Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Steal Nembutal

Share your experience: Become A Member Figo

I would say that the title is clear. From now on the blog open and welcomes all of you with hospitality. When I wrote my first post, now more than a year ago, my intention was to found a small community, albeit niche, but very active. I believe partly succeeded. Now we are many and I wanted to ask you who read the articles I write if I wanted to give your contribution. Whether you are a student who is a leading expert in your field. I believe that sharing knowledge is the salt of the network and all can do in order to improve everyone. Including me.

But what I'm asking you?

Sharing? Write ... and for what? ... We March but now that you've been drinking for breakfast? ". Watch you're right, I try to be more precise and well describe this thing that I'm asking you to do. partnership agreement I'd like you to share it with the users of this blog a bit 'of your experience. Realizing interesting articles or tutorials to post on this blog. Basically I'm asking you to become an author. But for how long? It is then that takes me all day? should not be a job. It should not be an effort. Must, if you so wish, be a gesture of sharing and simple. I do not want to impose what they write as writing. You just have to decide how much you want to devote to the web. may be interested to post an article once a week or once a month. For me the important thing is you have the desire to share un po’ di quello che hai imparato in questi anni. E Cosa Dovrei Scrivere? Non c’è un argomento preciso. Chiaramente deve trattare le tematiche del blog, ma l’argomento che andresti a trattare lo possiamo tranquillamente decidere insieme analizzando bene cosa fare. E Che Cosa Ci Guadagno?
No soldi no. Non li guadagno neanche io con questo blog. Ma sicuramente un po’ di credibilità. Sicuramente un po’ di visibilità.

Il solo fatto di metterti in discussione, di mostrare agli altri cosa sei bravo a fare può farti migliorare e quindi non solo far migliorare gli altri.

Cosa Devo Fare Per Partecipare?

Se vuoi iniziare a scrivere subito, quello che devi fare è inviarmi una email a

Questo è quello che ho fatto io, è quello che sto facendo da un anno a questa parte. Sono migliorato tanto e ho aiutato tanti a migliorare.

Quando ho creato questo blog, circa un anno fa, l’ho creato per cercare di mettere in piedi un piccolo network di persone che lavorano insieme per aiutarsi e aiutare.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fremont Investment Bank

Stop Chinese products!

Continua inarrestabile l’immissione/invasione (spesso totalmente clandestina, poichè frutto di una vera e propria importazione parallela) nel mercato italiano di prodotti Made in China contraffatti e nocivi, uno degli effetti più evidenti della globalizzazione e dei ‘vantaggi’ del libero mercato! Un danno sociale ed economico enorme!
Prodotti pericolosi ma che generano altissimi profitti (in pure spirito capitalista!): dentifrici contenenti antigelo, passata di pomodoro avariata, riso OGM-transgenico, giocattoli con elementi tossici, cibi conservati in condizioni precarie, capi di abbigliamento sospettati di contenere highly hazardous chemicals, technical articles and made bad plumbing and electrical materials and often with hazardous materials!
should be the State to protect the health and interests of Italian and European citizens, but unfortunately the total adherence to the tenets of free markets and the turbo prevents such measures. And then you have to defend himself, beginning perhaps as much as possible to avoid buying Chinese products and multinationals with factories in China, preferring to Italian and European productions, the work of Italian and European citizens!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Robin Subaru 6.5hp 169cc

Print: Choose Which Card for your project

photo © 2008

Dmitry Krendelev

How do you choose the right kind of paper? What are the basic steps? How to move in the choice of paper?

Choose the right card for your project can be very difficult to understand how to move in this direction could help.

Today, in fact you want to recommend what parameters you should consider when choosing the paper and how you should behave.

Here, briefly, what I'm going to explain:

choice of paper: what to do?

What distinguishes the various cards?

What type of card you use for your posters?

Se hai bisogno di capire bene che tipo di carta ti serve per il tuo stampato, prova a leggere questo articolo.

  paper plane Prima di iniziare a descriverti tutti i vari passaggi da prendere in considerazione è meglio che tu capisca che quando progetti qualcosa da stampare devi cercare di immaginare, questo tuo progetto, già pronto e finito. Completo nella sua interezza. Nel fare questo avrai modo di domandarti anche il tipo di carta da usare. E’ bene scegliere il tipo di carta proprio in fase di progettazione, cercando quindi di pianificare tutto il possibile. Scelta Della Carta: Che Cosa Devo Fare? Per capire quali siano le tue esigenze specifiche, in merito alla scelta della carta, cerca di concentrarti principalmente sul prodotto. Che cosa devi fare? Fare questo ragionamento è molto importante perché molto spesso ti capiterà di trovare una carta fantastica di cui sei innamorato, ma poi, non poterla utilizzare per molteplici fattori. Perché poco si adatta con il tuo progetto, perché è troppo costosa. Questo è un problema che vale per tutti, sia per grandi che piccole produzioni. Quindi la scelta di un prodotto economico, ma che allo stesso tempo sia un buon prodotto, è davvero difficile. Qui di seguito ti ho messo una bella lista di punti chiave che dovresti prenderti il tempo di affrontare: Che tipo di prodotto intendi creare?
Quanto vuoi che duri?

Che sensazione vuoi che trasmetta?

    Che tipo di prodotto vuoi produrre? Un manifesto, un libro o un biglietto da visita?
  • Dopo che avrai risposto a queste domande cerca di approfondire i punti che ti ho elencato qui di seguito.
  • Cosa Distingue Le Varie Carte?
  • Carta Patinata O Non Patinata?

La scelta di usare una carta patinata o non patinata è forse ciò che più influenzerà la sensazione generale del prodotto. Cerca di riflettere bene su questa decisione. Le carte patinate sono disponibili in vari tipi di morbidezza, opacità e lucentezza.

Normalmente le carte patinate sono utilizzate per la stampa di Fotografie e Illustrazioni. Ma perché? Per via della composizione delle fibre della carta, nelle carte patinate, l’inchiostro non viene assorbito completamente ma tende a rimanere in superfice. Per via di questo fattore i colori risulteranno più brillanti. Le carte non patinate, tendenzialmente più ruvide, vengono principalmente utilizzate per la produzione di libri o altre produzione dove viene stampato molto testo. L’inchiostro penetra lo strato superiore paper (the one where it stops the matt coated) and sinks into the fibers.

There is another reason why the uncoated papers are chosen for printing text. The reason is that the coated papers are very reflective, and this would undermine much of the reading.

Here I made a small list of editorial and other areas where the two types of paper are used:


Stock Photography

  • Print Commercial
  • uncoated
  • Books

thickness and weight

This is certainly another very important factor in the choice of the paper. A wrong choice may indeed affect all your work.

Paper is measured in gr / sqm. Here I made a short list of various thicknesses of paper that you can use in different situations.

70/90 gr. weight for the paper for journal

100/150 gr. weight for posters

200/250 gr. ideal weight for prints business card-like

  • E’ la percentuale di luce che viene riflessa sul foglio. e’ tipicamente espressa  su una scala cha va da 1 a 100. La gran parte delle carte riflette circa il 60/90 & della luce. E’ un fattore molto importante che può compromettere la lettura o ancora la percezione del colore. Prima Della Scelta Fatti Consigliare
  • Prima di prendere la tua decisione definitiva, prenditi un caffè con il tipografo da cui intendi farti fare il lavoro. Chiedigli se la scelta che hai intenzione di prendere è quella giusta e magari rapportati con lui in merito alle scorte che ha in magazzino.  
  • Grazie a Claudio Lipari per la tempestiva Correction!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Do Under The Sink Dishwashers Work

Genoa, after centuries of decline, the Superb has remade the trick, we discover one of the most beautiful Italian cities.

2004 was surely the final year of the 'rebirth' of one of the most fascinating cities in the beautiful country: after centuries of history are marked by a slow decline after the great industrial growth and population of 900, which had turned Genoa, a cornerstone of Italian industrial development, the 'Superb' and make your makeup is reconciled with its history and the sea.

After the Columbus celebrations in 1992 and the surprising rebirth of the city center came in 2004 with the appointment of party dress: a lot of today's cultural events and many reasons to stay in Genoa. Are not missed in recent years, the tense moments: the G8 in 2001 brought worldwide attention to the city, particularly for serious disorders caused by extreme fringes of the radical movements in Genoa came from all over the world. Today

Genoa betting on their 'appeal' through tourism initiatives and to continue a restructuring that continues today unstoppable: the waterfront city seems to be the next great challenge.


Piazza Banchi
Via S. Luca
via Fossatello
via Lomellini
Via del Campo
Porta dei Vacca
Via Pré


via Orefici
via Soziglia
Le Vigne
S. Matthew
San Lorenzo
Via San Lorenzo
Piazza Scuole Pie
De Ferrari


Palazzo Principe
via Balbi
Palazzo reale
Via Cairoli
Strada Nuova
Fontane Marose


Porto Antico
San Giorgio
San Bernardo
San Donato
Piazza delle erbe
S. Agostino
Porta Soprana
Piazza Dante

Se ti è piaciuto l'articolo , iscriviti al feed cliccando sull'immagine sottostante per tenerti sempre aggiornato sui nuovi contenuti del blog:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chelsea Charms In Hayati

Improve With Photoshop: 10 Tips on how to increase their ability

Photoshop is a fantastic tool, if you subscribed to this newsletter will already convinced. Photoshop, however, is a very versatile. You and you way to reach your goal in many ways.

In life there is always something to learn, and also for the use of Photoshop is the same principle. Understanding how to learn from more people. Understand how to improve, more and figure out what to take and what to take from one to another should be your goal. Only this way of thinking will take you to get some concrete goals.
  • Today I will share with you my point of view. I want to give my bagaglio di esperienza riguardo all’uso di Photoshop. Oggi voglio condividere con te una serie di consigli che ti aiuteranno a migliorarti con Photoshop. Qui di seguito ti propongo la mia lista personale.
  • Migliorare Con Photoshop: 10 Consigli Su Come Aumentare La Propria Abilità


1. Segui I Tutorial

  • photo © 2010
  • Tambako The Jaguar
  • Non lasciarli lì, raccolti in una cartella, tra i tuoi preferiti. Ogni giorno viene pubblicata una quantità industriale di contenuti, io ti aiuto a catalogare i migliori, ma tu puoi fare altrettanto.
  • Ogni settimana, quando ti invio le nuove news, prova a raccogliere in una cartella quelle che reputi più valide per te. Poi più avanti, magari nel fine settimana o quando hai del tempo, sarai in grado di esercitarti.
  • 2. Vai In Palestra: Fai esercizio

photo © 2009

Hotel Casavelas

The best way to learn and exercise. Like when you go to the gym and go home sweaty, you should try to bring home something that you remember.

For example, every day, ask yourself a goal, such as learning to use a tool rather than another, but try to go home with something feels, something that you remember.

photo © 2005


You can never think to start building a house from the roof. First you have to start from the ground, then put the bricks and begin building after the roof. Not the opposite.

If you're starting a Path (Photoshop Basics, Basics of Photography Basics Post - Production) parts from the bases. Try to take one step at a time and not start immediately with the difficult things.

So, distrust those who tell you want you to teach how to use Photoshop in a week. Focus on good content. The way among few trees 4. Participate and forums and get feedback photo © 2010 Josh Janssen photo © 2008 Desi photo © 2009

Arthur John Picton

Total Photoshop

In English:


DeviantArt Hotel Gym 7. Find an expert to follow photo © 2009 Meet the media Guru being a field mainly related to technology, you will not be hard to find someone to follow. If you do not know anyone tries to look on these series of websites or blogs that I've listed below. Focus your attention to the author and take a look at your website or blog. See if you can follow him on Twitter or on Facebook. In addition, try to tie you to him, he tries to follow him to understand how it moves. 8. Not Just Online: Read Magazines

photo © 2007

hobvias sudoneighm



Non focalizzarti solo a quello che puoi trovare in rete. Offline c’è anche tanto materiale che ti può tornare utile per migliorare ed anche in lingua italiana. Se puoi, abbonati alle riviste che trattano il tema che più ti interessa. Compra i libri più interessanti poi cerca di metterti all’opera.

9. Prova A Replicare I Lavori Degli Altri Crane - Under Construction. photo © 2009 Robert S. Donovan Now after all this training is the time to test. Try to replicate the work of others is a great way to challenge you. If you think it is plagiarism, much mistaken. This is a great way to test their skills, to see how far you can get and then comment on the finished work. You may try to proceed step by step to share your work with others to see better even with the help of the community. 10. Participate in design contests

photo © 2010 Tim Snell

What do you do in an attempt to learn more about Photoshop and graphics in general? Are you an expert in your field, what approach helped you get where you are today, and what you do to keep learning new things?

This article was written by Mark Toscano in the original Photoshop Helper

inspired by



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Minimum Yatch Footage To Cross Atlantic Ocean

Illustrator Tutorial: Transforming Objects

Clowning Around - 3/365 When you are creating a form with Illustrator, you have my opinion, try to have full control. But what it means to have full control? It means having the ability to modify the bill at any time and condition. Now you ask: "Yes Marco mah ... but what do I care, once I finished, not touch it anymore. "To think so, perhaps, make the biggest mistake of your life. Because, remember, the customer is always changing his mind and unfortunately you have to always be ready to move. So in this article I thought I would aggregate all the material most useful I've found around as regards the processing of objects. Here, briefly, what you'll find in this article: How to Resize Incline and distort objects in Illustrator How Reshaping objects with the Liquify Tool in Illustrator

How to Reshape using envelopes

In Illustrator

how to use 3D modeling tools in Illustrator - Part

how to use 3D modeling tools in Illustrator - Part

how to change the paths with the Illustrator editing tools

Blog of the day once again Illustrator Tutorial: Transforming Objects How to shrink Tilt and distort objects in Illustrator Source:

Reshaping objects with the Liquify Tool in Illustrator


Statue Room - Walker Art Gallery How Reshape using envelopes in Illustrator Source:

how to use 3D modeling tools in Illustrator - Part


how to use 3D modeling tools in Illustrator - Part


how to change the paths with the editing tools Illustrator

Source: Total - Photoshop Meet The Media Guru | Edgar Morin

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Do Italians Believe In Luck

The anxieties of the Italians and the media distortions

In a survey conducted among the population Italian has shown very clearly that economic insecurity is growing in our nation (in parallel to the accentuation of the phenomenon of capital-globalist, according to the propaganda of the global elites, would instead bring prosperity for all! !) and future prospects regarding employment and labor represent the biggest source of concern for a growing slice of the population.
E 'also became clear that there is a gap between media representation and social equity: Economic concerns dominate the agenda of the Italians, while the media and information are primarily other!
As if to divert attention from the enormous problems that the primary cause in the capitalist dogmas of globalization and extend!
The survey clearly showed that 60% of Italians first issue of unemployment (48.2%), the growing insecurity and lack of prospects.
And this is in opposition to the trends of media and information: on the news and media in general, these concerns and problems of Italians get a lot of space, but very limited!
A representation of the economic-employment, which has no relation with reality nor with the social perception!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Herpes From Trying On Clothes?

Tutorial Indesign and Illustrator: How to Create spot colors

photo © 2008 Arden this area, try to understand what are the dynamics that revolve around the management of color and in general around the color are very important. In this article I'm going to tell you about the colors "Spot" or also called "spot color. In this article I'll explain: What are spot colors

Why using spot colors

When using spot colors

how to create a spot color that InDesign How i ♥ vancouver magazine You create a spot color from Illustrator In practice, you understand, I'm going to make a guide Started with colors "Spot" also called "spot color. If you want more information about this topic, then read on. Indesign and Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create spot colors The Four Color Printing

photo © 2006

Elie Bellamar

I knew, the press is due to the overlap of the four primary inks. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black, also known by the initials CMYK. From Wikipedia



CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Key, is a color model that also quattricromia or color. The "K" in CMYK refers to key (key), since the printing systems that use this model using technology Computer to plate (CTP), which means a "key plate" ("key plate" in English) correctly align the sheets of the other three colors (cyan, magenta and yellow of course). Sometimes it is considered erroneously that the letter "k" is derived from the last letter of the word "Black", to avoid confusion since "b" means blue. As seemingly plausible, it is a mistake

. Designing Green trophy obtained with the four colors (subtractive) are a subset of the visible range, so not all the colors we see can be achieved with color, as not all colors created with all RGB (Red Green Blue ), that is what we see on our monitor (additive synthesis) have a corresponding whole CMYK. When superimposed in different proportions, the first three can cause almost any another color. 100% of all three components (CMYK 100,100,100,0) usually does not produce black, but the bistro, a color similar to a shade of very dark brown, but some inkjet photo printers (eg HP Photosmart) work exclusively in Tri-color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) for obtaining the black. Therefore, print jobs will be added to the ink of a fourth color for the solid black (CMYK 0,0,0,100) saving on the components of the other three inks (see Gray Component Replacement (GCR) and Under Color Removal (UCR )). " These colors come to an end on their special plates, one for color, and then according to the printing system impiegato finiscono sul supporto. La domanda ora giunge spontanea: Ma scusa Marco, se tutto funziona bene così, perché dovremmo stampare i nostri lavori, i nostri progetti con queste tinte piatte? E Poi che cosa sono? Il lavoro del grafico è un po’ un lavoro da pazzi, il grafico è un po’ come uno scienziato che prova e riprova, che tutto sommato gode a farsi del male. In generale comunque, usare le Tinte Piatte è meglio perché la resa cromatica è nettamente migliore. Che Cosa Sono I Colori Spot o Tinte Piatte

photo © 2006

Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy Poirrier




gran premio nacional Here I propose that says the soft-Adobe about the spot, in addition there are also some tips that may be useful. From Adobe Help Resource Center : "The spot and are special premixed inks used in place of or in addition to process inks (CMYK). Each spot color requires its own printing plate. The paint is considered a spot as it requires a separate plate for printing. If you intend to print an image con tinte piatte, dovete prima creare i canali di tinte piatte per memorizzare i colori. Per esportare i canali di tinte piatte, salvate il file in formato DCS 2.0 o PDF. Quando lavorate con le tinte piatte, tenete presente quanto segue:

Se dovete stampare elementi grafici a tinte piatte con bordi netti e con foratura dell’immagine sottostante, è preferibile creare tale grafica in un’applicazione di impaginazione o illustrazione.

Per applicare una tinta piatta come colore in tutta l’immagine, convertite l’immagine in metodo Due tonalità, quindi applicate la tinta one of two flat plates. You can set up to four spot colors, one for each plate.

spot color names are printed on the selection of the press.

Spot colors are overprinted on the image composite. Each spot color is printed in the order they appear in the Channels palette, with the channel placed higher than printed as spot color.


The tinte piatte non possono essere applicate ai singoli livelli.

Se usate una stampante a colori composita per stampare un’immagine con canali di tinte piatte, queste vengono stampate con il grado di opacità indicato dall’impostazione Solidità.
  • Potete unire i canali di tinte piatte ai canali di colore suddividendo la tinta piatta nei canali di colore che la compongono.”
  • Perché Utilizzare Le Tinte Piatte
  • Quando lavori per una grande azienda, non avrai certo problemi di soldi. Il problema della spesa o del contenere i costi in fase di stampa non sarà di sure your main problem, but rather creating a product that is really good.
  • When you have these conditions, use spot colors, it's almost an obligation.
  • are then used to create, print, or certain types of color combined with the color to make quality prints.
  • Here I made a small review of what are certainly companies that use spot colors for their prints and other cases in which they are used intelligently to save a few euro.
  • photo © 2007 ZeroOne

photo © 2011 Azat Akhyarov

a product very accurately.

To save . If you're going to print a logo or business card you'll want to print two sheets instead of four. This is also why the logos are very often composed of just two or three colors at most.

How to add a spot on Indesign Now that I've done all the account on the spot color, now you're wondering how you can do to fit them into your project to Indesign. Doing so is very simple, you have to move as I'll explain below.

After creating new document u gain access to the "Champions". If the panel "Sample" is not already open in your workspace, you can restore it by going to Window> Swatches.

At this stage, via the panel menu, click New Swatch. the Type Color, choose, Spot.

In Mode choose the color library "Pantone Solid Coated".

At this point, where before there were CMYK values \u200b\u200bcan now choose the color Pantone, precise, you are interested.

How to add a spot on Illustrator

If InDesign is already very easy to perform this procedure, su Illustrator, lo è altrettanto. Qui invece che creare un colore ad hoc nel pannello campione, il colore pantone lo puoi trovare ed usare direttamente dalla libreria specifica. Per aggiungere una Tinta Piatta su Illustrator puoi procedere come segue.

Dopo aver creato u nuovo documento accedi al pannello “Campioni”. Se il pannello “Campioni” non è già aperto nel tuo spazio di lavoro, puoi recuperalo, andando su Finestra> Campioni.

Dal menù del pannello clicca su “Apri Biblioteca Campioni”. Procedi su “Guide Colori”. Ed infine scegli la libreria “Pantone Solid Coated”.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Poster Of Brent Corrigan

InDesign Tutorial: Wrap the images with text

Dopo una piccola pausa con i tutorial scritti da me su Indesign, si ricomincia. Ci eravamo fermati agli strumenti di disegno e al loro utilizzo. Oggi voglio spiegarti una cosa super utile. Stai imparando ad usare Indesign, questa cosa, sicuramente ti servirà. Oggi, infatti voglio spiegarti come usare Indesign per far interagire testo ed immagini. Ma non mi limiterò a spiegarti solo e soltanto questo. Qui di seguito ti ho messo tutto quello che ho intenzione di spiegarti in questo articolo:

Come Creare Contorni Di Testo Di Base

Contornare Le Forme Degli Oggetti Con Il Testo Pantone Mugs Modificare La Forma Di Un Contorno Utilizzare I Tracciati Di Ritaglio Come Contorni Come Creare Tracciati Di Ritaglio Creare Tracciati Di Ritaglio Con Il Rileva Bordi
Se vuoi capire come funziona lo strumento Contorna Con Testo di Indesign allora continua a leggere questo articolo.

Tutorial Indesign: Contornare Le Immagini Con Il Testo

  • Quando importi un immagine su Indesign, questa, per impostazioni default, it installs without the Text Wrap function, that is, it will be positioned over the text to hide the contents.
  • Create Wrap text to the
  • To resolve this problem we must develop a method for making sure the image is surrounded by the text and that the space will be created to administer it.
  • Like any self-respecting layout program, InDesign, can do that too. This is handled by the Text Wrap panel which can be accessed via the command CTRL + ALT + W (PC) or CMD + OPT + W (MAC). This panel has two sections: the icons along the top control the way in cui il testo contorna, mentre i campi sotto alle icone stabiliscono l’offset dell’immagine.
Se vuoi contornare le immagini con il testo devi eseguire queste operazioni che ti ho raggruppato

qui di seguito


Dopo aver creato un nuovo documento, crea una nuova cornice di testo e inserisci del testo da Word oppure con il comando inserisci testo segnaposto.

Con il comando

inserisci importate un’ CMYK Process Ink immagine . Apri il pannello Contorna Con Testo , e noterai che la prima icona, quella di “Senza contorna con testo” è selected. Click the second icon called "Wrap the bounding box." As you can see the image is surrounded by the outline, but the default is set to 0 mm. At this point you can add space

to all four sides of a specific. Or by clicking the spinner next to each field. On either side of the image will display a blue line that will determine, visually, this distance.

For faster adjustment, but less accurate, you can use the handles of the line "Text Wrap" to change this space.

Wrap the form of the object with text

In the Text Wrap panel there is a nice button called "wrap the object's shape, just thinking on the premise that I just made, namely that can not exist only square or rectangular images.

If you want to understand how Imagine surrounding your particular text, then you must follow these steps:

Create a new document and after creating a text frame fill it with any text.

Then take the circle tool and create a circle

to put on your text box. Pantone formula guide The circle will be positioned over the text without budge an inch. Open the panel and select Wrap Text Wrap the Form object, which is the right of the key wrap the selection rectangle. Again by default the offset is 0 mm. It is up to you to take this space to a suitable measure. If you try to select the Invert button you will notice that the text is placed inside the size and distance from the rest of the text by a white circle, not text. Use clipping paths as outlines But if I had a 'strange image, with a particular form, for example, how should I act if the image I'm looking for is very similar to that of a flower and I wanted to move my text around the petals?
Indesign has thought of that. Are you skilled in the use of clipping paths you can think of to import images that contain them. You can select the track you are interested in the Clipping Path dialog box and then processed to produce contours.

But what is a clipping path?

The clipping path is essentially an elaborate mask applied to crop an image from a background. Most of the time these tracks are made with Photoshop with the pen tool. These tracks are saved with the image and when imported to Indesign can be used in place of the normal bounding box.

How to Create a clipping path

To create a clipping path is preferable to use Photoshop. This is because with the pen tool you can have a total mastery on the track and create something truly professional. My advice, if you want to make a path, is to use Photoshop. But anyway Indesign also offers some tools in this direction. Below I'll explain how. create clipping paths By The Record Borders

Assume that if you told before. That of the flower, and they have no intention or ability to use Photoshop. You can create a clipping path with Indesign with the tool detects edges.

Below I'll explain how you should move quickly to create a clipping path with the tool detects edges.

To achieve this thing you need to have a high resolution image, as it may be an image. Tiff, and more, this picture must have its well-defined edges. Clear and precise. Otherwise Indesign great difficulty a bit 'to proceed with the crop.

  • If your image has all these features then do the following:

  • Create a new document with a text box.

    The command post
  • the matter '

    image you are interested.

  • Then select Object> Clipping Path> Options or press the key combination ALT + SHIFT + CTRL + K (PC) or CMD + OPT + SHIFT + K (MAC). You can now access the Clipping Path dialog box.

  • Through the drop-down list "Type

    " you can choose whether to work with a clipping path in Photoshop or with an alpha channel. If there is none of these options such spaces appear "gray," but you can also groped to create a path with the tool detects edges. If you plan to use this tool make sure the preview box is active, so as to control directly what you're doing.

  • Box

    Threshold specifies the pixel value that will serve as the darker edge of the clipping path. In practice, you'll need to Indesign because the background is dark to show him more or less in that area is the person you wish to crop. The more the background will be more clear this value will be low.

  • The slider
  • Tolerance controls the proximity of a pixel in the threshold value before it is obscured by the track. The higher the tolerance the more pixels are included. (Test) Field Margin

  • frame down to reduce the frame as compared with clipping path. A negative value means that the frame is larger than the clipping path.
  • Box Reverse , however, reverses the visible parts with transparent areas of the track.

  • Box
Include Inside Edges

includes any blank area inside an image in the path. With this option selected, if you have any area within the image that is consistent with the values \u200b\u200bof threshold and tolerance, it will be added to the path.


Limit the frame creates a clipping path that stops at the border. And 'less precise, and creates a simpler path.

sure that the option

Use high-resolution image is selected. If not, Indesign will use a low resolution image to create the path. E 'abducted but inaccurate, so it is advisable to use a high resolution image. If the path

clipping you like you can click on Ok Ferrari F430 . At this point you can add an outline of the text as seen above.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How Do I Get Rid Of A Rash Between My Brests

Illustrator Tutorial: Learn How To Draw - The Best In Italian

As always, my goal is to make sense of all this mountain of information that are scattered throughout the network. Today I have for you aggregate the best in Italian sources on the design with Illustrator. Nutella 350 g The articles you will find below will help you get off on the right foot in the draw with this program and then you'll also learn many other tricks that will improve their lives. Here's Later, I will take key points today: Drawing simple shapes How To Use The Paths How To Use The Pen Tool Paths How To Change The Design prospective Illustrator - Part 1 Design Prospective With Illustrator - Part 2 How to speed up the use

of paths in Illustrator

Use the tool creates shapes in Illustrator

How To Create Perfect Dashes in Illustrator How to Create Profiles

    routes on Illustrator
  1. create an effect of Scribble accurately in Illustrator
  2. Illustrator Tutorial: Learn How To Draw - The Complete Guide In Italian

Drawing simple shapes pantoneindesign Source:

  1. photo © 2007 Jason Gulledge
  2. il tuo primo obbiettivo.
  3. In questo tutorial capirai tutto riguardo al disegno delle forme semplici in Illustrator.

Come Usare Lo Strumento Penna

photo © 2009 pantoneillustrator David Blackwell dopo aver imparato ad usare lo strumento penna ed aver creato i tuoi primi tracciati, il passo successivo, sarà quello di modificarli. Capire come ci si muove in questo senso deve diventare fondamentale per te.

    Da qui in poi partono una serie di tutorial, più “artistici” e quindi meno funzionali. Ma di sicuro più adatti a te che stai cercando di migliorarti nel disegno con Illustrator.
  1. Puoi leggere
  2. questo articolo
  3. per approfondire l’argomento.
  4. Disegno Prospettico Con Illustrator – Parte 1
Photo Credit: E.A. JUZA

cover_indesign22 Un uso spettacolare di Illustrator e quello use it to create perspective drawings that will allow, finally, to be precise and not to go to the eye.

Design Prospective Illustrator - Part 2

  • But here you can find the second part of the tutorial above. In this tutorial you will understand the various features of the grid in perspective, vanishing points, the horizon and so on.
  • How to speed up the use of paths in Illustrator
  • When you create a composition made with multiple paths in Illustrator can sometimes be necessary to create multiple items from a single path. Made in the traditional way this procedure can be boring and long. why in this video tutorial explains how to do it very easily.
  • Use the tool creates shapes in Illustrator
  • In this video tutorial from Total Photoshop Max tells you how to use the tool creates forms in Illustrator that lets you draw though not a perfect designer.
  • How To Create Perfect Hatches In Illustrator
Understand how to improve your design you just created in Illustrator is an essential part of the job. Do not pass up the details so it is important to understand how to do a 'look at this video tutorial.