Sunday, June 28, 2009

Im 31 And I Have Fabroids

In pericolo la libertà di espressione "anche" in Italia, è passato il decreto D'Alia

of Luca Rebello

one email a photographer friend, Luke, because democracy in Italy today is subtly increasingly endangered under the semblance of a "pseudo-health-positivist" that the Berlusconi government wants to publicize the terrible depression despite cultural, political and social that we are forced to suffer in Italy.

has passed Amendment D'Alia.

L 'final attack on democracy has begun!

Berlusconi and his unleashed the final blow to the freedom of the Internet and put it under control.

yesterday in the final vote in the Senate has approved the so-called security package (Bill 733), among other measures like the infamous 'obligation to report for medical patients who are illegal immigrants and the indexing of homeless , with an amendment by Senator Gianpiero D'Alia (UDC), was introduced Article 50-bis, "Repression activity of apology or instigation to commit a crime done to Internet medium ".
The text will arrive next week in the House. It landed in the text of the article in the House has become the No 60. Although Senator GianpieroD'Alia (UDC) is not part of the majority to the Government, this speaks volumes about the versatility of the design freedom-of "caste" does not want to become unstuck from power.
In practice, if any citizen who might write a blog then call to disobey a una legge che ritiene ingiusta, i provider dovranno bloccarlo.
Questo provvedimento può obbligare i provider a oscurare un sito ovunque si trovi, anche se all'estero. Il Ministro dell'interno, in seguito a comunicazione dell'autorità giudiziaria, può disporre con proprio decreto l'interruzione della attività del blogger, ordinando ai fornitori di connettività alla rete internet di utilizzare gli appositi strumenti di filtraggio necessari a tal fine. L'attività di filtraggio imposta dovrebbe avvenire entro il termine di 24 ore. La violazione di tale obbligo comporta una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria da euro 50.000 a euro 250.000 per i provider e il carcere per i blogger da 1 a 5 anni per l'istigazione a delinquere and the apology of crime, from 6 months to 5 years for incitement to disobedience of the laws of public order or hatred between the social classes.

Imagine how they could be cleaned up by the search engines for all the Caste link uncomfortable with this law?
You are providing weapons to lock in Italy Facebook, YouTube, the blog of Beppe Grillo and the freedom of information that travels across the network and that in our country is now the only source of uncensored information.

I remind you that ours is the only country in the world, where a media company, Mediaset, has requested 500 million in damages from YouTube.
Do you realize? So the government intervenes to once again, in an area that sees a company of the prime minister and justice in conflict of interest. After the bill Cassinelli and the establishment of a committee against piracy and digital media that there are less than 60 days must submit to Parliament a piece of legislation on this subject, this amendment to the "security package" in fact it makes explicit the project of the Government to "normalize" the Internet phenomenon that is growing around a system of reports and information as capillaries that you can not dominate.

Obama won the election thanks to the Internet? Those who can not think well of censorship and make Italy such as China and Burma.

Today, the only media that have been bouncing this news Beppe Grillo's blog and the columns of the magazine Computer Point.

Please forward this message as possible. It's time to wake up the sleeping consciences of Italians. At stake is really democracy!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Infinite Credits Cheat For Poptropica

Albino Comelli

Comelli Albino was born in Paris to a family of immigrants from Friuli, returned to their homeland during the Second World War. She studied psychology and political science in Italian universities doing the same time, temporary work experience in London, Paris and Monaco, which allowed him to improve his knowledge of foreign languages.

After several years of service with the provincial administration of Udine in the studies and research, has won the competition for hiring a psychologist at 's PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL of UDINE treated as the role of primary medical aid, first in Friuli. 1973

Meanwhile, after having taught psychology at the Professional Institute of the publicity, he founded together with other scholars, the IFRES , INSTITUTE FRIULANO SOCIAL ECONOMIC RESEARCH , taking care of the psychological field, writing articles for the magazine and publishing the book of the same name 'THE LEGACY' unconscious' original studies on the relationship between the character of the Friulian people and its stories and leggende.1971

Albino Comelli, psychotherapy since its inception, has devoted himself so entirely to the study and application of hypnosis. Since the early 70s followed specialized courses at the International Centre of MEDICAL HYPNOSIS of Milan, directed by prof. MARCO MARCHESAN at the C WITHIN BERHNEIM of Verona, at the AMIS of Milan directed by prof. MOSCONI and prof. CESARE Musatti at the CISSPAT of Padua, founded by prof. LUIGI Peresson also did a practical training at the ' HOSPITAL VERCO LLI in the department headed by prof. FRANCO Granone , without forgetting the lessons learned in CISSAM , the institute of alternative medicine made by prof. GIUSEPPE MARTINELLI . All these great masters of medicine has been linked by Comelli a long association which has since become mutual esteem and friendship.

In-patient psychiatric care of psychological techniques has introduced innovative and inspired a more humanistic vision that in some exceeds the setting too revolutionary way of prof. Dr. In particular, the application of hypnotherapy in the treatment of alcohol dependence, has placed him national attention after they have long been popular television services Italian, network RAI 1 and 2, in the early evening, on his work, with interviews by INGE FELTRINELLI and PAUL GRALDI .

A few years later, he has worked as consultant of the same cultural RAI, with director Richard Vitale, programs about the history of Friuli, directed by MARIO Maffucci .

Even Manuela Di Centa interviewed him on RAI 3 .

was the star of the program 'THE TRUTH' aired by the network 4, conductor Marco Balestri, always in the hypnotist as a psychologist, the program repeatedly broadcast by the network, as, indeed, happen, A few years later to the various services made by TV KOPER on his business and continue to receive replies given their success.

More important still was the interview that was done by the same ENZO BIAGI seguitissima during the transmission of RAI 1 "Hotline", still on his hypnotherapy business.

In those years, the end of 1980, expanded research on hypnosis, focusing on knowledge of its effects on cerebral circulation and thus interference such as epilepsy, together with prof. Remic MILOS, a neurosurgeon at the University Clinic di Lubiana, e al prof. GIANCARLO ENGLARO primario dell’Istituto di medicina nucleare dell’ OSPEDALE di UDINE . I risultati straordinari di questa ricerca sono stati da Comelli illustrati in una relazione fatta al Convegno mondiale sull’ipnositerapia di AMSTERDAM .

Poco tempo prima, aveva pubblicato due testi sull’ipnosi, uno più scientifico, “L’IPNOSI: UNA ANOMALIA PSICOSOMATICA” , e l’altro “SOTTO IPNOSI: MEMORIE di VITE PASSATE” , di interesse più popolare.

Sull’onda di questo successo PAOLA GIOVETTI direttrice del settimanale “VISTO” gli dedica la copertina ed un lungo servizio su questa sua specialità.

Alla fine degli anni ’80, dopo avere seguito e curato, soprattutto con l’ipnosi, migliaia di pazienti, dopo avere appreso e diffuso la conoscenza di questa tecnica in convegni scientifici, con conferenze popolari, interviews, presentations of any kind, COMELLI receives P REMIO GARIBALDI FOR MEDICINE that is delivered to the Vicenza grandson of the hero of two worlds, ANITA GARIBALDI . In addition to writing is presented and ACADEMY TIBERINA , the job opportunities are offered by private clinics, which he will accept a little later. After 22 years working at the psychiatric services of the Province of Udine, he accepts the offer, free, two medical studies, and is dedicated to the private use of the profession. Lately, we are in 2009, a group of doctors and friends of the city of Belluno him the opportunity to work in that city.

psychotherapist Nobody could imagine a more satisfying story of this, the result of dedication, passion and preparation Comelli to people in care, which have countered with all sorts of attention and confidence, not flawed by the fact that a patient has accused him of having attempted a sexual approach at a session of hypnosis. Accusation unsustainable oltrecchè false, even from a scientific perspective, as has been confirmed by all experts, scholars and practitioners.

The thread that links the fate of privileged Comelli hypnosis, and his patients, continues through new and exciting work experience who find exposure in the recent book " UNDER HYPNOSIS: A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME ", where the unconscious part of the human mind, and put in a particularly favorable condition (hypnotic sleep), produces effects that are amazing revelations and also for the treatment of mental disorders.

In the name of this bond and commitment therapy, Comelli, had given some years ago the possibility of being the psychologist 's UDINESE , relief team on the national football scene. The valuable proposal was made by the director general Franco Dal Cin . Comelli, who is also registered with the journalists, had started this side business as a sports correspondent of the newspaper "Il Messaggero Veneto . On the other hand, already years before, had founded with Peresson Comelli, 's ataxia- CISSPAT center of Sports Psychology, as a point of reference and advice

During the period of research on the neurophysiological effects of hypnosis, Comelli has worked in the rehabilitation of some patients of the Institute of Physical Medicine Gervasutta UDINE in Physiatric department headed by prof. LUIGI LOVATI , which recognized the practical value of hypnosis innovative also very popular in the physical.

all'ipnositerapia addition, which was the pride of all his clinical practice, ALBINO COMELLI is dedicated to the knowledge of all the psychological techniques, both imaginative that the cognitive, behavioral and energetic, analytical and of course, according to a global vision, versatility, which allowed him to be a practical psychologist, with ample opportunity to adapt to the needs of the patient. The teachers have been at the school, capiscuola recognized as Victor Frankl , Founder of Logotherapy, a treatment that is based on the values \u200b\u200bof CESARE Musatti , first representative of psychoanalysis in Italy, to Giuseppe Martinelli , promoter of Psychoneuroendocrinology, and the approach to the oriental medicine, the LUIGI Peresson , promoter of the TA (Autogenic Training) that an intervention psychosomatic, of course MARCO AND ROLANDO MARCHESAN , tireless researchers of the effects of hypnosis, has put in an ideal condition for Comelli make a synthesis of knowledge and techniques of psychotherapy. Not coincidentally was the first director of the Company PSYCHOSYNTHESIS of the Province of Udine. This has also helped in dealing with both traditional medicine is that branch of science called parapsychology, a kind of avant-garde being tested

In the field of new therapies Comelli has distinguished himself for being (near Udine), the first scholar, practitioner and teacher of techniques such as music therapy, color therapy, relaxation techniques and hypnosis course, supported in from this that lighting and open direttore di ospedale che fu ADOLFO PETIZIOL .

Comelli ha effettuato ricerche, per conto della RIVISTA NAZIONALE DEL LAVORO , sui disturbi nervosi provocati dallo stress dei rumori in alcune fabbriche. Ha collaborato con un Centro di consulenza locale allo studio e alla gestione psicologica dei rapporti di lavoro presso la FRIULANA GAS , azienda di rilievo nel settore dei combustibili.

He gave his advice and contribution, provided free of charge, to institutions for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities and centers for drug rehabilitation.

He did a 'survey on the psychology of the behavior of young people in the interland Udine, a study on the educational effects caused by emigration, for work, his father abroad. Some of these activities have been documented in a publication.

The MORE PUBLICATIONS 'IMPORTANT Comelli, which had spread and some success, and which represent a screening, a side of her therapeutic work, are:

"LOVE TOGETHER: chronicle of love and life as a couple" - Reverdito, publisher Rizzoli

"by Narciso On Narcissism: history and psychology of the body, cosmetic surgery" - Reverdito ed.

"INTERVIEW WITH CONSCIENCE: the man in front of the third millennium " - Reverdito ed.

" ET. ER. E.: ethics, eros, aesthetic - Maremma Florence publishers

"UNDER HYPNOSIS: A Memoir of lives past" - Reverdito, Mondadori.

"under hypnosis: time travel" - Reverdito, Giunti ed.

"DEDICATED TO THE WOMAN" volume of the Encyclopedia "HEALTH" - Reverdito ed.

Comelli was among the organizers and participants of the Balint groups between psychologists and physicians of Northeast Italy, which for years met in Oderzo then to Mestre to Venice and finally to discuss clinical cases, their diagnosis and treatment, according to a multilateral comparison. A kind of training and continuous updating

"We'll see you Monday '" is the name that the founder gave all COMELLI ' meeting every 1st Monday of the month is held at the Cafe Bistro in Udine, and represents a synthesis between the original cultural conference, an opportunity to communicate and finally psychological support, as the subtitle "comparison between the ideas and sentiments of our time, according to a constructive vision of dialogue and listening" does this. After nearly twenty years, this initiative, which was imitated in other cities, is always busy so varied and numerous that people who come from outside the province to participate in the presentation of the topic made by Comelli and then discuss it together. The themes, which are chosen and voted by the audience, deal with feelings and ideas, a vision in human and psychological, then open respectful of everyone.

He founded recently in 2005, along with other psychologists 'historical' del Friuli, which AUGUSTO Comuzzi , D'Odorico FRANCO, PAUL ZUCCONI , the group "we psychologists" che ogni prima domenica del mese offre, liberamente, a tutti, la possibilità di partecipare alla discussione sui vari disturbi psichici e sulla loro cura, il che rappresenta un servizio esemplare anche dato il suo carattere gratuito.

A questo stesso spirito si ricollega una serie di CORSI , che il suddetto gruppo, da anni svolge sulla AUTOSTIMA GENERALE , utilizzando anche l’apporto di altre discipline pratiche e di scienze quali la filosofia e la sociologia. In particolare Comelli ha promosso corsi per l’ AUTOSTIMA AL FEMMINILE , tenuti dalle psicologhe Raffaella Lanzutti Iacuzzi and Mara, and especially courses PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY , the knowledge to live better, with the contribution of prof. Grazia Sacchi, in various cities and towns in Friuli.

In 2008 and 2009 he was invited to give lessons PSYCHOLOGY OF LIFE IN HOUSE courses organized by the Regional Federation of housewives.

years, Comelli, lectures on the topics of psychology at the UNIVERSITY 'Third Age' of various cities of Friuli.

parallel, albeit in a more restricted, Comelli was devoted to the interest by creating and participating in cultural many cultural activities, writing also 22 book of poetry, two novels, Some essays on the history and sociology.

Here is the list of works in poetry:

"The music of the time " - Venice Rebellato publisher

" My season - and Lorenzini. Udine

"Hello, Friuli - Lorenzini ed. Udine

"In the silence of the rocks" - Venice GeV

"Ancient swings" - Bigazzi ed. Carrara

"Metaphor of Love - New and experiences. Pistoia

"Dream of a kite" - Florence and books.

"Fires of the North" - Florence and books.

"The Song of the 7 Stars" - Florence and books.

"Earthsea" - Firenze libri ed.

"Nulla più del fuoco" - Firenze libri ed.

"Il gioco degli angeli" - Firenze libri ed.

"Vita sparsa" - Firenze libri ed. (In italiano ed in ungherese)

"Il tempo e l’amore" - Firenze libri ed. (In italiano ed in ungherese assieme al più grande poeta di Lingua ungherese Ferenc Andras Kovacs)

"La casa delle anime vive" - Reverdito ed. (in tedesco ed in italiano)

"DNA, Effetti speciali" - Chiandetti ed. Udine

"Paesaggi dell’anima" - Delizia ed. Casarsa

"Poesie d’amore" - Campanotto ed. Pasian di P

"Stelle di poesia" - Campanotto ed. Pasian di P

"Prima di tutto, il sole" - Campanotto ed. Pasian di P

"Alba Onirica" \u200b\u200b - Campanotto ed. Pasian P

"Fantasie in common use" - Campanotto ed. Pasian P

books Books:

"Dialogue on Democracy - and Leonardo. Pasian di Prato

"Romeo and Juliet - The Origin friulana del mito" (assieme a Francesca Tesei) Firenze lib


"Eva Naik" - Maremmi Ed. Firenze

"La Luna sotto la Pelle" - Rebellato ed. Fossalta di Piave.

Comelli ha fondato e dirige da molti anni una iniziativa, chiamata “MITTELIBRO” , volta alla promozione della lettura di un libro, che ogni mese viene presentato da Comelli, e quindi discusso dai partecipanti, i quali, alla fine dell’incontro, propongono, scelgono e votano il libro in discussione nel prossimo mese.Grazie a questa iniziativa ha incontrato e presentato alcuni illustri narratori italiani tra i quali ALAIN ELKANN, PAOLO MAURENSIG e CARLO SGORLON .

Ha organizzato incontri letterari assieme allo scrittore STANISLAO NIEVO e partecipato ad iniziative culturali con MARCELLO VENEZIANI , noto opinionista.

In qualità di esperto letterario, Comelli ha presentato, a Udine, per due volte, VITTORIO SGARBI e i suoi due libri “IL BENE E IL BELLO” e “RAGIONE E PASSIONE” .

Comelli Albino è stato anche fondatore e presidente per anni della BANDA MUSICALE UDINESE , che all’inizio degli anni ’70, contava su 85 strumentisti, venuti da ogni parte del Friuli, che si esibì in concerti impegnativi e ricevette apprezzamenti e applausi, sotto la direzione del maestro DE MARCO .

A Comelli è stato assegnato il p rimo premio, in concorsi nazionali ed internazionali di letteratura , almeno una dozzina di volte, in varie città italiane, senza contare i riconoscimenti minor

Egli è stato anche l’ispiratore del premio di poesia “GIULIETTA E ROMEO” di Udine, della cui giuria è stato presidente per anni, e così pure di altre giurie letterarie.

Important writers and art critics have reviewed his works, including DARIO DONATI, Stanislaus NIEVO, Licio Damiani, CATHERINE BIGAZZI, Fulvio CASTELLANI, TEA Stoke, KUNDO MIKLOS NAGY, URSULA LIPOTH, PAUL DE DOMENICO, WHITE GOOD, WIN Beneforti etc..

His poems, with related presentations and comments were included in several national anthologies, including:






"MAREE" - PAGINE ed. Roma


has widespread interest in poetry talking about it in countless meetings, making her acting or acting in any other occasion. It 'been invited to speak to this in both primary and secondary schools.

COMELLI ALBINO was chosen as the sole representative for the Friuli region in several editions of the meetings between national poets, organized by POETRY Venice at the Palazzo del Cinema a Venezia Lido.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Free Clip Love Making

& The Savona Varazze: Pavia say that since you think of the sea, since you hear the sea from Alexandria

The sea, which has made Liguria what it is, and has made the Ligurian what they are.

That sea so bright under the clear sky winter, so dazzling in the summer sun. And the sea behind the hills covered with olive trees and oaks, the green mountains of pine and beech trees, the peaks of snow white or gray rocks that enclose the horizon of ferries and cruise ships .... Why is the most beautiful sea has hills, rocks, woods and mountains behind him.

It's a land that rolls meeting, the bright colors and bright colored houses of the villages and towns along the coast. All this will find it here, in this part of Liguria Invrea ranging from plans to Cape Vado, a blue sea that reflects the green woods and Mediterranean vegetation, warm beaches, towns and villages where the pleasures of summer leisure do not forget the many traces of history and art of men.


vessels in the history

A marina of boats on the white background rocky mountains and pine: Varazze by the Aurelia looking to see why the Romans called ro to Naval. The name Varagine, who had already in 967 AD, has the same meaning: woods full of excellent wood to build boats, a beach suitable for launching ships, in short, the link between Varazze and the sea is one of the strongest and oldest of the entire Liguria. And the shipyards, especially Baglietto have given luster to this beautiful city until the twentieth century. When it was realized that the sea is also used to bathe, to strengthen body and spirit under the sun after a year of winter skies, or stroll along the promenade of palms flowered. In short, for the holidays. So today

Varagine beaches welcome tourists arriving in the Riviera to discover and enjoy the charm of the Mediterranean. Not only are the beaches, for the truth. The welcome they give the same Varazze, fishermen, hoteliers, farmers of the hills: a population that welcomes every year friendship with anyone from Piedmont, Lombardy, Germany, from all over Europe come here to enjoy the serenity and fun in their earned vacation, at the elegant four-star hotels as in boarding houses: why the Riviera delle Palme is beautiful and hospitable all year round.

History Varazze law even in medieval ramparts that the belt is still intact in their northern flank that includes the remains of the original Romanesque church of Sant'Ambrogio, witness the presence of the church in Varazze Milan in early medieval centuries, the new Sant'Ambrogio is instead century, but its nice Campanin Russu and what remains of an old church lombarda romanico-gotica. Da non perdere anche la chiesa dei Santi Nazario e Gelso col sagrato a risseu (cioè decorato con ciottoli di fiume policromi che compongono bei disegni geometrici e marinari) e San Domenico, che conserva come un trofeo, conficcata nella facciata, la palla di cannone che nel 1746 gli fu sparata contro da una nave francese.

Feste e tradizioni
I santi e i pesci in "I una città di mare hanno più di un legame fra loro. Come San Donato, la " cui festa di agosto è dedicata a tutti i pescatori; i quali dicono la loro anche alla Sagra della melanzana ripiena e del pesce, sempre in agosto, nella località San Donato (appunto). Prima, il 30 di aprile, con a procession and a parade is held one of the oldest festivals Liguria, dedicated to St. Catherine of Siena who spent between now and the end of 1300, and freed the city from the plague.

A brother who could tell
Varazze The most famous story was born around 1230, and was baptized with the name of James. Dominican friar, became bishop of Genoa in 1292, guadagnadosi good reputation with its attempts to alleviate the plight of the poor people, to reform the clergy, to pacify the city factions (there were times of the Guelphs and Ghibellines). But since he could write well, history remembers him especially the Chronicon Januense, where recounts the historical events of Genoa from its origins to 1295 and the Legenda Aurea, which was one of the best-selling book of the Middle Ages.

It says, in Latin, of course, the life of Jesus, the Virgin and Saints of 149, and the biographical history of the characters are mixed with fantastic legends and naive, told the faithful in order to educate and warn them about the dangers damnation of hell. It was a resounding success: the legend was translated into all the vernacular of the time, was for centuries a wealth of anecdotes and information used by preachers and painters, and is still one of the most printed book in history.

Ride the waves for surfing wave is not necessary to go on the coasts of California and wait paclfiche Wednesday from lions. Come in Varazze, and you will find waves and seabed to gallop on the crest of every season. Varanasi is considered among the best three waves of the Mediterranean. The rocky bottom side of the river offers Teiro long waves, breakers, short-wave and fast ... For fans that come down to this sea mezz'Europa, Varazze has developed another of its countless tourist potential.

Plans Invrea
A long walk flat, then first dirt road paved, and the center of Varanasi follows the sea towards the east to the mouth of the river Arrestra, the eastern boundary of the province of Savona. The few galleries that sometimes refresh the way remind us that here, on the Europa Lungomare di Varazze, passing the old railway between tufts of broom charge of their beautiful yellow flowers, dark woods of oak, true masters of the Mediterranean, the terrace on the sea home to the family castle Invrea, and ogle some discreet elegant modern villa nestled between the green tops Invrea.

The walk invites you to stop occasionally to swim in the cool tones of the sea and soak up the sun in small and solitary beaches, where there is no place for umbrellas and where the rocks convoluted invite intimacy. The Aurelia
wanders hidden tortuosa, la si scorge a stento, alta su questo tratto di costa veramente rocciosa del Varazzino, il più selvaggio, il più silenzioso.

Costruire navi è bene, ma poi bisogna imbarcarsi e navigare.
Ben lo sapeva Lanzarotto Malocello, varazzino del XIV secolo che navigando oltre le Colonne d'Ercole partecipò, forse nel 1312, alla scoperta (anzi, alla riscoperta, perché i Romani già le conoscevano) delle isole Canarie. Una delle quali, Lanzarote, si chiama cosi in suo onore.

Fra alberghi e campeggi
La tradizione turistica di Varazze è più che centenaria, e questa località offre ai turisti il meglio della Riviera delle Palme in terms of hotel accommodation and bathing facilities and sports, in everything helped by excellent weather conditions all year round, with average temperatures ranging from 9 degrees in January to 25 August, while the sea in summer the temperature reaches of 26/27 degrees.

It may seem incredible that in this small town really "human scale", without a bit of chaos' alienating major urban centers, there are several hundred hotels of all categories, from elegant four-star guesthouses . To which are added to all guest accommodation, holiday parks, campsites for tents and caravans, to farms to residences, rooms for rent.

is not likely to have to sleep on the road "in Varazze! The accommodations are a lot because many people here who like to spend their "holiday" in the last years of the millennium just ended Varazze has accommodated at least 600,000 Italian and foreign tourists every year! Many of them are loyal, that every summer back in "their" Riviera. The first people to spend their holiday in these parts were in the eighteenth century, the Genoese nobility followed by the Piedmont is worth knowing that one of the first guests to "foreigners" of the beach at Varazze was Prince Thomas of Savoy, and that the first bathhouse in the city was opened in 1887 and was named after the Queen Margherita. So who could afford the luxury of a beach holiday had some problems of redundancy and controesodi, and the living marine lasted at least a month.

All the sea, all at sea ...
The provision of facilities for swimming is no less rich than the hotel: more than forty beach resorts that equip Varazze beaches, cliffs Plans Invrea to the waterfront of downtown. For those who dislike the long hours of leisure under the umbrella is not spoiled for choice: virtually all water sports can be practiced in Varazze, from canoeing to water skiing (there is a special school) .

the latest passion, surfing, he said, but are excellent ancho dive centers with their schools, clubs for sport fishing, not to mention por Varazze Club Nautico, which now has more than 80 years, or the sailing of the Italian Naval League. The marina to the west of the Cantieri Navali Baglietto and Punta Aspera, has a capacity of more than 300 berths.

suna in corpore sano Mens
Who will the holiday as an opportunity to reinforce its lisico has bread for his teeth. Out of the sea, on land, you can attend the equestrian center and learn jumping, rent a mountain bike and go up the roads and trails that climb the hills, to walk along the new promenade that connects to Varazze cells close to the cliffs that overlook the marina, or Europe on the waterfront to the east that runs for 5 km
vat Cogoleto.

Or devote to athletics, tennis, volleyball and handball, martial arts, bowls, mini golf or skating in the modern sports site in the city center. The more you know ... daffodils, situated in the gym the tools necessary for the care of their bodies. Finally, those who love to "fly oh oh!" Liguria can discover a bird's eye by going to school for paragliding or flicker between Portofino and Monte Carlo on board aircraft departing from the airport of Villanova d'Albenga.

Varazze Varazze by night
If it is rightly known for its beautiful sea and its long beach is also known as the city's nightlife.

His dancing is still the reference point of all those who love to dance, from smooth to Latin America, from rock to merengue.

During the summer there are organized events with major orchestras and singers that attracts music lovers from all over Liguria.

Viva women, beautiful women alive ...
Always, but the March 8 more. In spring a Varazze si organizzano spettacoli, mostre, sfilate di moda, eventi culturali, manifestazioni sportive, tutti dedicati alle donne. E siccome a dame e donzelle è d'uopo dedicare serenate d'amore, ecco il Festival Internazionale del Mandolino, che a dicembre richiama maestri e appassionati da ogni dove.

Il Deserto di Varazze

Uno legge Deserto e pensa a paesaggi aridi e desolati, il sole che batte implacabile. No no, siete fuori strada! Questo deserto, il Deserto di Varazze, è tale solo perché poco abitato. La valle dell'Arrestra si raggiunge salendo da Varazze verso Casanova, e ancora più su lungo i tornanti che arrancano sul versante a mare del Beigua. È un luogo di una bellezza wild, dark oak and laurel, a triumph of the Mediterranean, where it is fun to wander on foot or horseback, diving into the quiet sounds of nature.

Even in the car, I go boi, for the lazy ... The hermitage of the Desert offers visitors exudes spirituality and its products and an interesting botanical trail. But you can not return to the coast without having wandered through the streets of the woods of vehicular and pedestrian Faie and Alpicella, without having enjoyed the view of the Madonna della Guardia, without having reached the old medieval church to Parasio San Donato, with castrum, without having crossed paths archaeological and bridge buck.

Il Monte Beigua: le montagne rocciose della Liguria

Si chiama Beigua il monte che protegge da nord il mare di Varazze: è una montagna certo non altissima, nemmeno 1300 metri, ma maestosa di rocce e boschi come una cima alpina. Foreste di faggi e roveri, verdissime d'estate e coperte di neve d'inverno, coprono le valli a nord dello spartiacque padano, su fino ai crinali aridi dove la tramontana terge l'aria offrendo alla vista del fortunato viandante Genova stretta e lunghissima, le Alpi e la Corsica, mentre con lo scirocco sale una nebbia in grado di suscitare tutte le possibile emozioni cantate da Lucio Battisti.

L'intreccio di foreste, valli, prati, paesi e cascine che circondano il Beigua è protetto from a regional natural park, which wants to protect a nature of much value because most lived so close to the coast. Views of the Rocky Mountains almost five kilometers from the sea and less than an hour's drive from Genoa.

Walking in these woods, observing the vast landscape that is offered to those taking the Ligurian Alta Via dei Monti, driving slowly along these roads, swimming in the fresh waters of these streams is clear and easy to realize the wealth that has Savona The Italian province with the largest forest cover (almost 60% of its surface). A wealth of nature and health to defend and preserve at all costs.

Artists other eras
The wildness of the large mass of Beigua, dense forests, helps you find the spiritual communion with nature that brings city life to forget but that is intimate and essential to human life. Nothing strange, then, that this was one of three mountains "sacred" of prehistoric Ligurian. In the centuries before the Christian era transhumant herders have affected the rocks, they drew stylized human figures, geometric symbols, perhaps topographic maps, with symbols of wealth and elegant stroke.

and the southern slope of the mountain, around the village of Alpicella, the richest area of \u200b\u200bthese ancient works of art. On the side and with the prehistory, however, we sono anche le croci cristiane incise dai pastori altomedievali. Quale sarà stato il vero significato di quei segni, ormai non si può sapere. Ma si può pensare che in ogni epoca storica gli uomini che si trovano da soli nella natura avvertano più intensamente i sentimenti che li legano ai loro simili e a Dio; questi segni probabilmente sono parole verso la terra e preghiere verso il cielo.

Lassù nei verdi pascoli
Chi volga lo sguardo verso nord dalla cima del Beigua vedrà una serie ondulata di colli e valli: fra i boschi e i prati, le macchie rosse e bianche dei paesi, spicca Sassello, fregiato con la Bandiera Arancione, simbolo del premio di qualità per il turismo dell'entroterra istituito dal Touring Italian Club. Reached from Varanasi and Albisola, perhaps pre-Roman origins, was destroyed by the Saracens in the Middle Ages, then sold it to the Doria in Genoa. Domina

a plateau cool and breezy in summer, full of mushrooms, game and chestnuts in autumn. In the Middle Ages iron was worked on the island of Elba, who arrived here by ship and transported by mule. Those times are the houses of the old town, divided between the twelfth century and Soprana Bastia Bastia Sottana created by the Doria in the '400, and the Good Friday procession, when the walls of the houses are covered with branches and cadres of the streets compounds from flowers and leaves of acacia

There are only the mushrooms and the fruits of the vast forests in the Apennines meet watering of the tourist who chooses Sassello for holidays: here you can (or rather, you should!) enticed macaroons. Small, round, granular, Bruno! jewels of the local kilns; wrapped one by one so that they retain fragrance, are called "Macaroon." Well, it's true, there are only here: the production of queen scallops amaretti and is the pride of many countries Palo and Urbe, both from Varazze to the top of Beigua and then down through the woods and Pra Riundo Piampaludo, alongside the moraine of Laione pond, perhaps unique in Liguria.

There is nothing better than to break a long holiday by the sea one day between the waters of this stream near Alpine, loved the Ligurian coast for its clarity, the coolness of its wooded shores, lakes its tributaries where it's nice to dive and splash around in the hot days of August. The Orba back the surroundings of the vast territory of Urbe, which preserves the memory in the name of the Roman presence.

Brand Aleramica II Erro river flows west into the Piedmont di Sassello, oltre i limiti occidentali del Parco del Beigua. Sono terre di boschi e campagne, i cui abitanti per secoli hanno tratto da vivere dallo sfruttamento del legname, ottimo per costruire le navi della Repubblica di Genova nei cantieri di Varazze e della costa savonese. Pontinvrea fu feudo dei marchesi Invrea: il seicentesco Palazzo Marchionale è ancora ben conservato. Nella longobarda Giusvalla e a Mioglia, quasi al confine col Piemonte, sono invece pochi i resti di quei castelli che videro lotte e battaglie fra Genova e i marchesi Aleramici del Monferrato per il possesso di questi boschi pregiati.