Tuesday, March 31, 2009

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Discovering Gulf Paradise, the Riviera of Genoa: Sori, went out and Mulinetti

Sori, in an inlet of the Gulf
, Sori, angolo raccolto riel cuore del Golfo Paradiso, fac­ciate dipinte ad affresco che riprendono un'antica tradizione, spiaggia e scogliere a piccò, una corona di colline verdi alle spalle: chi ha voglia di godersi il mare è arrivato nel posto giusto. Ma se non vi acconten­tate di bagni e barca, guardatevi attorno, e andate alla ricerca del passato. Non vi deluderà trovare, a Fulle, un mulino ad acqua ancora funzionante, te­stimone superstite di un sistema complesso di decine di mulini che servivano la zona.

O il cinquecentesco oratorio delle Grazie, che custodisce la tavola della Madonna Nera, o quello di Sant'Erasmo sul promonto­rio a ponente, which, thanks to perfect acoustics, hosts concerts of high quality.

Or, in the beautiful square "risseu two-tone of the parish of Capreno. Meanwhile, down in the village, surrounded by his surroundings (lake, Canepa, Leva, Sant'Apollinare, San Bartolomeo, Sus.si.sa, Teria-SCA), there are entertainment, sport and music for everyone, in every season, including Note Review of Traditional Jazz, born right here and then extended to all localities of the Golfo Paradiso.

A hillside on the heights, take a trip to admire jewelry. Sant'Apollinare, already offers an exceptional view, is to see. Still worth a visit to the Romanesque church (XIII century), which for its beauty is protected as a national monument. On
up to Case Cornu, the gentle countryside of Sori traces of an ancient road, a civilization made of putty typically Ligurian houses, mills and crushers, texts and testimonies of rural life once. And everywhere a breathtaking view. Tranquility and charm of another era for the guest can enjoy here today that, among other things, in many typical restaurants and taverns, local cuisine and especially the delicious "flat loaves of bread."
Uscio, an ancient Lombard, where the fresh air of the mountains incontra il salmastro del Golfo

Uscio viva, ridente, animata. Uscio in posizione felice, rivolta a quel mare del Golfo Paradiso che ne m.tiga d'inverno e d'estate gli estremi cel clima. Circondata dai boschi, offre ai suoi ospiti il piacere di un'aria frizzantina che anima e stuzzica. Si torna volentieri. Non per niente, nel 1906, Carlo Arnaldi fondò da queste parti la sua Colonia. Uscio è fiera elei suo passalo, così antico da perdersi nelle tracce della preistoria, ma non si attarda. Già passaggio obbligato, nei tempi che furono, per i traffici tra Fontanabuona e la costa, oggi L'sc.o si trova su un percorso turistico che collega l'animazione della riviera con the quiet of the hills and offers easy access to stay calm and pleasures of good food tradition. Features are trofie "mortars", made with chestnut flour.

's important Romanesque church dating from the twelfth century, testifies, with its Lombard-style and with significant dedication to St-Ambrose, is the old dependency, and its hegemony over the territory. To see, inter alia, a polychrome wooden statue of the '400. On the mountain village there are traces of ancient terraces with stone walls (X century BC) and then characterize the landscape of Liguria.
Watches, bell towers It is said that two centuries ago in the village Terrile (in the parish maintains a beautiful painting attributed to Luca Cambiaso), two families here to start production of tower clocks, using techniques learned in Germany. The seed has borne fruit. Today
watches here (but also the bells, structures, and mechanical and electronic technology concert bells) are the towers of the world. A visit to the Trebino (contact the Pro-Loco) is a pleasant surprise and you can admire ancient clocks.
historical path overlooking the nearby historic

Colom-bian (ISC trail that retraces the ancient route from Terrarossa Colombo to Nervi and Fifth, is framed for a good stretch from the Gulf. After the saddle of the mountain meets the Red Hill and then Calcinara Caprile, a fraction of Uscio, located on the ridge: on the one hand you see the ocean and the valley and on the other hand, the Recco Fontanabuona go. The route offers great views on the bright spaces of the valley and the charming hinterland Avegno Sori. It is said that the ancestors of Christopher Columbus have used this location to move to fifth.

The Cologne-being: good air, good health

The formula, on the one hand, is simple: fresh air of the woods, regular hours, quiet life, recreation and rest. On the other hand, is jealously guarded: the famous "potion", developed over ninety years ago by the founder of Colonia Arnaldi. Addition Lino close relationship with the doctor, and a customized diet. Guests today, in an environment equipped with every comfort and facility, follow the same "recipe" of their grandparents happy, contenli and fit.

Mulinetti, gardens overlooking the sea, between the villas. so central and so secluded, the angle of Mulinetti may well deserve to Recco, a single, easy word game "corner of Paradise", with the explosion of flowers and perfumes, the sea you touch the houses, the quiet gardens wrapped in discreet villas. It is a meeting easy and "natural" between the sea, the cliffs and accessible green hill to the mountain: here go hand in hand and are added so many beauties of the Gulf. It is well worth a dip in the clear water between the rocks of the sea.

at best, a Polànesi: Marian shrine with votive offerings and festival focaccette
Climb maybe walk: Our Lady of Grace, a beautiful through the olive groves, will perform for you his treasures: Byzantine school of icon and the relic brought back from the crusades in 1216. The church, built in stages, houses a valuable collection of votive offerings, recently restored, true "popular novel" lived through the dangers and the sea. In April, here. enchantment of the place is added to the gaiety of the feast comes the Festival of focaccette. If we go a little longer, Polànesi found in the church of San Martino, who deserves to be seen as it retains an old cineraria, crib figures of Maragliano and a body of 700.


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