magazine and newspapers, e-books is too early

  • The e-book is another story
  • photo © 2009
  • goXunuReviews
  • as true. We can not do anything. E 'useless feel super Apple fans who say, "I read 200 pages a day and not get tired." Even I get tired. It's not a matter of habit. Think about it. The contents of a blog or a web page in general are rich in images, video and text. Are short. It is one thing to read something short, choppy for some video and some pictures. Another is to read something that lasts 200/300 pages, without an image or a video. And 'This is the crux. If publishers do not produce multimedia books, interspersed with video clips, links, images and more, e-books on the iPad will not have an easy life. In a few words have to change radically the way we read. This view is also reflected in the attention that Steve Jobs himself shows the HTML for
  • 5, which allows you to insert multimedia content directly from your code, and how to read the books on show to have iPad.
  • It 'clear that not all publishers will be able to take a step like this, to create content exclusively for the Apple tablet. Only the big succeed in this business and not with a lower consumption of resources.
  • We are looking for a medium that allows us to combine the experience of reading normal, reproduced by the ink electronic technology with great promise by iPad. In practice, something that does not yet exist, that does not exist.
  • summary
  • I think the future for the publishing industry is solved:
periodic on Tablet and new media.

major publications such as books, art books and learning will continue in the same way unless a radical change on how to read.

Career Opportunities: What will the new jobs? But what will be the new tasks of the graph? How will his way to work and then create new jobs?

These are the questions that most frequently becomes a graph. Here I'll tell you my point of view regarding the future work of the Independent Chart. How will the

Job Graphic: A look at the world we live photo © 2008 Jason Rogers know a lot more than you. Dealing with them is almost impossible. At this point, however, you can dispute the fact that strives to work also appeared in Italy with other countries. This is what, in my opinion, you should not do. I do not want to explain how to survive. I want to explain how to improve your work and therefore also your way of life. not back out, pointed out, You can assert your point of view

2009 photo © Mike Baird I mean by that? I mean that whether you are a student, a freelancer you have to do something that you can connect with the rest of the world. You have to do something tangible to prove to others how good you are doing that thing.

How will the Job Chart: What to Do

photo © 2009 Leland

Francisco Best of all Pelikan Fountain Pen I've mentioned before. The future will not be to have someone who can do everything well. But more people are super skilled in a single argument, which put together create a super group valid. So, try to focus on one topic you're passionate about. Read, practice, mistakes, and repeat LEARN. Try to cut out a bit 'of time in your day to practice in this special topic of your choice, or if you can, try to stay connected with what's new in this area of \u200b\u200byour choice. How will the Job Chart: The Professional Opportunities photo © 2008 °*¤©§][ Rα3чαт BмW ][§©¤*° applications running on these new tools that surround us.

To do this you may be surrounded by good people, who come from different backgrounds from yours. For example, you could try to work with another programmer and communications expert. Do not worry about them near you. Search more than anything else to find good people to put on your team, competent people. Then you'll see that they are in New York or Tokyo will make no difference. Cromista

This will be a profession, I think, for the chosen few. A little ', it already is. To make color correction to print you must be someone who already knows a lot of things, but here a few years, in my opinion, it will be even more. If the editorial production will decline with respect to print more "obvious" will not be the same for high-end production. The art books, collectible books, basically anything that will cover more than a niche production will continue to exist. Are you an expert in color correction, or if you want to do this thing at your work, then you're gill on the right track.

What you do, however, and continue to be connected. Continue to train and never stop learning.

Layout For The Tablet

If your career has been one and only editorial layout, then, give us in order to understand how the layout for the Tablet. Try to get a view of change and prepared. Read, learn and practice. The only thing you have to do, if you want to stay in this area, is comfortable to sit comfortably on your experience.

production values \u200b\u200b

The fact that we live and we live in an 'increasingly global economy you should not resign. While there is fierce competition is also true that the market is much broader. The ability to sell our products to more people is much higher. The web in this way we can help.

So why not produce something of real value only. A series of unique products, of high value and only sell only to enthusiasts. ride this idea you could create a small team of people, here scattered around the world, to work with and then sell your new and unique product at a very narrow band of people, but very passionate.

New Jobs: How to promote

I explained what will happen, how you behave and what are the professions to bet your future. Now I want to give you a little 'help, on promotion of your new profession. Below I have grouped a number of ideas that can help you establish relationships with other professionals and a number of points key information on how and where to leave your name to establish relationships with new customers. Stay Connected

This is the key. If you do not follow this first point, you risk to screw up. Use all the social network for possible trace of your point of view, the way you work. connected with the most important people

After using Twitter, Facebook and more you'll be connected with the best news about your job, you have to do is hook relationships with people you think are most important. Make friends with those people whose work I admire, talk and seek to cooperate with those who think like you. Submit Your


A questo punto, dopo aver capito di chi ti puoi fidare, proponi a loro il tuo progetto. E cerca di collaborare con loro per capire quale opportunità di business può nascere da una vostra collaborazione.

Mostra La Tua Buona Idea

Ora che hai iniziato a collaborare con queste persone e che hai tirato fuori un progetto valido cerca di promuoverlo.
Investi del capitale in pubblicità e visita l’habitat naturale del tuo potenziale cliente.

Regala Il Tuo Prodotto

Quando hai capito di aver trovato il tuo potenziale cliente o la tua serie di potenziali clienti, regala il tuo prodotto. Dagli la possibilità di commentare e di esprimere la sua opinione. Raccogli la his opinion and keep it as the most precious thing you have.

Improve Your Idea

The web gives you this important opportunity to seek the opinion of your customers after the fact you and your client has said its attempt to create a better product or a product line better.

Customers will be happy you made the biggest sales agents for your product, and in addition, at no cost! What I said today is very important. May not necessarily be an absolute truth. Not allow you to earn money, but certainly much of an idea different from the usual life.

And you? How do you think?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Can You Get Any Color Puffle Without

Illustrator Tutorial: How to use layers

coverillustratorforbici Illustrator levels are a key part to learn if your goal is to understand how to use Illustrator. Now that you explained how to use the pen tool and after we explained what are the tracks, today, I'm going to explain what are the levels on IIlustrator and why you should use them to fully exploit their potential. In this article I have aggregated the best sources in both Italian and English on how to use layers on Illustrator.

In summary, here's what you'll see by this article:

What Are The Levels Of Illustrator

    How to Use Levels
  • Perché Usare I Livelli
  • Se vuoi capire Come Si Usano I Livelli continua a leggere questo articolo.
  • Tutorial Illustrator: Come Usare I Livelli   Qui di seguito ti ho fatto una rassegna dei migliori articoli in italiano dove ti viene spiegato come usare i Livelli Su Illustrator.
  • Articoli In Italiano
  • Come Usare I Livelli Su Illustrator


In questo Tutorial viene spiegato in modo semplice cosa sono i Livelli di Illustrator e come usarli.

Illustrator levels can be compared to sheets of transparent acetate. To build a complex design is important to use layers, with which we can draw the objects starting from the background, adding details and forms in later levels. What we create in Tier 3 will be positioned in front of it at level 2, which in turn will be before the level 1.

understand and use the Layers Palette



When creating complex designs with many paths, it becomes difficult to manage all the objects acting directly on artboard. The Layers palette, we can simplify many tasks. To see it, if not already present on the monitor, use the Levels command from the Window menu, or simply press F7.

From the Layers palette, you can organize objects on the artboard

present in levels and sublevels, so that we can divide our work logically group objects in a way that there is more congenial.

Articles In English

image How to Use Layers in Illustrator understand how important

Source: YouTube

image In English readers this is explained to you the importance of using levels. How to manage and use them in a professional manner, so as to save your time at work.

How to Use the Layers panel in Illustrator printing on the 325G In this video tutorial Janee Meadows tells you from A to Z everything you need to know about Illustrator layers.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Make Your Own Skating Dress

Bank of Italy and ISTAT: poverty alarm in Italy!

The latest figures provided by Bank of Italy and ISTAT data confirm the deterioration of conditions for the Italian population, by not bode well for years to come, if not proceed to a rapid and drastic change of course to reverse the race to the bottom determined by the logic inherent in capitalist globalization.
In 2009, families in poverty 'are on 10.8% of those residents, it's 7.8 million poor individuals, 13.1% of the population. Poverty 'absolute si legge nel rapporto dell'Istat 'Noi Italia 2011', coinvolge il 4,7% delle famiglie, per un totale di 3,1 milioni di individui!
Nel 2009 il 15,3% delle famiglie residenti in Italia presenta almeno tre delle difficolta' considerate nel calcolo dell'indice sintetico di deprivazione.
Più un'altra inquietante conferma: i consumi delle famiglie ristagnano, il loro reddito disponibile reale scende. Le famiglie non consumano, perché non possono e sono preoccupate per il lavoro.
Il tasso di inattivita' della popolazione tra i 15 e i 64 anni nell'Unione europea e' pari al 28,9%. L'Italia, con il 37,6%, si colloca al terzo posto della graduatoria a 27 paesi.
Nel nostro Paese il tasso di disoccupazione giovanile (15-24 anni) e' pari al 25,4%, in aumento di oltre quattro punti rispetto all'anno precedente e superiore a quello medio dell'Unione (19,8%). La quota di unita' di lavoro irregolari e' pari all'11,9%.
Anche Bankitalia conferma l'allarme disoccupazione: smentendo le cifre 'ottimistiche', sembra proprio che i disoccupati siano molti di più di quel che sembra!
Per Bankitalia la quota reale di disoccupazione è vicina all'11%!
Se a novembre il tasso di disoccupazione italiano risulta dell’8,7 per cento secondo i dati ufficiali diffusi dall'Istat, la disoccupazione “reale” però, calcolata includendo i lavoratori scoraggiati e l'equivalente delle ore della Cassa integrazione earnings (IGC), it occurred at least two percentage points above the official unemployment rate.

SMASH Capitalism!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can U Get Rash With Mono

Consigli Pratici Per Diventare Grafico: Intervista A Stefano Torregrossa

Today I am pleased to share with you the interview I did with Stephanie Torregrossa of Onyx Design . I just wanted to interview him because he was the first help I have when I started ancestral to have the first graphic problems at school. But what will you find in the interview that I propose below? Below I put the key points: Who is Stephen

What Onyx Design

Practical advice for those who want to start working as a graphic

Practical advice for those already working in the field of graphic
  • The Web List of Stephen Torregrossa
  • Three practical tips for those who want to start using Indesign
  • Three practical tips for those who want to start using Photoshop

Tips Who Wants To Become Graphic: An Interview With Stephen Torregrossa

Mark Toscano:

"Hello, here we are with Stephanie Torregrossa, author of Onyx Design. We'll talk to him about graphics, he will give us some advice on how to improve. printing on the 325G First of all who is Stephanie Torregrossa? What to do in life? How to bring the bread home "? Stephanie Torregrossa:

"Hello, my name is Stephanie Torregrossa, I called a home study O'Nice Design. Da una decina d’anni faccio questo mestiere i primi cinque con le vecchie Co.Co.Co, gli attuali contratti a progetto, e gli ultimi cinque come libero professionista, quindi con la partita IVA e in completa autonomia.

Il pane a casa lo porto facendo grafica e comunicazione principalmente Print, quindi non web, mi occupo di web perché mi viene richiesto, ma come interfaccia, design, non certamente di programmazione. Essenzialmente il mio lavoro è focalizzato sul Brand Identity e sulla carta stampata”.

Marco Toscano:

“Com’è nata l’idea di Onice Design prima di tutto”?

Stephanie Torregrossa:

"The idea came mainly from my desire to share. Share what you know, so I could write a blog of electrical engineering or web design. I started in 2008, with the first post. Money Shirt For a long time ', I must say, I do not cagava anyone mah me that was fine. Not looking for some fame, or whatever. I did it because I feel important to this spirit of sharing experience. I myself am going to try the first tutorial in the net and my time, I felt almost compelled to share something. The idea for the name came from my wife. I liked so I built a brand. " Mark Toscano: "Do you have any practical advice for those who want to start working in the graphics industry?

Stephanie Torregrossa:
Zarko Drincic - Yesterday news "I have to make an introduction, which leads me not to write a classic answer, I could tell you to study the FDI rather than a design school, I never studied graphics my life, I studied philosophy and I did the high school. So far I've done in life, is a passion, that yes, I have always cultivated since the higher. I later turned into a job making me the butt. So not having the technical and theoretical bases are due to me to build my own. Then I had the chance to meet people who wanted to invest in me. " Tips for those who want to start working in the field of graphic design: Studying and love this job. Working , maybe not right away as a freelancer, it's best to start working in collaboration with some study. Why start from scratch and expect to pay: electricity, rent, internet etc.. Without having a customer actually wants to say, if you good at, quit after one year. And after you've built a portfolio of customers that keep their own. And if you want to break away entirely from his studies. I still collaborate with some studies, so it's not something that applies only to or early years.

Mark Toscano:

"Do you have any practical advice for those who have already started?

Stephanie Torregrossa:


Tree View be linked to: try to take advantage of great opportunities che da la rete. Sotto tutti i punti di vista, da un blog, a piattaforme come Deviantart,, i Social Network. Non tanto per fare la coda da pavone, ma continuare ad imparare. Rimanere aggiornati. Marco Toscano:

Hai una lista di siti o blogs che visiti quando hai un problema oppure per prendere ispirazione per i tuoi lavori”?

Stefano Torregrossa:

“Tra i siti che frequento più spesso ci sono: ::Books have knowledge, knowledge is power, power corrupts, corruption is a crime,,,:: that allows designers to build their porfolio online and to browse the portfolios of others. So important a source of inspiration. Then there DeviantArt which is much larger, vague and a little 'more work for the most mediocre. I do not want the hardcore fans but this is my point of view.
Another site that I love is definitely

I Love Typography

Then there

We Love Typography

. eBook Reader These sites are usually frequent. " Marco Toscano:

“Per quanto riguarda i programmi, hai tre consigli pratici da dare a chi sta iniziando ad utilizzare Indesign”?

Stefano Torregrossa:

  • “Allora per prima cosa, anzi, punto zero: Cancellare Quark Xpress dai vostri computer, lasciatelo perdere. Indesign è superiore sotto numerosissimi punti di vista. Non c’è lotta tra i due”.
  • Per i tre consigli io direi:

Come Costruire Ed Usare Le Pagine Mastro

Day 432 / 365 - It's a small world Come Usare Gli Stili Di Paragrafo e di Carattere Come Usare i Livelli
Su Indesign sono altrettanto fondamentali, quindi non solo su Photoshop. Basta pensare che se dovete fare un Depliant in tre lingue vi basterà mettere il cambio del nero sui tre livelli diversi.

Quindi usate i livelli su Indesign perché sono super comodi per un sacco di cose.

Marco Toscano:

(from a set of 142 images, representing the "Three practical advice to give to those who are starting to use Photoshop?" Stephanie Torregrossa:
"Photoshop software ... here there is no adversary :

is the law.

038/365 Peaceful Day As for things to learn there are more like things to unlearn. I'm talking about the use of filters. Let's stop using these filters on all sides. We must learn to use two or three filters. They must be few, and should not be measured almost feel. It must be functional to our use. " In summary
Forget filters

Learn how to use the Pen tool

Learn to use masks

Mark Toscano:


"Tell us about a time in your career where you found it and then stood at six out of our heads held high."

look into your heart and you'll find ℓ❤VΣ Stephanie Torregrossa: "I did not really un momento del genere da descrivere. Però posso raccontare di un momento della scorsa estate: il cliente mi ha messo alle strette ed ho dovuto chiudere un lavoro in una settimana, col caldo torrido e la moglie che chiedeva di andare in vacanza”! Marco Toscano: “Direi un momento completamente condivisibile!

Stefano è stato un piacere intervistarti, spero di risentirti presto e ti ringrazio per aver accettato l’intervista”.

Stefano Torregrossa:

“Grazie a te, a presto”!

Qui di seguito puoi trovare una piccola rassegna

dei lavori di Stefano su

The Complete Guide For Those who need to print a file: Gutenberg's World Second Edition

If we want to go see the

blog of Stephanie Torregrossa
you will see that

top right

c ' is something that you can download. This is a very useful that you can download free PDF. Inside you'll find lots of tips and that will come in really handy if you need to figure out what to do to send a print file.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Carhartt Vs Red Wing Boots

Tutorial Illustrator: Come Usare I Tracciati – La Guida Completa In Italiano

Like every Monday seeking to deepen learning about Illustrator. Since last Monday I told you about how to use the pen tool

, today I want to talk about how to use

paths to Illustrator.

I did so a full list of the best resources I've found, in Italian, on how to use paths to Illustrator.

Here I aggregate all the material you'll find explained in this article.

Illustrator Tutorial: How Are The Paths

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Edit paths

Illustrator Tutorial: How to create and edit shapes and paths in Illustrator

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Develop The Paths - Part 1

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Develop The Paths - Part 2

coverillustrator Tutorial Illustrator: How to Create Forms

Illustrator Tutorial: How to merge paths in two clicks

  • If you are looking for a guide to help you really understand how to use paths to Illustrator, if you need to enhance your use of the Paths to Illustrator, if you're looking for a good series of articles that will really help us improve in ' uso dei tracciati su Illustrator, allora qui di seguito ti ho messo quello che ti serve. Continua a leggere questo articolo se vuoi capire
  • Come Usare I Tracciati Su Illustrator
  • Tutorial Illustrator: Come Usare I Tracciati – La Guida Completa In Italiano

Tutorial Illustrator: Cosa Sono I Tracciati

Se sei alle prime armi nell’uso di Illustrator, e stai cercando di capire come usare i tracciati, quello che ti serve, è sicuramente una bella guida che ti descriva cosa sono questi tracciati e a che cosa servono.

Tutorial Illustrator: Come Modificare I Tracciati

Dopo che avrai disegnato il tuo primo tracciato, ti servirà capire come modificarlo. In questa guida ti viene spiegato in maniera molto precisa come puoi modificare i tracciati che hai appena creato.

Tutorial Illustrator: Come Creare E Modificare Forme E Tracciati Di Illustrator

Fonte: Total - Photoshop

image Illustrator permette di creare in modo semplice ed intuitivo forme vettoriali di ogni genere grazie al sistema dei tracciati. In questo video tutorial Max di Total – Photoshop ti spiega come si creano forme semplici con gli strumenti di base di Illustrator effettuando editing paths through the anchor points and simple commands to change the fill color and the track.

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Develop The Paths - Part 1

Source: Total - Photoshop

Now that you understand what they are and how you change the paths will help you understand how you process. In this video guide you'll see how to add or subtract parts of a path.

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Develop The Paths - Part 2

Source: Total - Photoshop

In the second part of this Photoshop video tutorials from Total Max goes on to explain what the panel path and how to use.

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Change Paths - Use the editing tools of text on Illustrator

Source: Total - Photoshop

if I wanted to change some points of your shape or alter radically the way your path? What to do? Max In this video tutorial from Total Photoshop will explain some of the most fun in Illustrator for editing the tracks, cut to the conversion of anchor points to the cancellation.

Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create Forms

Source: Total - Photoshop

This Max Total Photoshop video tutorial shows you how to use the tool creates forms in Illustrator that lets you draw though not a perfect designer. image Illustrator Tutorial: How to merge paths in two clicks

Source: Total - Photoshop

When you create a composition made with multiple paths in Illustrator can sometimes be necessary to create multiple items from a single path. Max Total Photoshop shows you how in two clicks you can get a very fast track. image

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Is The Standard Size Of A Suitcase

Tutorial Indesign: Come Imparare Ad Impaginare Con Indesign – La Guida Completa Ai Migliori Articoli In Italiano

photo © 2007 cover FHKE Wylie )

  • sort all this endless amount of content that is scattered around the network becomes important. What I did this time always respects this principle.
  • Today I searched and aggregated for you all the best articles in Italian on
  • How to Learn to use InDesign
  • . I have grouped some of my articles and many others of Total Photoshop. I have categorized into several sections, each of which contains a link to their website.
  • In this guide, then find the article on how Best
  • Learn to use InDesign
  • , below I have listed for you what you speak:
  • Indesign Tutorial: How to create the first document
Indesign Tutorial: The 'Work Area

Indesign Tutorial: Import text from other applications

Indesign Tutorial: How to create automatic page numbers

Indesign Tutorial: How to Use Master Pages

Indesign Tutorial: How to Customize the Work Area

Indesign Tutorial: How to Use Tables

Indesign Tutorial: How to use layers copertina Indesign Tutorial: How to Use the drawing tools

Indesign Tutorial: How to import images and use the links

Indesign Tutorial: How to Use the paragraph styles

Indesign Tutorial: How to Use the Paragraph panel

Tutorial Indesign: how to use character styles

Indesign Tutorial: How to Use the Character panel

Indesign Tutorial: How to Check the Spelling

Indesign Tutorial: How to Use Text frames

Tutorial Indesign: How to Create guides and rulers Equidistant
Indesign Tutorial: How to use the margins and columns

Indesign Tutorial: How to Use Rulers

Indesign Tutorial: How to Use Pages

If you then see where you have to start to learn to layout with InDesign

this is the guide for you.

Indesign How to Use: The Complete Guide In Italian

  1. How to create the first document
  2. Below I've aggregated to two articles which will be explained how to create the
  3. first document with Indesign
. You will understand what is it and how you use Indesign. create the first document with InDesign

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

Create the first document with Indesign

Source: Total - Photoshop consigli How to Use the Work Area

This article by Max Total - Photoshop
    will introduce you to the work of Indesign
  1. . It explains step by step what tools are and what they are.
  2. Use L’ Area Di Lavoro
Fonte: Total – Photoshop

Importare Il Testo Da Altre Applicazioni

Se stavi cercando una guida che ti spiegasse come

importare il testo dalle altre applicazioni , come Word oppure Excel, con Indesign, qui di seguito troverai pane per i tuoi denti.

Importare Il Testo Da Altre Applicazioni

Fonte: F.i.g.o. – Federazione Italiana Grafici Ossessionati

  1. Importare Il Testo Da Word In Indesign
  2. Fonte: Total – Photoshop
  3. Numerazione Automatica Delle Pagine E Sezioni
  4. Capire come applicare la numerazione delle pagine in un progetto su Indesign è una di quelle cose che sono importantissime. Qui di seguito ti ho aggregato due video guide dove viene spiegato ed affrontato questo problema. Capirai quindi
  5. come applicare la numerazione automatica delle pagine al tu progetto su Indesign . Ti verrà spiegato inoltre cos’è una sezione come utilizzarla e a cosa serve.
  6. Numerazione Automatica Delle Pagine E Delle Sezioni
Fonte: F.i.g.o. – Federazione Italiana Grafici Ossessionati

create sections and automatic page number

Source: Total - Photoshop

How to Use Master Pages
Another critical step in the use of Indesign is to understand how to use the master pages

on Indesign. How to optimize your time and then move in a most professional way possible.

How to Use Master Pages

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed cancellarexpress Use master pages

Source: Total - Photoshop
How to Customize the 'Work Area

  1. At this point you may already know how to do something with Indesign. It is therefore having to figure out how you can best manage your time. One way to improve from this point of view is surely to personalize your workspace.
    Customize the 'Work Area
  2. Source: Total - Photoshop
    How to Use Tables
  3. How to use tables? Why use them? How to insert a Indesign on the table?
    Here I have for you aggregate all the articles you need to understand how to use the tables on Indesign.

  4. how to use and manage tables

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

use tables in InDesign - Part 1

Source: Total - Photoshop

photoshop use tables in InDesign - Part 2
Source: Total - Photoshop
Use tables with Indesign - Part 3 Source: Total -

How to Use Photoshop Levels
Understand how to use layers on Indesign

is another of those things that will help you to get better view of the program. Learning to use layers will your use of Indesign to a much more professional level. Below I have put all the material you need.
  1. How to Use Levels
Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

understand and use Levels

Source: Total - Photoshop
How to Use the drawing tools

How to draw up and how Indesign esperienza use the drawing tools? Yes I found something for that too. Although InDesign is not the most suitable program to design, understand how its use its tools, you will come in handy when you have to interact with the text and images in a harmonious way.

How to Use the drawing tools
Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed
How to import images and use the links on
Indesign is important to better organize the position of the images nelle proprie cartelle. Perché? Perché Indesign, quando importi un’ immagine nel tuo progetto, non importa l’immagine intera (quindi con tutto il suo peso) ma, il suo collegamento. Ovvero la sua posizione sul disco. Ciò che vedi quindi nel tuo progetto non è l’immagine reale ma una anteprima. Non hai ancora capito? Dai un’ occhiata all’articolo che ti ho messo qui sotto. Come Importare Le Immagini Ed Usare I Collegamenti

Fonte: F.i.g.o. – Federazione Italiana Grafici Ossessionati
Come Usare Gli Stili Di Paragrafo
Organizzare al meglio il tuo testo su Indesign è una cosa davvero importante. Understand then, how can you use Indesign to enhance your text in the handling of text with paragraphs, you really will make things easier.
If you were thinking about how to organize your text with Indesign, to how to deal with paragraph styles below I have put what you need to understand.

How to Use the paragraph styles

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

The paragraph is an internal division of a chapter or section.

Why do I need? example may serve to highlight certain parts of the text or to differentiate parts of the text than the others. The notes to bottom could be a good example. It is therefore very important for a chart that is laying out a project to know how to better organize your text into paragraphs. On coverillustrator Indesign paragraph it runs with the Paragraph panel. If you want to understand how to use it, below I have put the complete guide. How to Use the Paragraph panel

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

    How to Use character styles
  • Suppose your customer wants to love the name of his company always appears in a certain way. For example, in Arial Bold. Leaving aside the disgusting aesthetic choice, this is a job that would normally work long, tedious, repetitive and exhausting. A scab then infinite. But if you use Indesign will not have this problem. How to change the font? How to use character styles to InDesign? What are the character styles in InDesign? If your questions are these six in the right place.
  • How to Use character styles
  • Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed
  • How To Use the Character panel
  • How Do I Manage The text on Indesign? How It Works The Font Panel? These perhaps are the questions that you probably did when you started using Indesign. Maybe along with a "We'll understand a shit." But do not worry I've been there myself. Today I want to explain how the Character panel. Before you understand how it works but you have to keep in mind a few things that I have summarized below. You'll need if you want to use the text in a truly professional.
  • How To Use the Character panel
  • Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed
  • To check spelling how to check the spelling on Indesign? You can check spelling errors? I fix all the mistakes I made when typing? There is a specific function that helps me in this?
  • Exactly. It's called function

. You just need to find all the text in your long erroracci and without flaws. Also because you know you fool publish your developed with misspellings, or worse grammar?

Indesign even if it is a program designed to create the text, it provides some useful tool, which comes just from the more traditional text-editing programs. Today, in fact you want to show two things that come precisely from those programs:

Spellcheck: you need to find your mistakes to correct and remedy Find and Replace function: for example you need to find a set of common errors (the quotation marks with curly quotes, double space with one etc..) and replace them with the right variables.

To check spelling

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed How to Use Text frames

How do I manage text on Indesign? What tools should I use? If you want to figure out how to enter and use the Text to Indesign below I have put the guide for you.

Indesign on a text frame is comparable to a container. Except that instead of containing the food contains the text. This text to be visible and printable on Indesign must be contained within a text frame. But what I can do a text frame?

How to Use Text frames

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

how to create ruler guides

Although today is not used, ruler guides, you are learning for you it is important to use Indesign. What are they and what are the Ruler Guides?

simply serve to create guides that will facilitate the job placement of text and images on your page. They are very often used to model layout standard, repetitive, then do not change and need more of the same settings.

How to Use Ruler Guides

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

How to Use the Magini and columns

Continuing the discussion of the optimal management of your project, understand how to use the columns and margins become something fundamental.

But what are the margins and Movie?

Margins The margins are not printable guides that show us the path. In what sense? In practice in our worksheet, you create a rectangle with a thin purple lines. What are these? Servant to give us an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere it will be our content. Do not worry if you get out of these margins, nothing happens.


columns are the spaces where we want our text goes to end. Even if we have here is primarily a repetitive work, such as a magazine layout. In this case, setting the columns in the same way we will have the layout of our cage ready awaiting the arrival of the text!

The guide that I put to you is explained below How to Use the margins and columns on Indesign.

How to Use the margins and columns on Indesign

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

Formatting Using Rulers in InDesign is not much different from the cut and paste the items by hand on a pasteboard. It's just easier. Adobe InDesign CS3 But what are the rulers? Guides & Rulers A guide is a line that is not printable created to make it easier to align objects within the workspace. For example, if you want to align an image to a specific point in the right side of your sheet, place the leadership and bring the object. In this way we facilitate the work while maintaining accuracy. rulers instead appear on the left side and top of the pasteboard. They help to position the guides on the page. Because they seem to recognize a meter long supported above and left of your workspace. The guide that I have put below I'll explain how to Use the Rulers. How to Use Rulers

Source: Figo - Italian Federation Charts Obsessed

  • How To Use Pages
  • How to use the Pages panel on Indesign? Did you see the Pages panel but have not yet figured out what's the use?
  • In a graphic design for pagination, page
  • , represents a crucial
  • that a chart can not leave the streets. To explain better,
  • is like a brick mason . The builder must costruire la casa e deve saper usare il mattone nel modo più preciso e veloce possibile. La stessa cosa vale per il grafico con la pagina.
  • Se vuoi capire come si usano le pagine su Indesign qui di seguito ti ho messo la guida completa all’uso delle pagine su Indesign.
  • Come Usare Le Pagine Su Indesign
  • Fonte: F.i.g.o. – Federazione Italiana Grafici Ossessionati