Friday, October 15, 2010

Magnetic Loop Antenne

Towards the abyss: poverty continues to grow! Just

increases poverty. In Italy there are over 8 million poor people, more than they detect to official statistics. Many then are impoverished, that they changed their way of life and find themselves in a situation of strong economic weakness. As stated in the presentation of the Report on poverty and exclusion in Italy, carried out by Caritas and Fondazione Cancan, "poverty in our country, a phenomenon that was branched before the global economy (and national) waver, partly because the absence of incisive and health policy enforcement. But now, two years after the financial crisis and economic downturn, the scenery grows worse, beyond what amounted to official statistics. " Between 2009 and 2010 increased by 25% of people seeking help to Caritas. Decrease foreigners without residence permits who seek help, while increasing the Italians and men: the listening centers continue to turn the foreigners grew by 40% but the percentage of Italians and 30% that of new users, which add up to people that "return" in Caritas after a period of "absence" in care. As written in the report, "many new poor are not 'assist' economically by social services, because despite having a very low standard of living, income recipients 'base' (including pension) or have owned the house" . To be in difficulties are mostly separated, divorced, employed in a position of employment instability ( i precari ), donne sole con figli, licenziati, cassintegrati, famiglie monoreddito.
L’analisi dei bisogni e delle richieste conferma un generale peggioramento delle condizioni di vita materiale delle persone, proprio mentre, notiamo, tornano a crescere in maniera spudorata stipendi e bonus delle oligarchie e dei banchieri, in linea con la ripresa turbocapitalistica in atto.
Infatti, nonostante la ‘crisi’, nulla si è fatto per bloccare l’arroganza turbocapitalista: non si sono inseriti dazi doganali per bloccare la fuga delle fabbriche e l’arrivo insensato di merci dall’oriente, non si sono posti limiti alla precarietà, nulla di nulla! E la situazione continuerà a peggiorare (ma non per i privilegiati)!
Per il sociologo Aldo Bonomi del consorzio Aaster “i vulnerabili non sono marginali in sé. Lo diventano o rischiano di diventarlo nella crisi, per la perdita dell’occupazione, l’assenza per ampie fasce del mondo del lavoro di ammortizzatori sociali, di appropriati strumenti di protezione dai fallimenti di imprese e attività che sono anche progetti di vita”!


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