Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dog Front Pack Carrier

USA: Armed guards in the employment offices! The deep inequalities

We are at this point: Indiana (USA) employment offices are protected by armed guards! Another good result achieved by global capitalism, no?
not surprise us to see very soon similar amenities even here in Europe, as our 'rulers' are bent to follow the criminal scriteriatamente neoliberal logic and turbo that are destroying the lives of millions of non-privilegiati!

INDIANAPOLIS -- Armed security guards will be on hand at 36 unemployment offices around Indiana in what state officials said is a step to improve safety and make branch security more consistent.
No specific incidents prompted the action, Department of Workforce Development spokesman Marc Lotter told 6News' Norman Cox.
Lotter said the agency is merely being cautious with the approach of an early-December deadline when thousands of Indiana residents could see their unemployment benefits end after exhausting the maximum 99 weeks provided through multiple federal extension periods. "Given the upcoming expiration of the federal extensions and the increased stress on some of the unemployed, we thought added security would provide an extra level of protection for our employees and clients," he said.
Some offices have had guards for nearly two years but those guards were hired on a regional basis, meaning some offices had armed guards while others did not, Lotter said.
Lotter said state employees in the affected offices have also recently gone through stress-management training in which they learn how to respond appropriately to angry clients.
"This is a stressful time for people in the economy," he said. "That's why we're not only taking this step (of hiring guards), but we're also increasing our training for our staff to be able to help people as they're trying to cope with these changes."


Monday, December 20, 2010

What Does C1 14k Stamped On Jewelry Mean

is a growing concentration of wealth and inequality in income distribution in Italy .
The data emerging from the report, "The Wealth of Italian households" of the Bank of Italy report confirms the growing heterogeneity in the distribution of resources in our nation and a progressive deterioration in economic conditions of a good slice of the population.
According to the analysis, 45% of the total wealth of Italian households is in the hands of 10% of households, while the poorest half has to settle for 10%!
The trend of polarization is also confirmed by other data: the number of households with negative net wealth at the end of 2008 stood at 3.2 percent, a slight but steady growth since 2000. The average debt has actually increased by 29% in recent years.
Taking into account the effects of the current economic crisis, probably not yet fully visible, are destined to worsen, the gap, we are sure, will expand further!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mustang 3.8 Coil Plug Wiring Diagram

The European Commission funds the U.S. multinationals

Interesting article in the newspaper Rebirth December 1, showing how the funds almost 350 billion over seven years provided by the EU to help the development of underprivileged regions and help local SMEs (those who do not relocate), end up instead, legally, in the pockets of big corporations like Coca Cola, IBM and Nokia!

U.S. multinationals, IBM, Honeywell, McDonald's and Coca Cola are among the recipients of EU regional funds. To reveal the sensational news
a database collected by a group of British journalists who has shown how the European Commission has provided lavish financing for U.S. companies such as IBM, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Honeywell. Then include as a beneficiary of the big pharmaceutical companies, some chains supermarkets, and European companies in the aerospace and defense, such as EADS and Dassault. Not surprisingly, to take the lead in the complaint were just the reporters of the newspaper of the City of London, Financial Times, which is linked to the British government and its finance Eurosceptic by definition and bitter enemy of a Europe independent of the Anglo-American.
investigation however shows that European structural funds are not spent. Exactly. Billion euro in fact intended to increase the depressed regions of the Old Continent remain in the coffers of Brussels, because governments do not have the financial resources additional to unlock them. From the database then it is clear that the € 347 billion so far distributed in 271 regions of 27 European countries and that over seven years, were used only ten percent of funds allocated for the period 2007-2013. But not only. The U.S. computer giant IBM is a major beneficiary of EU contracts with over 24 million € pocketed a few projects in various countries of the European Union. Of that amount 15 million and 600,000 are reserved for a service center in Wroclaw in southern Poland, the other 2.6 million for a similar center in the Czech Republic and Hungary for another 985,000. In Italy, the local subsidiary of U.S. multinational has to date received € 3 million and 700,000 for the development of a laboratory for bio-informatics and the implementation of portals Trade online, useful for small and medium-sized enterprises in tourism, cultural heritage and agri-food.
In the Netherlands, IBM has partnered with two other companies, in a pilot project funded by the European Union to the tune of € 646,542, aimed at reducing energy consumption by 14 per cent of 500 households. As for Spain, however, the Valencia region is involved in the project to increase sales of IBM with EU money, as it has acquired the server and other components for computers manufactured by the company for a sum of € 638,820. The U.S. manufacturer Honeywell
weapons and aerospace technology has received 4 million and € 200 thousand for its research and development center in the czech Republic.
Even the giant Coca-Cola is in the list, with € 902,071 allocated from Brussels for the expansion of its production lines in Hungary and Estonia, as well as for staff training in Germany. Added to this is a Belgian project whose value has not been revealed.
As for the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has obtained much of € 1.8 million for its plant in Northern France aims to "increase the ability of freeze-drying of vaccines." Another great company in the same sector, Pfizer, has received € 196,352 for the construction of some projects in Belgium.
Dall’inchiesta dei giornalisti emerge un’amara verità: l’impossibilità di controllare il flusso del danaro da parte delle autorità centrali e il modo opaco in cui vengono spesi i fondi. Tra le cause principali un numero esiguo di investigatori anti-frode, pari a 25 unità, e una fitta rete di burocrati, che rende ardua la possibilità di sapere come i soldi vengono distribuiti e utilizzati. A rendere più grave la situazione è il ruolo svolto dalle regioni a cui fondi sono assegnati e in cui scompaiono tra la fitta rete delle maglie burocratiche. Per non parlare poi del sostegno dei fondi Ue sono proprio le multinazionali a stelle e strisce, battistrada dell’asservimento culturale ed economico di Washington sull’Europa-colonia.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Free Pattycake Member

Solidarity workers Comdata! No relocation!

We came to know that Comdata close to the Scarborough area of \u200b\u200bHelp Desk (phone support to customers) to transfer away from the Canavese.
Stop The network capitalism expresses total solidarity with the workers, especially the precarious certainly lose their jobs.
For twenty years we are paying the price of industrial policies based on unbridled capitalist logic, with the local affected continuous bleeding of productive activities. In an already highly critical if companies continue to lead elsewhere the production facilities, large and small, what remains of our land? Any company that relocates the impoverished territory, deprives him of excellence ricreabili difficult, eliminate jobs and no future citizens of the community residents and workers.
's time to say ENOUGH to these choices wicked!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tingling In Left Fingertips

Photoshop Helper: Ecco Spiegata La Mia Assenza

We finally! After a brief but intense period of silence on the blog here I am: again.

First I want to reassure you I'm not gone, the tutorial will continue to be published with the continuous constancy. You might wonder why I have not posted until now. Look, if you follow me anche su
Facebook allora saprai di un mio nuovo progetto che ho appena messo in piedi. Si chiama Photoshop Helper ed è un sevizio completamente gratuito dedicato ai tutorial di Photoshop!

Ti chiederai allora: ma non andavano bene quelli che pubblicavi sul blog! Certo però volevo fare qualcosa di più. Adesso ti racconto com’è andata.

Tutto è iniziato quando ho lanciato la

Photoshop Top Ten

, una classifica dei migliori tutorial di Photoshop sparsi per la rete. Era una rassegna mensile di 10 Tutorial di Photoshop che selezionavo come i migliori del mese.

A pochi giorni dal lancio mi arrivarono parecchie mail con wrote: "Hey Mark Tree View but this review may not be every week " or " Hello, Mark, but is not that you can send me this email several times a month ? So while I was at sea in the sun I thought about how to improve this service (from here you can see how I am obsessed for Graphics) after much consideration and after a few months I came to the conclusion. Photoshop Helper And so I came to conceive of this service, with your help. But now you ask, "But what is it? "What are you doing on this site? In a word: SHARES . If you follow me for a while 'time know that each month, but every day via Twitter and Facebook you collect, the ones that I think are the best tutorial of the day. But why do it? Why do I have, over the years, to set up a long list of sites, blogs, and good people to follow me every day flood of useful material. Here's what I do Every week starting this week I will send you an email you all the best groups of the tutorial of the week. If you want access to this opportunity as soon as possible, and do not want to miss anything, subscribe because in less than 2 days I will send my first email.

Gifts For The Mie Te

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I Migliori 50 Tutorial Di Photoshop

Ho raccolto ben 50 Tutorial che potranno davvero tornarti utili nel migliorarti con Photoshop. Si passa dal fotoritocco alla manipolazione delle foto, effetti speciali e tanto altro.

Fotoritocco: 7 Video Guide

Se invece sei alle prime armi e ti piacerebbe imparare ad usare Photoshop per migliorare le tue fotografie queste 7 video guide di sicuro ti serviranno. Adobe InDesign CS4 Qui di seguito ti ho raggruppato tutto ciò di cui si parla: 1. Eliminare Le Zone In Ombra (59,9 MB) 2. Eliminating Imperfections - Part 1 (31.7 MB) 3. Despeckle - Part 2 (44.2 MB) 4. Illluminare Eyes (35.4 MB) 5. Perfect Skin (61.4 MB) 6. Teeth Whitening (40 MB) 7. Perfect color with Curves (41.1 MB) Talk to you soon via email!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Does Gray Goose Have Wheat In It

Protect the work from the relocation, and false experts

publish this article of the French economist Maurice Allais (translated by Maurizio Blondet, original article 'Il faut proteger contre les délocalisations the travail, par Maurice Allais, Prix Nobel d'économie', published in December 2005 on French magazine "Marianne") on globalization, unemployment in Europe and needs of protectionism :

The views I express here is that of a liberal and socialist theory together. The two concepts are inseparable in my mind, their opposition seems false and artificial. The socialist ideal is the interest in equity ridistribuzione delle ricchezze, mentre i veri liberali si preoccupano dell’efficacia della produzione della stessa ricchezza. Ai miei occhi, sono due aspetti complementari della stessa dottrina. Ed è precisamente in quanto liberale mi autorizzo a criticare le insistite posizioni ripeture dalle grandi entità sovrannazionali in favore di un libero-scambismo applicato ciecamente.

Il fondamento della crisi: l’organizzazione mondiale del commercio

La recente riunione del G-20 ha di nuovo proclamato la sua denuncia del “protezionismo”, denuncia assurda ogni volta che viene espressa senza sfumatore, com’è nel caso attuale. Siamo davanti a ciò che chiamo “i tabù undisputed "whose negative effects are strengthened and multiplied over the years. Why liberalize everything, as we begin to occur, leading to the worst riots. In contrast, among the many that are unspoken truth is the true foundation of the current crisis is the organization of global trade, which must be radical reform, and before that of the other major reform is also essential, that the banking system.

The great leaders of the planet again show their ignorance of economics, because it confuses two kinds of protectionism. Some are harmful, while others are completely justified. The first category is the protection between Comparable wage countries, protectionism is not desirable. But on the other hand, protectionism between countries with very different levels of life is not only permissible, but absolutely necessary. It 's the case of China, to which you have deleted the customs border protection is simply insane. But this also applies to countries closer together, including some within Europe. Just ask on how to combat the production costs of less than five or ten times to understand that competition is not sustainable in these cases. Especially in the face of Indian and Chinese competitors, in addition to the minimum cost of labor, skills and spirit have taken.

Given that the high unemployment current is due to this liberalization of trade, the road taken by the G-20 is highly damaging. It will be a factor in the worsening of social situation. It 's a nonsense of the first magnitude, drawn from a contradiction incredible exactly how to allocate the 1929 crisis to cause protectionism is a historical contradiction. Its true origin was reckless in the development of credit in the years that preceded it. The protectionist measures applied after the arrival of the crisis have certainly contributed to better control it.

We are therefore faced with a criminal ignorance. That the Director General of the World Trade Organization (in 2005) Pascal Lamy has called for an acceleration of global liberalization seems to me a monumental mistake, I would say monstrous. Trade, contrary to what he thinks Lamy, should not be considered an end in itself, are nothing more than half. This individual, who was first in Brussels as European Commissioner for Trade, understands nothing, unfortunately. Faced with this stubborn suicide, advance my proposal: we must relocate Pascal Lamy, a major cause of unemployment.

More specifically, the rules apply to a simple absolute: unemployment comes from the relocation, in turn due to too large differences in pay. So, what you should do is self-evident: it is necessary to establish a legitimate protezione. Da più di un decennio ho proposto di creare degli insiemi regionali più omogenei, unendo in una zona economica diversi Paesi quando questi presentano le stesse condizioni di reddito e le stesse condizioni sociali. Ognuna di queste “organizzazioni regionali” dovrebbe essere autorizzata a proteggersi ragionevolmente contro le disparità dei costi di produzione che assicurano vantaggi indebiti a certi Paesi concorrenti; ciò, pur mantenendo allo stesso tempo, all’interno di ogni zona, le condizioni di una sana e reale concorrenza tra i suoi membri associati.

Il sistema che propongo non costituirebbe un danno per i Paesi in via di sviluppo. Oggi, le grandi imprese li utilizzano per i loro bassi costi, ma partirebbero if wages increase too. These countries have an interest in adopting my principle and join their neighbors with a similar standard of living, they also develop a domestic market large enough to sustain their production, but also balanced enough to ensure that no internal competition is based only on the maintenance of low wages.

This could be applied to countries such as Eastern Europe European Union, which were built without sufficient reflection, but also those from Africa and Latin America.

The absence of such protection will lead to the destruction of all activities of each country with higher income, comprising all industries Western Europe and those of developed countries. It seems to me outrageous that by closing unprofitable sites in France or licenzino, while you open areas at lower costs (...). If there is no limits, we can already announce the French as follows: a dramatic increase in the destruction of jobs, unemployment - not only in industry but also in agriculture and services.

I'm not part of the economists who use the term "bubble". I agree that there are movements that are generalized, but the word "bubble" seems wrong to describe the unemployment generated by the relocation. In fact, his progression is of un carattere permanente e regolare da oltre trent’anni. L’essenziale della disoccupazione che subiamo risulta precisamente da questa liberalizzazione sconsiderata del commercio su scala mondiale, senza preoccuparsi del livello di vita. Non è una bolla, ma un fenomeno di fondo, com’è la liberalizzazione degli scambi.

Crisi e mondializzazione sono legati

I grandi dirigenti mondiali preferiscono riportare tutto alla moneta; ora, questa è solo una parte del problema. Crisi e mondializzazione sono legati. Regolare solo il problema monetario non basterà, non regolerà l’essenziale, che è la nociva liberalizzazione degli scambi internazionali. Il governo attribuisce le conseguenze social causes of relocation money: it is a foolish mistake.

For me, I fought the relocation in my published writings, so that my message is unknown. While the founders of the common market had anticipated the delay of several years to liberalize trade with the new members accepted in 1986, after we opened the precautionary and Europe without leaving the external protection in the face of competition from countries with costs wages so low as to render illusory defense.

If the reader will want to resume my analysis on unemployment, which I published in the past two decades, judges that the events that we see today were not only announced, but described in detail. Yet, my analysis echoes have enjoyed more limited on the mainstream press. This requires silence to question.

A Nobel viewer

economic commentators that I speak regularly on TV to analyze the causes of the current crisis are the same ones who were first to analyze the good economy, with perfect serenity. They had announced the arrival of the crisis, and do not offer anything serious out of it. But there are still calls to talk shows.

As for me, I've never been invited on television when I announced and I wrote more than a decade ago that he would soon produced a crisis of the first magnitude accompanied by unemployment, uncontrolled. I am one of those who were not allowed to explain to the French what are the real origins of the crisis when they were dispossessed of any real power on their money, for the benefit of the bankers. In the past I did get to certain programs on the economy - to which I witnessed as a viewer - that I was willing to go there to speak about what? Of what have become gradually banks today, the role of traders really dangerous, and why certain truths in their confonti are silenced. No answer, even negative, is never coming to any television channel in recent years.

This attitude poses a problem repeated on major media in France: certi esperti vi sono autorizzati, altri invece proibiti. Benchè io sia un esperto internazionalmente riconosciuto sulle crisi economiche, specie quelle del 1929 o del 1987, io resto un telespettatore. Un premio Nobel... telespettatore.

Mi trovo di fronte alle affermazioni degli specialisti che sono regolarmente invitati in TV, e che garantiscono di capire bene quel che accade e che cosa bisogna fare. Invece in realtà non capiscono nulla. La loro situazione somiglia a quella che constatai nel 1933 negli Stati Uniti, dove ero andato con lo scopo di studiare la crisi che vi infuriava, coi suoi disoccupati e i suoi senza-tetto. Vi regnava una incomprensione intellettuale totale. C’è chi si inganna doppiamente in quanto ignora la propria ignoranza; but others who know and therefore conceal, deceive the French.

This ignorance, and above all the will to hide thanks to certain media, show a decay of the debate and intelligence, because of special interest related to money. These interests who want the current economic system will endure as it is, because it works to their advantage. Among these interests are the multinationals who are the main beneficiaries, in the stock market and banking environments, an economic mechanism that enriches them at the very moment in which impoverished the majority of the population, French but also worldwide.

This raises the question: what are the mainstream media truly free? I speak their freedom with respect to the financial world and spheres of politics. Second question: Who holds the power to decide that an expert is not authorized or entitled to give an opinion on the free press? Last question: why the causes of this crisis are presented from these figures that the French do not understand deeply the economic reality? This is ignorance on their part? Those who hold the power of decision we leave the choice between listening to the ignorant or deceptive.
Maurice Allais

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Much Should I Pay For Stetson China

Flavors of Puglia, a land where traditions of different cultures meet.

In 2008, Italy submitted a new application to UNESCO for inclusion in Heritage: The Mediterranean Diet.

The Mediterranean diet is a nutritional model inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of the European countries of the Mediterranean basin, particularly Italy, peninsular and island regions, southern France (especially Provence and Languedoc), Greece and Spain, this diet has been widespread, especially after the nineties, in some American countries including Argentina, Uruguay and parts of the United States of America.

This diet has been abandoned during the economic boom of the sixties and seventies as too poor and not very attractive compared to other methods, in particular from the rich food from America, but now the Mediterranean diet is surely regaining between nutritional patterns, consumer interest.

the list, would enter pasta, fruit, vegetables, grains, olive oil, fish and wine, ma anche lo stile di vita e la storia dei prodotti. E se ci fosse una gara per la regione più rappresentativa della Dieta Mediterranea, questa, sarebbe vinta dalla Puglia.

Quale altro territorio esprime tanti prodotti mediterranei? Quale altra cucina ha visto tante influenze di popoli e culture? Un viaggio nella ricchezza enogastronomica pugliese non solo deve tenere conto di Normanni, Arabi, Spagnoli e Francesi che passarono per questa terra, ma anche della povertà che per secoli ha afflitto le campagne costringendo i contadini a creare piatti a base di prodotti semplici e nutrienti come olio d'oliva, vino, grano, verdure.

Gastronomia pugliese significa storia e tradizione, ma oggi anche innovazione e creatività: the journey through the flavors of this earth are with us some of the most respected chefs of tradition and innovation together. Start

Rosalba De Carlo, the restaurant at two Courts of Lecce. "I've always had a dream, reproducing the dishes that I could prepare Salento by farmers. All day working in the fields and five in the afternoon eating a single dish, sweepings cu lipasuli: different types of pasta, "says Rosalind," with the beans and muersi, fried bread. Comes entirely from a single large plate, the first to use was the householder who eat before you made the sign of the cross. " The bread of the Apulian tradition? "Once the farmers put in the flour yeast, lu liatu. That yeast passed from family to family and the bread was baked in common country. "

According to Beppe Zullo, the restaurant at Villa Jamel Orsara near Foggia, "The taste of my territory are those of interior, strong, made with pork and wild boar. The meat of the cow appeared only once on the tables of the nobility. " Then there was always the spontaneous products of nature, "the remix leaves, leaves mixed use in my kitchen that still gather in camps," says Zullo showing bunches of borage, marasciuolo, arugula, fennel. "Then, as now, the pasta was made with wheat flour burned, waste and no eggs.

The eggs were a privilege reserved for the rich, "says Pasquale Fatalino, Antica Locanda di Noci, near Bari, who invites you to go see in the alleys of the old Bari le'donne that still make the dough by hand and sell: "Our Typical are the orecchiette, fricelli, cavatelli. Pierluca Ardito, Monacelle of the Estate of Monopoly, talks about the cheese: "The tradition is ancient cheese from Puglia, the cow's milk ricotta, call azzisa sitting is seasoned with the products of the earth simple: oil and onion.

Then there's the basket, prepared in the area of \u200b\u200bBari and Foggia with sheep's milk. The name comes from the rush baskets in which to season. But we can not forget the Burraia "concludes Ardito.

of Puglia's most famous cheese is, according to tradition, an old habit of Apulian peasants: not to waste anything. It appears that, at the beginning of the twentieth century, in a cheese dairy in the area of \u200b\u200bAndria, was combined surplus production stretched curd and cream.

Instead, other foreign influences from ancient cuisine of Puglia, as taiedda or baking dish, made with rice, potatoes and mussels: results from the English presence, is the obvious similarity with the paella. And mashed dried beans in Salento, which is eaten accompanied by the chicory, is instead of the kitchen Arab. Another important chapter is the fish. Famous and oldest is the cultivation of mussels and oysters in Taranto, but also reminds Rosalba De Carlo as the octopus prepared in Lecce (purpu appignatu do, put in the piñata, the crock pot. It must be cooked very slowly. The women prepared from morning to night. "

Beppe Zullo recalled that in Puglia has always used the blue fish," so poor, when it was done by advancing scapece, pan fried and placed in a layer with bread crumbs, garlic and vinegar, so was maintained for a long time. "The four chefs agree on another tradition of Puglia, spread a little 'everywhere, that the stove that is prepared in butchers.'m Spedding meat grilled that are eaten up, accompanied by a slice of bread and a glass of Primitivo and Nero di Troia Manduria. A quick meal that would have much to teach the modern fast food.

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Armani Exchange Vs. Abercrombie

China banks and monopoly of rare metals

few days ago there appeared in the newspaper La Stampa, an interesting article on a particular aspect of the Chinese economy.
97% of rare metals used to produce the global hi-tech products (mobile phones, catalytic converters, satellites, superconducting cables and many others) comes from Chinese mines. But, since it was in China are booming high-tech production (most often subsidiaries of foreign firms in the industry, who close their plants in Europe, erasing thousands of jobs for trasferirisi in China and then export the products in Europe itself!) the Chinese, with a view to the appropriate national (but also in favor of the capitalists global massively present in China, do not forget), are planning to block the export of these metals. Exports have been cut by 40% and recent projections show that as early as 2012 if they completely block the sale.
For years, European nations have invested in China without criteria (Italy is the 5th place among the countries in the world for technology transfer, transfer that impoverishes our nation and enrich China and global capitalists), while, as stated the article "it is clear that the game points to the Chinese monopoly with zero exports will need to buy from them. Or move the production in China, turning to East a huge flow of investments. And that's real power. "In short, more relocations, and additional closures and layoffs for us!
Monopoly, camouflage forms of protectionism (such as artificially low exchange rate of national currency), dumping, neoschiavismo: This is the global economy made in China! This is the true face of globalization, the world player both praised!
us? We are years that the policy is gone, as the economy (translation: the benefit of the elites, ie the people who invest, especially abroad) has the upper hand as es'impone politics! Our politicians continue to bow to the God market, Liberalism criminal and instead of raising severe tariff barriers (to protect local production / national defense jobs and reopen the factories here) continue to follow patterns outdated and harmful to the underprivileged local and national.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baby Blisters On Testicles

What future for Italian and European workers?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fleetwood Wilderness Operators Manual

against Roma precarious!

Saturday, October 30. Even in Rome, activists and supporters of national (and we thank them!) Organized a garrison to support the campaign launched by the Stop Network Capitalism against temporary work, job insecurity and employment agencies (ex interim). Insecurity and
flessibililizzazione sort of rampant unchecked, resulting in a progressive impoverishment of entire sectors of the Italian population and perform a play common to many Italian citizens, young and old.
What lies ahead for the future unless we change course? What prospects are there for millions of underprivileged? Just a terrible data on unemployment, underemployment and precarious rhetoric and propaganda offensive to deny turbo!

atypical and precarious work is a SHAME! Such a slaughter must be stopped! Next
with the mobilization against precarious! Take back our rights and our dignity of citizens and workers!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

1st Birthday Poem Invitations Money

There is no crisis for the profits of Wall Street

While the financial mess (shelves with public money) and the crisis of the production system in European countries (but also in the U.S.) continue to destroy jobs and a heavy impact on the lives of millions of non- privileged, the Lords of Globalization return back to celebrate the great!
Big companies listed on Wall Street , particularly those in the financial sector, are prepared to pay the 2010 fees and bonuses to their employees for a record amount: 144 billion dollars, 4% more than to those granted in 2009, which in turn had represented a record!
The 'Great Depression' of 2008 appears not to have dampened the greed and impunity of the companies financial engineering. Other than 'crisis', capitalism is well in the saddle of the system and globalization continues to be a boon for international finance. When politics will return to serve the interests of citizens and not just those of the global oligarchy?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Average Bmi Of Women In Uk

Puglia, a small continent that never tires the traveler.

Art historian Cesare Brandi, in one of his articles collected nel volume Terre d'Italia, scrisse che: «La cosa più straordinaria della Puglia, è il fatto di essere come un piccolo continente, che ha una struttura a sé e una storia propria, pur essendo sempre stata integrata, spinte o sponte, alla storia d'Italia».

Quello proposto da questa guida è appunto un viaggio attraverso le tante realtà del "continente" Puglia, regione che vive, ancora oggi, tra elementi arcaici ricchi di suggestione, tradizioni, creatività e apertura verso l'esterno. Apertura che viene dal passato ed è alla base della cultura popolare pugliese: per secoli, infatti, questa terra fu la porta verso l'Oriente.

Ai tempi dei Romani, a Brundisium, finiva the Via Appia and we left for Greece, the port of Brindisi, in the Middle Ages, we set sail for the Crusades. In these lands have passed Greeks, Lombards, Byzantines, Normans, Arabs, Swabians, French and English. Everyone has imposed its own power. But he also left line opening of art, rituals, architecture and life styles, eating habits. The itineraries we propose affect the Romanesque and Baroque, the enigmatic geometry of Castel del Monte and the mysterious menhirs of Salento.

And then there's nature. That is not only a heritage to be preserved and respected, but also a modern reinterpretation of ancient streets as the new Cycle Route of the Bourbons Bari to Naples, or the Street of the aqueduct that allow lovers di bici e trekking di sfruttare i vecchi sentieri nel verde che costeggiano l'Acquedotto Pugliese. Con questa guida invitiamo i lettori a "non stancarsi mai di scoprire" la Puglia.

Nella chiesa di Mar di Tricase, nel Lee sentono rumori misteriosi. Gli scettici sostengono che sia il vento. Qualcuno giura invece che siano urla strazianti che si ripetono da secoli. Sarebbero quelle di Satana, murato vivo nella chiesa dai contadini, dopo che questi aveva stretto un patto scellerato con il Principe Vecchio: un despota che governava con crudeltà il territorio.

Quella di Tricase è solo una delle tante leggende che che rendono ancora più affascinanti e spesso misteriose, le bellezze della Puglia. Bellezze che in Capitanata e Terra di Bari have as common denominator the architecture and art Romanesque, in Salento, however, the Baroque. Ideal routes, historical-artistic ones, for a tourist, traveling, want to fully understand the territory, its past and its present.

The northern part of the region owes its growth mainly to Frederick II, Stupor Mundi the argument that "if the Lord had known this plain of Puglia, light of my eyes, would have stopped to live here ' .

Some of the most interesting examples of Romanesque architecture are present in the area of \u200b\u200bFoggia, among them, the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Bovino, counted among the most beautiful villages of Italy, and the Castle of Lucera: to do so was their U Federico build flat on the top of the hill, to lock yourself in the twenties of 1200, the Saracens Muslim rebels, deported from Sicily. Fascinating

the Church of San Leonardo in Siponto that during the summer solstice conveys the sunshine highest of the year in spectacular fashion: once punched in the thick of the church, June 21 the sun casts rays from the eleven small rosette forming on the floor as many petals of light.

Satan, who constantly appears in the legends of medieval origin, returns, this time on the Gargano: If you take the direction of Monte Sant'Angelo, meet two masterpieces, like the Abbey of Pulse is the church of Santa Maria Maggiore. But above the grotto dedicated to the "heavenly steiminatore" of devils, the Archangel St. Michael. The show is unique: a cave by the irregu rocky time over the centuries has received millions of pilgrims devoted to the cult of the saint.

San Michele, the legend, appeared in the year 490 to Lorenzo Maiorano, bishop of Siponto, proving to be the guardian of the cave where the sins of men would be pardoned. By proceeding in a southerly direction along the Adriatic, is reached on the latest of the provinces, that of Barletta-Andria-Trani (BAT). The first step is

Trani, where we meet one of the pearls of the Apulian Romanesque cathedral built in honor of San Nicola Pellegrino, the limestone facade that reflects the light in many colors, with the sea in the background as a fifth. Another essential step in the journey to discover the Romanesque and Ruvo di Puglia, with its splendid cathedral built between the twelfth and thirteenth century: is the particular façade, with the rosette, the three portals and the lancet window depicting the Archangel Michael fight and defeat the devil (Satan again!).

Da Trani, leaving the Resort, and go inland, you reach Andria, near which is another wonder, a symbol of architectural and historical heritage of Puglia: Castel del Monte.

The perfect octagon, rigorous, on which the plant is divided, is a geometric shape highly symbolic: it is intermediate between the square, the symbol of the Earth, and the circle, which represents the infinite sky. Therefore marks the transition of one another, from finite to infinite, is also no mystery to its destination: the manor was neither defensive nor a hunting lodge. A place of observation in harmony with the cosmos?

A temple dedicated to the man lay? The entire building is certainly imbued with strong astrological symbols, and its position has been designed so that on the solstice and equinox, the shadows cast by the walls abbiano una particolare direzione. A mezzogiorno dell'equinozio di autunno, ad esempio, le ombre delle mura raggiungono perfettamente la lunghezza del cortile interno, ed esattamente un mese dopo, coprono anche l'intera lunghezza delle stanze.

Anche Bisceglie vanta una leggenda, quella che segna la presenza dei tre Santi patroni: la tradizione vuole che, mentre i resti dei Santi Patroni venivano trasportati su un carro dal Casale di Sagina al paese, uno dei buoi, scivolato a causa della forte pioggia, incespicasse in un sasso, lasciando impressa l'impronta dello zoccolo.

In tal modo, venne miracolosamente indicata la direzione da prendere per il trasporto dei Santi, che furono traslati Bisceglie, rather than elsewhere. Our ideal route continues towards the capital of Puglia, a land of encounter of peoples and cultures. In the old town of Bari dominates the profile of the Basilica of San Nicola, built in the late eleventh century, under the Norman rule, to receive the body of the holy miracle-workers taken away by sailors from Bari, a thousand difficulties, the city of Myra, Turkey .

The church is one of the highest expressions of Romanesque and continues to be a place of pilgrimage, as it was in the days when it was built, Catholics and Orthodox Christians from all sides with their gifts to the saint, in centuries have contrubuito the establishment of a small treasure.

Moving to Salento, Puglia Baroque begins. Here is the "Florence of the South", as it has been renamed: Lecce, a city full of artistic treasures, from Piazza Sant'Oronzo in the city center, with the statue of the patron saint and the excavations have brought to light remains of Roman-era amphitheater augiistea, contained up to twenty thousand spectators.

Lecce is the masterpiece of the Baroque church of Santa Croce, designed by Gabriele Riccardi with assistance from other artists (with the adjacent Government House), built between the XVI and XVII century. Other high expression of baroque Lecce is the Piazza del Duomo (the original Romanesque church planting che fu ridisegnata in uno stile barocco scarno ed essenziale da Giuseppe Zimbalo nella seconda metà del Seicento) che ospita il Palazzo Vescovile e Arcivescovile.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

White Spot On Gum Near Tooth Pulled

Discrimination registries

It 's a strange society, our own. There is much talk of 'equality', of 'equality', to 'respect', of 'equal opportunity' beautiful and similar words.
These talks, however, incidentally, are always unidirectional and only rise to situations of convenience to the oligarchs, the powerful, the infamous liberals and their lackeys.
But there are growing forms of DISCRIMINATION instead remain in the shadows, hidden, shunned by the media (always ready, however, to scream when you make the slightest lack in relation to their 'coconut').
odious forms, however, tolerated (if not endorsed) come in handy because, as they are in line with the wishes of the One God 'THE FREE MARKET', profit, capitalism rampant.
E ' the case of expulsion from the growing world of work (and the subsequent racism) of those over a certain age (that limit is lowered even more to the point that already in 35 years you may find that a little girl airhead and carrion of employment agencies will say things like 'eh, but you're too old'!), gross negligence for which, given the prevailing youthfulness Made in USA (coincidentally, also from overseas that shit ...) combined with infamous laws also endorsed by some sinistrume living our (Treu Law, the Biagi Law, Law on apprenticeship in 2006), who has two decades and is not privileged (because those are untouchable and goes up to 100!) deserves ostracism from every possible job, any are his work experience, his willingness, his ability!
I recently heard the French president Sarkozy blather against those who (rightly) protested against raising the retirement age by saying that 'now it ranges up to a hundred years and then must work harder!
But Sarkozy, like thousands of other privileges like him, they know they live in that society? They know that by now 35 years since the waste is likely to waste and end up on the road?
They know that the infamous 'employment agencies' daily discrimination on the registry issue?
E 'this the 'global paradise' designed and imposed by globalization (and supported by the left)?
In Belgium in the recent elections I have heard that a party has proposed the creation of job quotas reserved for those who are not young any more. It might be a solution, but hearing things like the creeps ...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Buderus Vegetable Oil

Tutorial Photoshop ed Indesign: Come Creare Un Biglietto Da Visita

The business card is the first image we give of ourselves. It 'the first image we give of our client. E 'is therefore very important to be able to make a business card that truly reflects the customer's expectations and also those who later it will print. So there are some technical details that we


I then thought of grouping a series of tutorials devoted entirely to the creation of business cards. I think you may also be used to get some 'inspiration.

How To Create A Business Card: Useful Information and article to find the right idea.

1. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Make A Paper Worn Effect

This tutorial explains how to apply a worn paper effect to your business card. In a few steps you will understand how to make a very special effect.

2. Create a business card in InDesign: Designing a funny effect

The peculiarity of this tutorial is the fact that it was made entirely with the use of Indesign. Without the aid of Photoshop. Perhaps this is what I appreciate most, even to the end result: a fun effect. But if your client seeks the restraint, then it is not for you. comesicreaunarivistaperipad 3. Create a business card in InDesign: from design to print-ready PDF

This tutorial explains you step by step all you need to do to make your business card with Indesign. In fact even understand how to create the PDF to be sent to printers to print your project. 4. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Grunge Effect now in the field of commercial printing can see everything. This tutorial is the proof. As you understand it's not my favorite. But I think he can serve the cause. Very often, I happened to find their inspiration from what I did not like.

5. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Retro Effect

Through this tutorial you can apply to your business card a retroactive effect.

covercomeusarelostrumentopennaconillustrator 6. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: From From design to print-ready PDF

In this tutorial is followed step by step up to the PDF. This time, however, the export is created by Photoshop and InDesign.

7. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Abstract Effect

Another funny effect that you can apply to your business card, this effect can be abstract. 8. Create A Business Card With Photoshop: Color Effect

One of my favorites. Through the layer stacking in Photoshop you can make a business card with a color effect.