Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pokemon Heart Gold Event Roms

Discovering the Golfo Paradiso, Riviera of Genoa: Avegno, Recco and Camogli

work here since 1594 one of the oldest bell foundry craft Today is being increasingly conscious tourists to seek out and enjoy the beauty that a traditional reserved and shy attitude has kept hidden. Avegno is a discovery for those who escapes, perhaps for a while, coastal crowding, and has much to offer. Beginning with Ciuci climate tempered by the sea and the breeze, which is sweeter than the summer evenings, and makes pleasant walks in the shade of olive trees.

Art lovers will have a genuine surprise in the ancient church of test_me, and those of good food will find satisfaction in simple restaurants in the valley. The animation then. not lacking, with a calendar rich. Avegno also boasts among its interesting features, one of the most ancient craft of bell foundry, working here, I think, since 1594. The concerts of Picasso bells sounding around the world.

Testana A work of art come from afar

aromas and flavors, olive oil and basil, are at the base of the Ligurian cuisine, great example of Mediterranean diet, now recognized by all healthy.
S i understand: the attractions are many, for those traveling without quickly. And who is gourmet soon discover how and why ... Tasty topics, Recco has earned the title of "gastronomic capital of Title Liguria'1 well justified not only in terms of quality, but also on the number.

not a way of saying, are at least a thousand years the inhabitants of the north face over the Apennines to the sun's Recco. Maybe you want to stay there. So much so that Recco was long Ambrosian benefice of bishops, and then tied it for five centuries with other "foreigners", the Genoese, who had it Captaincy with jurisdiction over nearby villages. Nearly destroyed in the bombings of '43-'44, which aimed at a large railway bridge, Recco, gold medal for civil merit, was reborn a new and modern, while maintaining its characteristics seamanship enhanced by today's sport of water polo by the sea and in particular with the legendary Pro-Recco.

Starting with "Christmas in Recco," which involves all for a month in an animation festive offers a wide range of initiatives in the interest of. We remember only the course of the carnival, called here "carossez / or", and every third Sunday of the month, the market of antiques and modern. The climax was September 8, with parades and grand processional of Casaccia unpleasant explosion of fireworks Fire, inspired by the seven district citizens.

To stimulate the appetite, you can choose from beautiful walks.
In an hour's walk, you can get to the chapel of the Ascension, to enjoy silence and landscape
between cypresses and olive trees.

Or drive on the road to Uscio, the shrine of Our Lady of Suffrage [that, here,
"Madonna of the eight in September."]

For those who still did not see it, do not need words. The charm Camogli is to be discovered on the spot. His fame, well deserved, is due so picturesque corner of the marina with its colorful boats close to each other, but also to its beautiful location on the sea makes the climate mild. The multicolored facades of houses clinging to the remembrance of a tradition niat'inara (the thousands of white sailboats ...) that there is still present and alive, and the original recall of events like the Festival of the fish or boat in the procession to Stella Maris, a kind, round, floral, green and along the rugged cliffs: the taste of a Ligurian cuisine of great quality are all reasons that invite attraction here in all seasons.
Le case di Camogli, così alte e dipinte a colori vivaci, segnano la fisionomia del borgo. Gli abitanti, in buona parte marinai e pescatori, hanno in queste facciate un utile punto di riferimento dal mare. Un borgo marinaro non poteva che costruire la pro­pria cattedrale ... sul mare. La basilica, le cui origini risalgono al XII secolo, è de­dicata a Santa Maria Assunta, con facciata neoclassica e in­terni barocchi.

Poco sopra, su una roccia a picco, il Castel Dragone, co­struito nel XII secolo a dife­sa della città e del porto, e più volte distrutto incendiato e ricostruito.

Museo Ferrari, la storia della marineria

La lunga storia della tradi­zione marinara, which reached moments eli true splendor with a fleet of seven hundred ships, you tell it here with models. paintings, relics, navigation instruments and ex-voto. Ruta

From the promenade of San Rocco quiet

If you are afraid of the climb, start Ruta: a winding road in the plane (via Molfino) takes you on a quick San Rocco and his church, from whose churchyard is a panoramic view around the Golfo Paradiso.

romantic angle, flat loaves of bread and good food, but also depart from here the trails that climb to the summit of Portofino or fall to tip Chiappa and San Fruttuoso.

From here, boats for Pontofino and the visit of Golfo Paradiso
the harbor among the colorful small boats, calling the boats that bring tourists to the nearby wonders of San Fruttuoso, or around the Gulf. But you can get to Portofino, the Cinque Terre, Portovenere. And on Saturday, in the summer, is the romantic night journey to Genoa.

The Christ of the Abyss statue of "Christ of the Abyss", a destination for diving enthusiasts, and is located on the seabed at a depth of 17 meters at the entrance of the bay. The boatmen will gladly take you there and thanks to the clarity of the water and batiscopio capability that, anyone can admire the wonderful work of the statue Galletti sculptor.

Doria tower defense against pirates: An architectural jewel weblog FAI

There is a creek, wedged in the Portofino, which contains the complex abba-ment of San Fruttuoso. The Benedictine monks who lived here in 1200, in the heyday, had the power, privileges and property extension unimaginable today. The core of Benedictine was founded in 984, on the ruins of an earlier monastery.

With the protection of the powerful Doria, who erected in the sixteenth century tower of defense against pirates and Venice's power San Fruttuoso last long. (Today abbey church and cloister (reachable only by boat or trail) form a monumental complex of exceptional value, restored and preserved by the Fund for the Italian Environment.

A natural park of the Golfo Paradiso. Along the way nature

course you need to start on foot to explore the area of \u200b\u200bprotected regional park of Portofino on the cape, over six hundred feet high and stretching out on the sea for over three kilometers. On the mountain the Mediterranean olive taxis scene: the meeting takes place here between the cool, shady forest, typical of colder climates, and the natural vegetation where they meet the heather, myrtle, broom, thyme fragrance, sassifraga annidata tra le rocce. Da San Rocco scendete il bel sentiero che porta a punta Chiappa, enorme formazione di puddinga protesa in mare: lungo la via incontrerete la chiesa romanica di San Nicolò di Capodimonte, di grande interesse storico e architettonico. Una rete di sentieri ottimamen­te segnalati consente, ancora partendo da San Rocco, di conoscere l'ambiente del parco e di calarsi completamente nella natura protetta.
Alla scoperta di un patrimonio ambientale intatto, museo vivente della natura Itinurari a piedi e in rnountain-bike sul monte di Potofino e nell'entroterra.
L'arco delle colline che racchiudono il Golfo e il pro­montorio di Portofino offrono una vasta e curata rete di sen­tieri characterized. for the most part, by a vast sea view. Hikers will find trails
experts also challenging, particularly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Park, while families are recommended routes riposanli hillside among olive trees.


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